Aircraft, HD FPV, 600 km 4G link

    In continuation to yesterday's topic about the machine .

    We rode perfectly on the typewriter, but the appetite comes while riding - I wanted to fly. Of course, over St. Petersburg, driving from Moscow. Habr forgive me, but the plane is much cooler than the machine, so it deserves a separate topic.

    The realizator just has a Bixler aircraft, especially for experimentation. Aircraft already experienced, successfully survived many carrots. For those who are not in the topic - a carrot is such a figure of aerobatics, when the plane is stuck with its nose into the ground.

    So we thought that another carrot would not do the weather. The seller installed on Bixler (which, by the way, has the nickname "Kashchei", because it is immortal) the same kit that was on the machine. Added one channel (for an airplane at least three PWM channels are required). Instead of triggering the trigger automobile app, I connected aircraft control equipment (Turnigy 9x) in my home. The same command server, the same Windows rule driver - everything is unchanged.

    The vendor drove into a clearing on the outskirts of St. Petersburg, traveled side by side - telemetry from the side showed that Yota’s signal was much weaker than on Palace Square, but there is one and the video is more or less coming.

    Checked the controls flew. More precisely, they tried to take off, but a little uncoordinated action, so that the plane immediately fell to the ground. At the same time, the tail broke. But I usually don’t use the rudder (which is on the tail), and it’s not even connected to us, so they did not pay attention to it.

    They made another attempt and, cheers, cheers, it turned out to fly up! I made one circle over the meadow, after which I successfully landed the plane. The broken tail fell off completely, but this is not damage during landing - it was broken, so you can ignore it.

    During the flight, I did not pay attention to the short-term fading of the video - it was not there before. And later, when I was already reviewing the record, I saw that there were really drops and fading, but in the air it is not very critical during a calm flight and at a more or less high altitude.

    By the way, I have never flown this plane before, my plane (as it turned out) is not so powerful and it listens to the rudders worse. So, in fact, flew on a new device for me. Which, moreover, was not trimmed, the neutral axis is not set properly. So a bunch of factors played about which we in courage completely forgot. But still - managed to fly and land!

    There are no electronics on the plane except Virtrilka. She steers everything. There is no stabilizer or autopilot. But now it is quite possible to consider Virtrilka as a candidate for the role of controller of the autopilot, otherwise it is worthless to drag it on board only as a camera.

    After landing, they tried to take off a couple more times, but somehow without really a tail, or not, or my hands began to shake quite completely. :-) In short, the tail was completely broken off. But Kashchei is immortal for that, the Realizer will fix it again and then continue.

    Well, here's a video with today's epic flight. A long video turned out, excuse me, I wanted to shove everything that was shot.

    To be continued…

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