ZeptoLab and Codeforces join forces

    Oh, and quite a while ago we did not please the hawkers with anything fresh - during this time a lot of things have accumulated that I want to share. And we will not restrain ourselves in this!

    This article will be of interest to developers rather, as well as to all those who are partial to the beautiful that is happening on the other side of the games.

    We have a lot of news: we have seriously grown over this period and crossed the mark of 80 people, captured almost the entire floor in the business center and, according to tradition, gave our artists the opportunity to create a new space with their own taste:


    Cut The Rope “Time Travel” and Cut The were released Rope 2 with already beloved characters:


    Well, of course, at the time of release, the office was treated to specially trained Om-like cakes.

    Now we are developing games in no way related to Cut The Rope, which will be released a little later (for now, keep the intrigue). Well, and, of course, we still have lovers of rope and the monster Am Nyam to surprise.

    Over the past year, we have significantly improved and tested the internal framework, which allows you to write all the game code in C ++ and collect builds immediately for iOS and Android. Also, over the past year, we began to actively use the capabilities of C ++ 11, and despite the obvious amount of legacy code in the framework itself, the use of C ++ 11 features in the project code of new titles becomes our standard. In parallel, we are considering other development tools, such as Unity. However, there are a number of advantages in our framework, which you simply don’t want to refuse. First of all, this is a system for creating animations, about which there was already an article on Habré. This system over the past time has been seriously modified.

    It is no secret that the heights of programming (and not only) are achieved by those who work hard, including on themselves and their education. At ZeptoLab, we try to create a space that maximizes this. In particular, recently we have a corporate library where you can find everything you need to gain new knowledge, as well as an impromptu reading room with sofas and armchairs.


    Well, in general: over the past year, we systematically approached the issue of employee education. So last year we held an internal C ++ competition, the winners of which received the coolest exclusive t-shirts that our artists and designers made for us.


    And from the end of May, Zeptolab opened its own closed school, where the creator and leader of Codeforces, Mikhail Mirzayanov, teaches algorithms, a personality in development circles is notorious: Misha was already training a team that became the world champion in programming, so you can imagine what horizons have unfolded to ZeptoLab developers and to the company as a whole. In this format, Misha teaches for the first time; in Russia and the world - units of analogues of such a corporate education system.


    And since the competition experience was positive, we decided to hold an open programming championship together with Codeforces.

    And finally, your attention is presented to the ZeptoLab Code Rush 2014 development championship.

    Participants are waiting for non-trivial tasks, uncompromising development struggles and cool prizes:


    For those who are interested, the t-shirts will be like this:


    Well, to add intrigue, there will be another prize: we will hand the iPad Mini Retina randomly to anyone who gets into the TOP 50 of the contest winners and will be selected like this: we will summarize the times of all successful attempts of the three winners (in seconds from the start of the contest) and take line number s% 47 + 4, where s is the sum found. If the calculated line will divide the place, then the priority will be given to the one who passed the last of the solved problems earlier.

    And sweetie: the one who shows good results in the competition will have the opportunity to get to us in a simplified scheme. On zeptoteam.ruwhat it really is to be part of ZeptoTeam. We come into contact with the proposal ourselves.


    The championship will be held in one round. The format of the competition is according to the Codeforces rules .
    The round will be rated in the Codeforces system and common for both divisions. For participants who have not previously participated in Codeforces championships, we recommend registering on the website in advance (this can be done through open OpenID, Gmail or VKontakte accounts) and sorting out the system: you can take virtual participation in one of the past competitions.

    Date and time: June 13, 2014, time: 19-30 - 22-00.

    In order to take part in the ZeptoLab Code Rush, you need to register.
    Registration will open on June 10 from 12-00 and will last until June 13, 19-25.

    Leave questions about the championship in the comments on the Codeforces.ru website.
    Write the code with us. Write like us. Write better than us! Well, in general - write!

    Your ZeptoTeam.

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