Why you should not rent a VPS / VDS for 200 rubles or how to choose the right virtual server

  • Tutorial
A topic came up with an article on forum.searchengines.guru, where people often try to find VPS cheaper, build and monitor millions of directories that are almost useless to users, except for their creators (and I will explain why below) in order to find the cheapest offer, which is the biggest mistake in the case of a new webmaster who underestimates the hosting capabilities or overestimates the benefits of a cheap virtual server in his case.

First, let's determine why a virtual server might be required?

  • to host websites, including sites that require the installation of specific applications;
  • for hosting applications that require fine-tuning of a web server, or a specific OS;
  • to provide personal security measures, specific firewall settings, organization of a private network, construction of VPN tunnels.

All this can be done quite conveniently, since you have root access, and in fact, your VPS may not differ programmatically from a dedicated server, with the exception of the restrictions that virtualization imposes. And this is a very important point when choosing the right virtual server.

In offers of hosting providers, you can often find two types of virtualization - OpenVZ and KVM. And in both there are both advantages and disadvantages. The main reasons for dislike of OpenVZ is that many providers use large oversell on their nodes, since virtualization allows you to resell both CPU and RAM many times. As a result, providers who want to earn maximum, with minimum expenses, fill nodes with as many subscribers as possible, completely forgetting that customers will grow. Approaching the real 100% resource consumption of the node. However, KVM hardware virtualization is also not without a flaw that allows reselling resources many times, but there it is possible to resell only CPU many times, RAM is allocated strictly and guaranteed. Which reduces the chances of oversell.

In my articleThe whole truth about VPS (KVM) E5-2650 v4 (6 Cores) 10GB DDR4 240GB SSD 1Gbps from $ 20 or how to divide the server correctly? we talked about how we share servers, and that even we use oversell , only in such a way that everyone is guaranteed to receive the resource allocated to him. And in principle, if you forget about the disadvantage that OpenVZit is impossible to install Windows, then this virtualization would be even better, since it would allow (in our case) to consume RAM more optimally, because according to statistics, even 50% of the amount of RAM that we allocate to customers is not consumed by them. No, we would not increase the number of users. In no case. We would simply allow those who consume 100% of RAM, at a time when the resources are free from other clients and they need them, to consume more. For what? For the good of all, additional RAM would allow faster processing of tasks, which would reduce the load on the CPU, since the process would run faster, the queue would be freed faster to process subsequent interrupts, which in general, no matter how surprising it would be, would lead to a decrease consumption, including RAM.

Therefore, not always VPS with OpenVZ is bad. It all depends only on the provider that implements the solution and on its greed.

But what is the main disadvantage of modern VPS? This is primarily a repository. Typically, NetApp-type shared storage is implemented to reduce the number of units and servers that serve the infrastructure. And if it is implemented on an SSD, this is not a bad option. Nevertheless, the performance of such a solution depends on many factors and the project may contain many “bottlenecks”, as a result - resources can not be disposed of very evenly, resulting in additional latency. At the same time, this allows the provider to utilize the CPU with the maximum oversell, which leads to the fact that all the vCPUs allocated to users have nothing in common with the vCPU performance that the user receives when placing the VPS not in the cloud, but on a single bare-metal server. By the way, we ourselves sold VPS (KVM) of this type, implemented on older platforms E3-1230, which the data center utilized in the cloud. The price of the service was quite low and ranged from $ 3.99 a month for:


Cores (vCPU) 1 Core
Memory (vRAM) 1 GB
Quota 40 GB (SSD Storage)
Port 1000 Mbps
Premium traffic 4 TB
Filtering DDOS attacks up to 1 Gbit / s for free
From $ 3.99 / month depending on location

But the service had many disadvantages. So, for example, the number of IOPS per user was limited to 1000. It would seem a lot, more than the HDD can provide an order of magnitude. However, there was a moment, if in the case of random write or read we won, then in the case of linear sequential read / write, and not random, we received maximum performance much lower than a single hard drive could provide. We were criticized for this. However, the service was cheaper than an IP address, and contained a real IP, which cost a cent more on sale. There were other drawbacks, performance at a given moment could significantly change if we took measurements. Of course, to make any claims here for that kind of money would be wrong, but nevertheless, the service did not provide what shared hosting could provide,It cost us from $ 0.99 / month , while not limiting you in the resources you consume, but only restricting the traffic that can be purchased at a known price in advance. The concept of our hosting is described in this short article .

