IndieVisible - an online community of indie developers built on an open source platform.
- Transfer
Not long ago, in the thematic group of indie game developers, I met an interesting message:
Okay, guys, I have an idea ... And no, I AM NOT AN IDEA-GUY ... Most of you use a different set of information resources, such as Ludum Dare,, Indie Game Developers (and other Facebook groups), Unity Connect, IndieDb ,, Game Jolt, etc. What if we could come together to create a centralized place where you could stay to exchange information about game development or be redirected to the external resource mentioned above?
NO, I do not want the type of 50-on-50, and you do all the work. I already do it! Absolutely right! With or without you guys. I could only use some help from the game development community.
So what is the essence of IndieVisible?
Here is my free translation of the document that is offered for discussion and implementation.
What is it
An online community of indie developers built on an open source platform. The platform itself is managed by the entire community through a system of votes and ratings.
The goal is to centralize, unify other game development communities through the provision of tools and features that can bring added value to the game development community.
The name IndieVisible - as an option , is the initial one and may change during the development of the platform.
Possible mottos:
- Nothing divides us by zero;
- We are one of a kind, we are singletons
- Together we are stronger typed
Login page
The login page displays credential input fields and buttons for logging in through third-party services, such as Facebook, Google, Windows Live Id, GitHub, Unity.
The following fields must be present:
- Username;
- password;
- restore password;
- check in.
Home page
The following items will be shown on the platform’s main page:
- Carousel showing favorites (rated) games, articles or news;
- Relevant gamedev news written by authors selected from the community;
- The articles area containing the latest articles written by a member of the community;
- Several counters showing how many games in the community are published, in development, in the early stages, etc .;
- Current gamedzhemy.
Page "Favorite Games"
The page with the selected game, which contains articles written by the developer. A developer who wants to be selected (featured) must submit an article, following some basic rules that can be presented on the main page. The community votes for the next favorite game, and the system determines the rating.
The basic rules by which articles can be elected:
- The game is published on at least one platform;
- At least X characters;
- At least 5 screenshots;
- At least 1 video;
Game page
Each game existing on the platform will have its own page.
The page has the following characteristics:
- Customizable cover;
- Custom icon;
- Customizable view boxes (such as DVD-cover).
Also about the game shows the following information:
- Title;
- Author (link);
- Date of release;
- Publisher;
- Genre;
- Platforms (with their prices and release dates);
- Description;
- Properties and functions;
- Screenshots;
- Concept art;
- Advertising art;
- Link to the game site;
- Link to IndieDb;
- Link to;
- Link to Game Jolt.
Article page
In developing.
Page posts / posts
In developing.
Lecture hall
The target audience is the community of game developers. more specifically - Independent (indie) game developers .
Platform Functions
The functions that the platform (system) will provide will be selected by community vote through a voting system similar to Xbox UserVoice . The most feature having the most votes will be the focus of community development.
Some basic functions will be implemented at the beginning and after they are stable, others will be implemented through voting.
Suggested system features:
Single mode (singleplayer)
Profiles allow users to identify themselves in the community. The profile page will have the following elements:
- Customizable cover (user and / or studio);
- Userpick (user and / or studio);
- User rating (score) (user only);
- Badges / Medals / Emblems / Badges (user only);
- Basic information (name, alias, location, skills, etc.) (user and / or studio);
- Counters (followers, likes, blog entries, comments, articles, games, shoots, work performed, etc.) (user and / or studio);
- External profiles, as desired (user and / or studio):
- YouTube;
- Twitter;
- Facebook;
- Unity Connect;
- Game Jolt;
- Steam;
If the profile is viewed by its owner, the following information is added:
- Profile setting;
- General settings (background, notifications, etc.);
- Change password;
- Set external links;
- Operations history.
Each user can have two profiles on the platform:
User Profile
Each user can have one user profile.
Studio profile
Each user can create one studio profile, and each user can be associated with one or several studio profiles created by other users (provided that the user works in this studio).
Users can “insert a coin” to start a new recording on any topic they like on their own behalf or on behalf of their studio. Other users can mark their favorite posts, comment and subscribe to updates.
Possible message types:
- Article;
- Overview;
- Voting;
- Question.
A place where a user can show his achievements, his preferred works / games / arts / songs for likes, comments and subscriptions by other members of the community.
A place where users can acquire knowledge about basic game development concepts, such as motion, gravity, textures, ray tracing, particles, etc.
Multiplayer mode
This is an area where users come together to put together teams, participate in paid and free work, and have fun with other community members.
Place for "idea-guys . " Here, users can post their ideas as formatted text to support their ideas. Allowed to post not only text. If the user has a finished game design document, then he can be uploaded to the platform.
When a user has implemented an idea posted here, he can register the URL of the implemented game for that idea, showing everyone that the idea is really accepted.
The form that the user must fill in to post an idea has the following fields:
- Introductory text;
- Description (WYSIWYG editor);
- Game design documentation (file upload);
- The minimum level of access (the minimum level of evaluation of other users to see this idea).
Ideas can be tagged with the following tags:
- Brainstorm;
- Innovation;
- Remake;
- Grave (users no longer need ideas).
The idea page shows the idea details, comments section and buttons:
- Like;
- Dislike;
- Accept (adopt).
