A few interesting and useful things for web developer # 13

    Good day, dear Khabravchians. Recently, I saw several interesting and useful tools / libraries / events that I want to share with Habr.

    Color schemes

    The repository has already scored over 4,000 stars on GitHub. The author of the project - Dayle Rees - is one of the members of the Laravel PHP team, where people are convinced that "the code should be fun for developers, not just users who accept your hard work." Color Schemes today has 56 different themes for: Sublime Text (2 & 3), Sublime Text UI (2 & 3), Textmate, Coda 2, VIM, Jetbrains Editors (inc. PHPStorm), Google Code Prettify, Highlight.js and Xcode.


    Cool jQuery plugin for animated filtering and sorting of elements. Everything looks very beautiful. To work, you only need to initialize the script and specify certain data attributes:



    But this is only a basic use case. The plugin itself is very flexible and functional. It has several events and a number of methods, which are described in detail in the documentation .


    Do you remember this wonderful device, whose history began with Kickstarter and which has been mentioned more than once on Habré? Leap Motion from the gadget has grown into a whole technology, which, according to information from some sources, will be implemented in products of different manufacturers and should soon appear on some Asus laptop models. And just recently, developers announced LeapJS, a library that supports Leap Motion in a browser! I am sure that in the future this will open up completely new ideas about the user’s interaction with the web, and now it will be an exciting experience for geeks who have already purchased the device.

    Popcorn app

    This is the repository of the awesome Popcorn App, which is written in JavaScript. On Habré already talked about this magnificent application. People said it was a pirated Netflix or iTunes. Yes, it was, because 5 days after the release, the application was closed, according to TechCrunch . On the main page of the project, the farewell text “We started Popcorn Time as a challenge to ourselves. That's our motto. That's what we stand for. "

    And there is Peerflix - streaming torrent client for Node.js


    Perhaps one of the most ambitious OpenSource web projects. “Vizicities is a 3D city and data visualization platform built on WebGL.” There will be enough libraries and resources for a whole digest: OpenStreetMap - map data, Three.js, D3.js - conversion of geographic coordinates, Underscore.js, Q - Promises, Throat - Limiting concurrency, Catiline - Web Workers, Dat.gui, FPSMeter, Moment .js, Simplify.js.

    Analogs Spritz

    Spritz speed reading technology was introduced at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona . The point is quite simple: when you look at one point and scroll through the text, the reading speed increases significantly compared to the way you usually read, looking along the lines. Most people liked this method, and some developers borrowed the idea and similar OpenSource projects OpenSpritz or Squirt .


    • MEAN.js (Mongo, Express, Angular, Node) - a Simple, Scalable and Easy starting point for full stack javascript web developmen.
    • Olly.js - translates the URL into Rich Media (similar to the video tag on the hub). Perhaps it will be useful for blogs, it works with many services and formats.
    • Gitignore is a huge collection of .gitignore templates.
    • scout_realtime - realtime server metrics in your browser ( demo ).
    • Framework7 - HTML / CSS framework for creating applications for iOS7.
    • rowGrid.js is a very convenient way to position elements in rows (jQuery).
    • Very interesting animation in pure CSS .
    • Psddiff - a script with which Git “magically” renders .PSD and visualizes changes.

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