The digest of interesting news and materials from the world of PHP No. 38 (March 9 - March 23, 2014)

    We bring to your attention the next selection with links to news and materials.

    Enjoy reading!

    News and Releases



    • PHPWord is a PHP library for reading and writing documents of various formats: .docx, .odt, .rtf and others. Part of the PHPOffice project .
    • CSS-Crush - CSS-preprocessor implemented in PHP.
    • Magallanes - Another PHP tool for deploying applications.
    • Jumper - Allows you to do PHP closure on a remote machine via ssh.
    • Unirest PHP is an HTTP client in PHP. Good alternative to Guzzle .
    • ProxyManager - A library for creating all kinds of proxy objects.
    • Testify.php - Microframework for unit testing.
    • Baobab - A library that implements storage and access to hierarchical data using nested sets.
    • Phang - Skeleton application on Silex and AngularJS.

    Learning Materials

    Materials from past conferences

    Audio and video

    In the last issue , a survey was conducted among readers. Thanks to everyone who participated! Ideas in the implementation process, but for now you can see the results of the survey .

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