It's time to take your stethoscope to the museum

    Thinklabs Medical, an American company, announced the launch of its new flagship product, the Thinklabs One electronic stethoscope. The device has a familiar and convenient form for doctors and can work with any headphones. It can amplify sound more than 100 times and has a number of sound filtering options to provide better listening to cardiac and diastolic murmurs, sounds in the lungs and the like.

    Thinklabs One can connect to any tablet or smartphone, which allows you to visualize audio noise using a specialized application that can also record data or enlarge individual fragments of a recording. In addition, the application with the funny name for Russian hearing iMurmur contains a library of previously recorded heart murmurs, which can be used to study or even compare with patient data.

    The stethoscope comes immediately with miniature headphones, and for more demanding doctors, the manufacturer offers exclusive Dr. Dre's Executive with built-in noise reduction technology.

    Interestingly, despite the advent of new ultrasound compact devices for listening to patients, doctors still prefer to work with the good old stethoscope. Perhaps the Thinklabs device, combining the latest technology and familiar design, will find wider application, and will finally force therapists to change their conservative habits.

    The electronic stethoscope runs on a Li-ion battery, allowing you to listen to 100-125 patients without recharging.

    Learn more about the Thinklabs One stethoscope here or at the store .

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