Useful materials for the mobile developer # 49 (April 14-20)

    This week there was a very interesting article on "mobile" pricing from Oleg Yakubenkov from Zeptolab, a preview version of WP 8.1 was released and an announcement of changes was published in the Windows and Windows Phone application stores, and the App Annie Market Index for the first quarter was released. Well, a lot of other interesting news in the weekly digest.

    Pricing experiments. Features of human perception.

    As always, a great article by Oleg Yakubenkov from Zeptolab. It describes the various psychological aspects of price perception and how it can be used in your business, including when selling mobile applications.

    Ubuntu on Meizu MX3 smartphone - what does it look like?

    Meizu has signed an agreement with Canonical, becoming one of the first companies producing ubuntu smartphones. And the other day, Meizu posted on the Web a video of the operation of this OS on a MX3 smartphone.

    Presented the first prototype modular smartphone from Google

    A few days ago, Google, at a conference for developers, presented the first prototype of its modular smartphone Ara (one cannot fail to note the article “ Memories of the future: revolutionary projects that we have already seen before ”).

    Always on: UX innovations in modern smartphones

    At the conference, Yota Devices spoke about the ideology of the company and how its devices can be useful to all those who create Android applications.

    App Annie Market Index for the 1st quarter of 2014

    The new App Annie Market Index report on the growth of the application ecosystem in different countries has been released. It monitors the application market (iOS App Store and Google Play) in the first quarter of 2014 in 150 countries, emphasizes trends and their likely impact on the business of developers.






    Marketing and monetization


    Last week’s digest . If I missed something, send it to the mail, I will quickly add it.

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