C ++ for Perl programmers

    There is an old joke that a Fortran programmer will write in Fortran in any programming language.

    Here is a 3-line program that compiles with any C ++ 11 compiler, after which it starts and works fine.
    int main(){
        return !<:]()<%;[=:>(){<:&](){;%>();%>();};

    An example in the Online IDE
    In principle, this line can be used as a detector for C ++ programmers - not everyone can immediately understand how it works.

    The post was written as a social experiment. From my point of view, a professional should thoroughly understand his tool. If you guessed what is happening in the code - write in the comments.

    In order not to lose the intrigue, the explanation under the spoiler:
    int main(){
        return ![](){;  

    Just some characters are replaced by digraphs.
    Digraphs are part of the language and the standard of ISO C 99 Digraphs . For C ++, there are Trigraphs . True, in most C ++ compilers, trigraphs are disabled by default. But the digraph digraphs are included.

    All these * -graphs appeared because the seven-bit ISO / IEC 646 code page (1972) assigned some characters [,], {,}, ^, ~ to national characters, so it was necessary to ensure compatibility of the source code with the new standard. So <: is the equivalent of an opening square bracket.

    Time passed, the 21st century came, everyone began to use UTF-8, but digraphs remained in the standard. And what is most disgusting, in many legacy projects are still found. So do not be alarmed by seeing this in the old source

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