Arduino The best book according to readers

    Recently, projects on the Arduino platform are becoming more popular. But there are practically no books in Russian on this topic. The only exception is Arduino Microcontroller Board Programming , released by BHV. But judging by the reviews, it turned out to be not very successful.
    We would like to fill this gap and pre-selected three editions:

    Arduino Workshop: A Hands-On Introduction with 65 Projects
    Exploring Arduino: Tools and Techniques for Engineering Wizard
    Arduino Robotics

    Request to the respected community for their thoughts on this list. Which of these would you like to see translated? Which book will be the most complete and useful?

    Only registered users can participate in the survey. Please come in.

    What book on Arduino to publish in Russian

    • 29% Arduino Workshop 109
    • 15.4% Exploring Arduino 58
    • 19.7% Arduino Robotics 74
    • 6.6% Other (comment) 25
    • 4% mine! (offer) 15
    • 25% Generally not needed 94

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