Thus, if you do not need root access, to fine-tune your scripts and applications, specific OS or build VPN tunnels, you definitely do not need a cheap virtual server.

But the truth is that you do not need it even in cases where all of the above is required, except perhaps for a VPN and some tasks that are not related to live sites. Why?

It’s no secret that search engines rank sites according to indicators such as behavioral factors that are affected, including the speed of page generation.

Behavioral factors determine the behavior of the visitor on your site, how far he goes, how many pages of the third and second level he visits, how long he lingers on a particular page, or maybe the charter is to be expected, or if he considers the site to be uncomfortable, he leaves. They are especially evident at peak moments of attendance, because visitors to your site, and accordingly, the load they create, are unevenly distributed throughout the day. Also, do not forget about the surge in attendance in connection with some events and holidays, when the number of requests for which your site is relevant increases.

Of course, VPS has evolved very much over the past years, but cheap VPS still do not have sufficient resources to optimally handle such traffic peaks. In particular, if you run applications, namely CMS, free, not optimized, with a large number of modules. There is still a living problem when a user installs WordPress on a virtual server, and many modules with it, and going to this wonderful installation himself, causes 100% load of his VPS and, as a result, error timeout for certain actions with the site.

And this is not normal. And this is not the fault of the user who lacked the resources, but the provider who sells such VPS to beginners, and they experience problems with them due to their inexperience, losing any enthusiasm for further work. After all, not everyone who is right and knowledgeable will want to do the optimization initially. On hosting, such peak loads are leveled in most cases, since the processor is quite powerful and such peaks occur at different times, only if the provider does not set a limit in the form of processor minutes that a user may consume or restrictions on the duration of a process. And on a virtual server with a small amount of resources, this will be noticeable in any case. And when the user's site "grows up" and begins to make the first profit on such a cheap VPS, he will be glad that "oops", but it would be good for you to have more resources, and such a VPS would cost more ... As a result, newcomers are “broken off” by their enthusiasm, and if on hosting such projects grow to a certain scale from the “cradle”, then on inexpensive VPS they will be sure to death. After all, the user will not know why their traffic has grown to a certain limit and is no longer growing, and the behavior is to blame for all when the peak traffic is “cut off” due to lack of resources and the resource starts to be ranked lower, thereby reducing the influx of new visitors to the site from search and so constantly. As a result, the user never becomes interested in paying more, since he has the opinion that the provider selects everything that is earned. newcomers are “broken off” by their enthusiasm, and if on hosting such projects grow to a certain scale from the “cradle”, then they will surely die on inexpensive VPS. After all, the user will not know why their traffic has grown to a certain limit and is no longer growing, and the behavior is to blame for all when the peak traffic is “cut off” due to lack of resources and the resource starts to be ranked lower, thereby reducing the influx of new visitors to the site from search and so constantly. As a result, the user never becomes interested in paying more, since he has the opinion that the provider selects everything that is earned. newcomers are “broken off” by their enthusiasm, and if on hosting such projects grow to a certain scale from the “cradle”, then they will surely die on inexpensive VPS. After all, the user will not know why their traffic has grown to a certain limit and is no longer growing, and the behavior is to blame for all when the peak traffic is “cut off” due to lack of resources and the resource starts to be ranked lower, thereby reducing the influx of new visitors to the site from search and so constantly. As a result, the user never becomes interested in paying more, since he has the opinion that the provider selects everything that is earned. why their traffic has grown to a certain limit and is no longer growing, and the reason for this is behavioral factors, when peak traffic is “cut off” due to lack of resources and the resource starts to rank lower, thereby reducing the flow of new visitors to the site from search, and so on. As a result, the user never becomes interested in paying more, since he has the opinion that the provider selects everything that is earned. why their traffic has grown to a certain limit and is no longer growing, and the reason for this is behavioral factors, when peak traffic is “cut off” due to lack of resources and the resource starts to rank lower, thereby reducing the flow of new visitors to the site from search, and so on. As a result, the user never becomes interested in paying more, since he has the opinion that the provider selects everything that is earned.

