Welcome to the “Go in production” mitap

    On September 23, in the Moscow office of Mail.Ru Group, a thematic “Go in production” meeting will take place. Meet the program and register! Entry to the event is free, according to the approved registration.

    At the mitap, we want to tell and show on examples of different companies how to migrate to Go from other languages, why projects and companies choose Go, what tasks they solve, what they face during the transition, what results they get, etc. Mitap is aimed at people who have no experience in Go, but who really want to try and need inspiring examples.


    10:30 - 11:00 - Registration

    11:00 - 11:10 - Welcoming speech

    11:10 - 11:40 - “Billion Pushi on Go”, Dmitry Shveenkov, Mail.Ru Group

    Report on a fairly mature service in Mail.Ru, he is more than 5 years old. We will discuss the problems of sending push notifications in large volumes. I’ll tell you about the problems in Python, why we decided to switch to Go and what difficulties we experienced during development. Let us discuss the metrics of the live service.

    11:40 - 12:10 - “The experience of moving parts of a bank site from Parser to Go”, Andrey Ratserov, Alfa-Bank

    The story will be devoted to our experience sawing monolith in a little-known language. I will tell you why the choice fell on Go, although other languages ​​were involved in the project, how we changed our view of our services, what errors we encountered in the process, and why our small team is good with Go.

    12:10 - 12:40 - “Media server broadcasts on Go”, Mikhail Raichenko, VKontakte

    How we made our own media server on Go, where we won, where we lost, how we integrated with the infrastructure. Why the choice fell on Go, and not on traditional C / C ++ (but they are also there), and what happened in the end.

    12:40 - 13:30 - Pizza and networking

    13:30 - 14:00 - “Two very different experiences of migration to Go. On the example of Lazada and Ozon.travel companies ”, Yuri Vasiyarov, Ozon.travel

    I will try to compare Go processes in two companies with completely different technological stacks (PHP and .NET). I will try to make the report balanced in order to equally highlight the technical and organizational side of the issue. What will not be in this report: a story about how Go is a wonderful language. I suppose everyone present knows this anyway.

    14:00 - 14:30 - “How we started using Go in Responsults @ Mail. Ru”, Mark Belotsky, Mail.Ru Group

    I'll tell you how we transferred the functionality of Responses from Perl to Go. I will share the joys and pains of the transition to this language, and especially how to make friends with the old pearl barley project with the new gosh. Let me explain why we like Go and why we don’t regret switching to it.

    14:30 - 15:00 - “Avito transition experience. Deliveries from Java to Go”, Ilya Lapin, Sergey Polyakov, Avito

    You will learn how we rewrote the microservice project from Java to Go, what difficulties we encountered, what advantages we could see and what happened to us after that.

    15:00 - 15:20 - Coffee break

    15:20 - 15:50 - “Pipeline Search by Mail. Mail. Go to Go”, Victor Starodub, Mail.Ru Group

    I will tell you how Go saved us a lot of energy and nerves when writing a search for Mail. The report will describe the individual moments of the processing of search queries and the synchronization of mailboxes with the search index, which went well with Go. I will also talk about the challenges that have arisen.

    15:50 - 16:20 - “Synchronization of data in Go using mysql binlog”, Artem Zheltak, Rambler

    In the framework of the project Rambler.Stream when rewriting demons from C to Go, the question of synchronization of data with the main system arose. Material about what problems mysql binlog solves, features of the implementation of its processing on Go, problems and their solutions. Conclusions about the feasibility of use.

    16:20 - 16:50 - “The transition of web-api of Mail@Mail.Ru to Go”, Vasily Romanov, Mail.Ru Group

    The report focuses on how we in the Post decided to start translating a project with a 20-year history from Perl to Go. I will review the Post API architecture before and after, how we fell in love with code generation and why testing with the black box method is useful when changing the project language.

    To participate you must register . Do not forget your passport or driver's license.
    UPD: registration is closed. We took the maximum number of applicants.

    For those who can not come, an online broadcast will be organized .
    Order and time of speeches:
    • 49:32 - “A Billion Pushi on Go,” Dmitry Shveenkov
    • 1:20:20 - “The experience of moving parts of a bank site from Parser to Go”, Andrei Ratserov
    • 1:48:35 - “Media server broadcasts on Go”, Mikhail Raichenko
    • 3:09:35 - “Two very different experiences of migrating to Go. On the example of Lazada and Ozon.travel companies ”, Yury Vasiyarov
    • 3:41:45 - “How we started using Go in Answers @ Mail.Ru”, Mark Belotsky
    • 4:13:53 - “The experience of Avito transition. Deliveries from Java to Go”, Ilya Lapin, Sergey Polyakov
    • 5:01:45 - “Pipeline search on Mail@Mail.Ru on Go”, Victor Starodub
    • 5:31:16 - “Synchronization of data in Go using mysql binlog”, Artem Zheltak
    • 5:57:48 - “The transition of web-api Mail. Mail. Ru on Go”, Vasily Romanov

    Presentations presenters are available in the folder .
    Photos in good quality - in the cloud .

    Collection of participants and registration : 10:00 - 11:00.
    Beginning of reports : 11:00.
    Approximate end of the event : 17:00.
    Address : Moscow, m. Airport, Leningradsky Prospect, 39, p.79.

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