Is there life after Amazon?

    Good day, $ habrauser!
    What will we share with you today? By decision.

    Long analyzed the issues of virtualization. Everywhere the same thing. The cost of vcpu, memory, iops ... boring.
    A certain model has appeared: we do not want to sell the notorious man-hour. A good book, but not about that now.
    It is necessary to give the opportunity not just to work with your virtual resources, but to create them.
    We really liked the Mirantis solution with their Fuel project. What is the result of this? It turns out the DCaaS model is not for us to design standards and names, but as it seems to us the right approach. Our team is very young and greedy for work, we are constantly trying to do something. Don't just patch KDE under FreeBSD.

    In communication with the heads of companies that actively use the same Amazon, we realized that they care only about the reliability of the service, but are not happy with the availability of Amazon in Russia. Ok, we’re doing front in Russia, we provide full integration by API. What do you think is the solution? I initially wrote that I really want to create a service that will be created, designed by the community - that’s what I’m doing now. We have the opportunity, you have ideas and desires. What does it take to start doing this? There is equipment, there are channels, there is a data center. Wellcome to the project!

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