Is it good or bad if VPS for 200 rubles are offered? Of course, for developers who understand what they are doing and who don’t need much, this is good, but for webmasters who are just starting their journey, no. This is a huge harm. We harm novice webmasters by offering cheap services with few resources. They begin to save money on panels by installing free solutions, since a panel for such VPS cannot be included in the price, and paying as much for a VPS as the panel itself costs - no, that's too much for them ... A beginner webmaster simply for this unprepared or simply redneck. Indeed, very often people spare for themselves, not to mention greed for others. And to pay the provider extra money and not utilize everything to the fullest - our "Slavic" soul can not afford. Because of this, dishonest dumping and constant price collapses, low quality, and great difficulty in finding a really high-quality provider. People do not value their time and, as a result, spend it nowhere, using cheap and low-quality services for their own projects, depriving themselves of the opportunity to make a truly successful resource.

Therefore, my advice to you is to remain a hosting user for as long as possible, but only of course in cases where you do not cut resources and nothing starts to slow you down there. After all, there is included in the price and free maintenance with monitoring of the node as a whole. However, hosting is different for hosting, but this is a separate topic for discussion. And as soon as your project grows from the “cradle” to the scale of VPS - take immediately a more or less decent option, which includes enough resources, new processors, fast storage and a control panel is included in the price. And of course, that it cannot cost less than $ 15 per month, like 10 years ago, only resources are now provided for this money much more, as well as related opportunities.

Moreover, $ 15 today is much less money than $ 15 10 years ago. And if you feel enthusiastic about succeeding, you probably need to start with VPS right away and you will succeed. I never used hosting for my websites and tried not to save on matches, even back in 2006, when I first posted my personal website on the Internet devoted to science - Astronomy. It motivated me to do something. I did the truth in the wrong direction later (not in the direction of developing an astronomical resource, since I started to receive money for the content of the site from the hosting, and then I did not have enough time to work on a hobby, all the time it took to support customers and help them with their placement, ready-made projects, which was much more interesting for me), and this led to what is described in the article“Ua-hosting.company” or how to become a hosting provider from scratch and generate more traffic than the whole of Belarus .

Perhaps in the process you will also become hosting providers or some other entrepreneurs and radically change your interests. This is not bad, but the fact that you can now rent, if not the cheapest, but a good VPS, is for sure. Although you don’t know everything that you will do now, you’ll figure it out, if you want to, of course, so that the funds are not spent in vain and there is a desire to get some experience. And experience is worth a lot. And he says that on a too cheap virtual server, you will expect an unpleasant surprise and experience (as in the form of a slow storage, as I once encountered that I ran into storage resources before using up 10% of VPS resources on OpenVZ), do not do this. Do not step on the same rake, sometimes it is useful to learn from the mistakes of others. And we are learning too. We had a good margin,

  • it is 2 times cheaper;
  • the minimum amount of PCIe NVMe drive is 1.6TB, it is 3 times faster for writing and up to 10 times for reading compared to standard solid-state SSDs, as a result we distribute it among a maximum of 15 clients;
  • You can copy the image of your VPS to local storage;
  • You can upgrade resources up to 24 cores, 40GB DDR4 RAM, 900GB NVMe SSD, 75 TB of traffic at speeds up to 1 Gbit / s. Additional traffic is available without restrictions, but we can easily migrate you to a dedicated server.

And this is all starting at a price of $ 15, and taking into account the 30% discount that we offer you for the first payment by promo code in this article The whole truth about VPS (KVM) E5-2650 v4 (6 Cores) 10GB DDR4 240GB SSD 1Gbps from $ 20 or how to divide the server? (options are available with RAID1 and RAID10, up to 24 cores and up to 40GB DDR4), even cheaper.

Moreover, we now have a special offer:

VPS (KVM) E5-2650 v4 (6 Cores) 10GB DDR4 240GB SSD 1Gbps until December free of charge when paying for a period of six months, you can order here .

Yes, I can say that we have the best offers at the moment in terms of price / quality ratio. Who does not believe - can check, we are ready to provide all interested registered users of Habrwho can leave comments without the need for approval, any of our virtual servers for testing for up to two weeks is free (and the indicated promotional VPS with 240GB SSD for a month) , provided that the test results are provided to us with graphs and a description in this article for 3- x days after issue. To do this, write the order number in the comment, and under it, within 3 days after the issue, do not forget to leave your results.

