Tylt Energi 2K: AC adapter + spare battery

    The problem of quick discharge of gadgets is a very problematic moment for a modern user. The smartphone or tablet’s battery usually discharges at the most inopportune moment, when you need to urgently call / send SMS, but there is no access to the power source.

    This problem is aggravated with the advent of gadgets with increasingly large displays that consume the lion's share of energy. In general, there is a solution to this issue - these are batteries with increased capacity (although they are not always reliable) and various kinds of backup batteries.

    The other day on Kickstarter, a campaign was created for an interesting device, which is a hybrid of a network charger and a spare / stand-alone battery.

    The device was called Tylt Energi 2K, and its idea is how simple, so effective. The device, when connected to the network, serves as a regular charger, suitable for most mobile devices. In addition, the Tylt Energi 2K also includes a 2200 mAh battery. When the device is connected to the network, this battery and the mobile gadget connected to it are charged.

    When the battery is charging, you can disconnect it from the network, and take it with you, having a backup battery with good capacity.

    The Tylt Energi 2K battery capacity is enough to charge the above devices.

    The cost of Tylt Energi 2K will be $ 40, but on Kickstarter there is still the opportunity to get a device for only $ 20 (though for shipping outside the US you will have to add another $ 15).

    The developers expect to collect 50 thousand dollars, and a third of the amount has already been collected. Until the end of the campaign - another 24 days, so it is quite possible to count on success. Investors will receive their copy in July this year.

    By the way, last year on Kickstarter they raised money for a similar device . But this gadget costs $ 60.

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