First Omsk Geo-Hackathon

    Hello, Habr!

    We know that on Habré - the maximum concentration of technical specialists, from beginners to pros. Needless to say, IT is an area where creative people work, because even for laying a network cable you need a non-standard approach (remember the cable fee ). Well, when creating a service or desktop program, you need fresh thoughts, pure creativity.

    So, our company would like to invite everyone to participate in the event, which we called the geo-hackathon, this is a two-stage competition to create the best service or application (in general, any software product) to use a specific data set.

    We will form all this in the form of a task.

    So, given: a map of the city ​​of Omsk, taxi driver tracks, history (anonymous) of taxi orders.

    Need to get: a service or application that uses this data, producing a useful result. What result? There are no restrictions; you have all the cards in your hands. Free creativity as it is.

    The event itself consists of two stages:

    1. Competition of ideas, where you can offer any, the most daring ideas for solving the problem.

    Of course, the winner of the competition receives a prize. This is iPad Mini Retina 64GB for the author of the best idea, and certificates for 1000 rubles for taxi rides of partner companies for the contest participants (yes, for all participants).

    2. Geo-hackathon, where you must create a product that implements your bold idea. :)

    Here the prize is even more interesting. The winner receives an IPhone 5S 64GB, and the rest of the hackathon participants receive 1000 rubles certificates for taxi trips of partner companies.

    As you can see, with active work, you can immediately get 2,000 rubles for taxi rides, plus a couple of functional gadgets. The farm does not hurt, right? :)

    The terms of participation:

    • The competition is free;
    • To participate, you need registration ;
    • The number of places is limited, so it’s worth registering now.


    • competition of ideas - May 24, 11 00 (registration will begin at 10 00 )
    • geo-hackathon - May 31, June 1 11 00

    Location: IT Loft , Russia, Omsk, ul. Training, 83, of. 212.

    We are waiting for you and your ideas, we want to quickly hand the iPad and iPhone into the good hands of a creative person.


    So, the first stage took place

    Recall that at this stage, the participants of the geo-hackathon had to offer ideas for using the geo-data provided by the organizers.

    16 teams participated in the geo-hackathon ideas contest, 41 participants.
    Many ideas were proposed, and all of them were appreciated by the jury.

    Separately, teams and participants were noted:

    • Vyacheslav Vinogradov (Geo-quests and the ECT bonus system);
    • Siberian Cats (Economically calculated individual tariff for each taxi driver based on statistics and geo-data);
    • CAT_IN_THE_DARK_WOOD (Automated traffic information system);
    • Angry beards (Predictions of taxi orders based on data from social networks);
    • Dream (Geo-contextual advertising);
    • Evgeny Tarasenko (Integration of taxi driver and client applications with the schedule of the bus station, airport, railway);
    • Green Light (Forecasting taxi orders by city district);

    The first place was taken by the Dream team. As announced, the team received a prize - iPad mini Retina 64GB. In addition, all participants received certificates for 1000 rubles for trips in ECT taxis.


    Here are the data that will be provided to the participants in the ideas and geohackathon contest

    Map and transport network of Omsk. One file in SpatiaLite format, containing: addresses of houses, contours of houses, contours of city districts and villages of the region, Omsk transport network. Using this file, directly using SpatiaLite (or your own algorithms), you can: perform direct geocoding (find the coordinates of the house by address), reverse geocoding (find the address by coordinates), build routes.

    The map and transport network were carefully drawn and prepared by the mapping department of EST Technologies. This is what we do for all the cities where we work, because the address base and transport network are very important for the functioning of taxi services.

    SpatiaLite is a SQLite extension that adds geographic data types, associated indexes, and operations.

    Tracks of a taxi in Omsk in 2013. A lot of files in GPX 1.1 format. Tracks include speed, direction of travel (with the accuracy that can be obtained on smartphones), as well as the driver ID. By identifier, the tracks can be compared with taxi orders. The tracks were recorded by the app “EAT: Driver” during the execution of the order. Due to the nature of data collection, each track is limited to a minute interval: each track has 60 second reports, one order has several tracks.

    GPX is the most versatile presentation format for GPS tracks. They can even be displayed, for example, in Google Earth.

    The history of real taxi orders in Omsk for 2013. Orders are uploaded to a single SQLite file. For each order, there are: driver ID, date and time of the beginning and end of the order, address and geographical coordinates of taxi delivery addresses (beginning of the route) and destination (end of the route), distance traveled.

    Read / view / download:
    QGIS: - to visualize data from SpatiaLite

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