And finally, I’ll tell you a little about hosting directories and why it’s not advisable to search there. It is no secret that hosting directories earn on affiliate programs, of course, that they will rank higher than not the highest quality hosting provider, but the one who pays them the most for affiliate payments, from one transition. Sadness, but it's true. Everywhere business. Like Google, directories are far from philanthropists. And those that are more objective - you can count on the fingers of one hand and find their true luck. But they will not help you, they will not allow you to fully evaluate:

  • level of support for the hosting provider;
  • real performance and workload of the node, degree of oversell;
  • hidden restrictions that each of the proposals certainly have and the presence of “bottlenecks”, where even a synthetic test carried out at different times of the day may not show a reliable result, due to unrealistic load testing (when one of the parameters increases uncorrelated with respect to the other , in the correlated version, a bottleneck may occur that does not allow reaching the peak achieved as a result of the synthetic test);
  • connectivity to your audience.

Therefore, the choice must be made in everything not according to the catalog, but according to criteria such as:

  • connectivity, good channels between VPS and your audience, sufficient connection capacity to ensure the generation of traffic to your postiles during peak hours;
  • as less overloaded storage as possible (to clarify whether shared or not and if shared, what type of drives, what IOPS restrictions are on the user, and whether and how many users are distributed at all);
  • processors that support the latest instructions, provided they are priced at a reasonable price (performance may vary significantly, only by supporting the instructions, the case is described in this article , where the cores of the old processor, at the same frequency, performed an operation 8 times slower, but the price for them turned out to be higher than for new kernels), let me insert a quote:

Different CPUs have support for different instructions and not only the number of cores and threads is important. Therefore, the price should not be counted on the flow, but not the processing speed of your operation, which will very much depend on the CPU and how efficiently floating-point (comma) operations are processed.

For example, the conversion efficiency on the outdated 2xIntel Xeon E5620 2.40GHz that you released 9 years ago, which is 9 years ago, is 8 times worse than on the new and modern 2 x Intel Dodeca-Core Xeon E5-2650 v4, that is, if you consider according to your scheme:

1. CPU Model: 2 x Intel Dodeca-Core Xeon E5-2650 v4 2.20 GHz
2. GHz Min - GHz Max: 2.20 GHz / 2.90 GHz
3. Cores - Threads: 24/48
4. Price / Number of flows: 211/48 = 4.396 EURO
5. Price per month: 249 USD / 211 EURO

However, if you add an efficiency coefficient that you forgot about, then the results will be different.

For example, this is the result of ONE E5-2650 v4 processor (not two, but one), and this is the result of two outdated E5620 processors .

We are interested in Floating Point for your case:

Floating Point Score 10451 - for two E5620 processors.
Floating Point Score 38103 - for ONE E5-2650 v4 processor, we have two of them, therefore the difference in performance will reach 8 times.

And this is even without taking into account all the additional instructions that are important for conversion and rendering in particular.

That is, adding a coefficient, we get that for E5-2650 v4, you need to divide the price by 8, when compared with the old E5620, where you were led by the price, and not by the corresponding price / performance for the task.

And we get that:

1. CPU Model: 2 x Intel Dodeca-Core Xeon E5-2650 v4 2.20 GHz
2. GHz Min - GHz Max: 2.20 GHz / 2.90 GHz
3. Cores - Threads: 24 / 48
4. Price / Number of flows: 211/48 = 4.396 EURO / 8 = 0.549 EURO
5. Price per month: 249 USD / 211 EURO divided by 8 and we get 31.12 USD / 26.37 EURO

0.549 EURO per stream - this is in comparison, against the outdated E5620, where the price was 2.62 EURO. That is, the configuration that we offer for 249 dollars is almost 5 times cheaper than the server for 42 euros!

You will need fewer servers of our configuration to provide the performance you need.

Here's how to count performance! At least appreciating the synthetic results. Which, among other things, may not always be true for real cases. But that's another story.

I hope the topic has been fully disclosed, however, if there are questions - you are welcome in the commentary, I will be glad to receive feedback, criticism, any thoughts on the topic that will be interesting to discuss together.

Well, for those who are interested in dedicated servers, I can offer a server that is cheaper than the old server for 42 euros, but costs $ 249 for rent and is 2 times lower than its market price: is the

Dell R730xd 2 times cheaper? Only we have 2 x Intel Dodeca-Core Xeon E5-2650v4 128GB DDR4 6x480GB SSD 1Gbps 100 TV from $ 249 in the Netherlands and the USA! Read aboutHow to build an infrastructure class c using Dell R730xd E5-2650 v4 servers costing 9,000 euros for a penny?

Have a good start to the new work week! Let's discuss the problems of hosting services together!

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