Unions allow users to:
- Start a chat to assemble a team;
- Join the team.
Each team assembled will have a divided area with special tools to improve the interaction between the participants.
In developing.
The system allows users to create and participate in gamejam.
You can create a gamejump by entering data into the system or by contacting other gaming websites, such as Ludum Dare, Global Game Jam, Game Jolt,, etc.
The user must have a certain level of points in order to be able to create game gems.
To run gamejam user must enter the following information:
- Name of game gem;
- Edition number;
- Previous edition URL;
- Topic / Description / Briefing (WYSIWYG editor + text version for email);
- Scoring positions (1, 2, 3, etc.);
- Prize description;
- Icon color, icon and text;
- Date and time of commencement;
- End date and time;
- Thematic voting (jam can be selected by community voting);
- Date and time of the beginning of the vote;
- Date and time of the end of the vote;
- Date and time of the beginning of the assessment;
- Date and time of the end of the assessment.
When created by gamejack, the system starts counting down (based on input data), and current gamejams are displayed on the main page.
On the gamejam page, details are displayed, there is a comment section and a “I participate!” Button, so that users can register their participation in this gamejam. After choosing a specialization, in which you are ready to participate in gamejam (coding, 2D art, 3D art, music, etc.), the user must click the "I'm in the game!" Button.
GameJame users receive an email with detailed information.
GameJeam winners get a badge (baget) for participation.
The system will allow users to publish paid tasks or use a freelance system.
- I am looking for help (paid, free of charge);
- Certain items on the profile of the studio;
- Posts such as "I am available for hire."
Freelance system
Allows users to publish freelancing tasks for art, sound, code, marketing, or any other aspect of game development. To publish a freelancing task, the user must complete the following fields:
- Category;
- Title;
- Brief;
- Applications;
- Required skills;
- Duration;
- Confidentiality (only invited users can participate).
Other users who wish to participate can make suggestions.
Competitive system
Users can create art contests for graphics (logo, sprites, etc.) and sounds (soundtracks, sound effects, etc.).
A voting system in which users propose topics and vote on those already proposed by other users, using the like-dislike mechanics.
The following voting sections will be displayed:
Platform features
Here everyone can offer new features for the platform to be implemented by the community. Everyone can vote for the features, and the majority of the voters will be implemented first.
Users can create a vote on any subject and aspects of gamedev: about their games, about stores, channels, websites, gamedev items, etc.
The whole system should be gamified with beautiful animation when a gamification event occurs:
Users have points that they get by performing certain actions in the system:
- Daily entrance;
- Comment to another user's post;
- Review to the released game;
- Help your neighbor;
- Promotion.
Each level of points allows the user to set a set of functions (in development).
Emblems (badges)
Some specific actions may provide custom logos. Here are a few suggestions:
- Reviewer - watched N games
- Assistant - helped N people
- Coder - actively participates in the development of the platform
- Amateur Djemov - actively participates in gamedzhemy.
In addition, if the user commits a violation in the system, he will earn negative points (in development).
Some specific user actions will provide info. Each achievement (achivka) has a set of points that will be added to the user's account.
When the user unlocks the achievement, the system displays a pop-up message with the achievement icon, text and the number of points.
A transparent system showing the movement of money from investors and donations to how these funds are spent. There will also be a “Donate” button.
Project Management (PM)
Initial project management system to help indie developers organize their work on projects. All data inserted in the PM module is private.
The project management system must be integrated with GitHub.
Graphics Generator for Applications
Tool for creating icons and graphics for applications. Users choose a platform, version and can upload images to create a set of icons and graphics that are placed in the desired online store. The tool will generate:
- Icons in several resolutions;
- The graphics required by the online store.
Screenwriter / author tools
Tools that will allow the screenwriter / author to control the process of creating characters, places, characteristics of the game world, etc.
Script Database
A replenished community of game scripts.
Translator tool
Write a sentence and wait for the translation from the community. Then put it in your game!
Platform code
Platform code must be hosted on GitHub. Anyone can join the development process, and the most active participants will have more privileges in the platform itself.
The proposed development platform is .NET Core, chosen for the following reasons:
- Using C # because C # is widely used in game devs, especially in the Unity Engine;
- Frontend can be executed using javascript. JavaScript is widely used as a frontend language, and Angular allows you to create a rich user interface;
- Runs on any OS:
- Open source;
Fundamental rules:
- The API must be implemented for internal use and extended in the future for external use;
- All URLs must have a “lang” parameter for future localization.
The basis of monetization is a button for collecting donations. In principle, the system may have other types of monetization, for example:
- Advertising on the pages;
- Paid features;
- Subscriptions;
- Crowdfunding campaigns (Patreon, Kickstarter, etc.)
- Gamasutra;
- Game Jolt;
- Unity connect
Indie gamedev sites / community
Possible project / platform / system name
- Indie Sauce
- Jam sauce
- Universe Makers
- World makers
- IMNA (Indie Means Not Alone)
- Indiespensable
- Triple A Ninja (s)
More links
The current prototype of the system / platform can be seen here .
Development management is conducted in Azure DevOps .
Russian-speaking community (I hope) will be in the group of VKontakte .