QA mitap in Redmadrobot


    Собираемся в робоофисе 25 сентября в 19:00, чтобы обсудить все аспекты тестирования и еще разок отпраздновать день тестировщика.

    Кто и о чем будет говорить

    - Yulia Chistova, QA Team Lead at Redmadrobot

    Mobile application testing strategy: why it is needed and why it is important. And what is most interesting is to show a formula that will help produce assemblies with a bugfree indicator of 99.9%

    - Anton Shkredov, Leading Specialist in Test Automation at

    Organizing Cross-Platform AutoTests at SuperJob: How to make tests for the site and Android applications and iOS on one framework and what architecture to use for this.

    - Ekaterina Bateeva, Leading Mobile Test

    Automation Specialist at Tinkoff Automation of mobile testing by native means: pros, cons, difficulties and their overcoming when using UIAutomator, Espresso and XCUITest.

    - Andrei Yu, an automation specialist at

    Adaptability of the QA engineer: what skills are needed for comfortable survival, how to develop mental flexibility and adapt to any job.

    After the reports we will talk about the harsh everyday life of testing, ask questions and finally answer them.

    Come with friends - there will be buns, gifts and food! Log in to the robot storage strictly by registration: it is here

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