Poll: what methodology is used in your project or how much is everything with us through this?

    Exactly 5 years ago, I decided to conduct a survey on what methodology is used in domestic projects. There was no particular purpose — pure curiosity drove me.

    Since my blog was not very visited then, a little more than 120 people voted. But the results were curious.

    Scrum took the 3rd place (14%)

    . The second place went to our favorite methodology “How it turns out” (21%).

    And the methodology took the first place with a wide margin ... (18+) The

    “Through % opu ”(35%). As I understand it, this is the same “How it will turn out,” but with an emotional color ... Moreover, the voting process was very curious. The methodology “Through% opu” went on in 2nd place for a long time, but at some point made a breakthrough!

    Then we conducted similar polls in 2011 and 2012. (In 2010 and 2013 honestly forgot to hold them). The results are as follows:

    Through% opu35%thirty%18%
    We'll see how it goes21%18%fifteen%
    Agile home-madeeleven%18%27%
    CMM / CMMI2%1%---
    Number of answers122913850

    Damn it, since now we have a blog on Habré, is it time to conduct another poll, we thought?

    Next week we are planning to publish several materials on project management, and today, before the holidays, the idea came up to conduct another section of our industry and see:
    • What are the trends in our industry?
    • Are agile methodologies really becoming more popular?
    • Does the 2009 leader methodology really go into oblivion?

    As you know, this survey has no deep meaning and attempts at serious analytics (and the survey itself is not quite correct), but we will still be very grateful for the answer!

    PS Links to the survey results 2009, 2011, 2012 on happy-pm.com (carefully, on the site there is a nasty pop-up): http://www.happy-pm.com/blog/?page_id=675

    Only registered users can participate in the survey. Please come in.

    What methodology is used in your project? (Choose the most suitable option)

    • 13.2% Scrum 393
    • 3.7% Kanban 111
    • 2% Feature Driven Development 61
    • 16.6% Agile Home-made 494
    • 4% Waterfall 120
    • 0.6% RUP-based 19
    • 0.4% XP 12
    • 0.1% MSF 5
    • 22.5% How come 670
    • 34.4% Through% opa 1022
    • 1.9% Other 58

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