Rebranding REG.RU: easier, more convenient, more efficient

    As a leader among Russian domain registrars and hosting providers, REG.RU not only anticipates market changes, but also largely sets the vector for its development. The company has a wide portfolio of various services (from domain registration and hosting services to SEO promotion services and contextual advertising), which makes REG.RU a starting point for developing an online business.

    One of the main goals of rebranding was to reveal to the public our main values: simplicity, convenience, visibility and efficiency. The changes affected all the components of corporate identification of REG.RU, but, of course, the most striking and noticeable elements of rebranding were the updated website design, logo and corporate identity of the company. They will be discussed in a post.

    How the REG.RU website has changed.

    New navigation concept. When

    developing a new navigation system, we were guided by one goal - to guide the user from an idea to launching his own business on the Web. Now the basis of the site structure and the format for presenting information in the main menu is a clear sequence of user transition from basic services to services that allow you to develop your business and increase the efficiency of business processes.

    For example, a user’s sequence of actions may be as follows:

    “Insight” (the emergence of an idea) - development of a project concept and name selection - domain registration for a project site - website creation - hosting selection and ordering - confirmation of the reliability of a resource usingSSL certificate - connecting the necessary services for promoting and developing a business on the Web.

    The new graphic concept of the site

    The changes in the design of the site are based, on the one hand, on the principles already voiced above: simplicity, convenience, visibility and efficiency, on the other, the paradigm shift in the consumption of services on the market. So, according to the latest data , the lion's share of traffic is generated by mobile devices, while these numbers will grow every year.

    Elements of the site have been enlarged, which greatly simplifies its viewing from mobile devices and allows you to focus on really important information without getting lost in the data array.

    In addition, the advent of high-density monitors such as Retina dictates new graphics rules. We used technologies thanks to which the site is equally well displayed on screens of any type (both ordinary and with increased pixel density).

    On all updated pages of the site, vector SVG graphics are used as the main one, and bitmap images are used only as background blocks. This allowed us to reduce weight and increase the loading speed of REG.RU site pages, as well as to avoid image deformation when zooming in on a site page.

    How the REG.RU logo has changed

    We were faced with the task of simplifying the logo as much as possible, getting rid of many small details, but at the same time maintaining brand recognition.

    The new logo is based on an important element that has been preserved from the previous logo - “Folder-house”, which contains several metaphors at once. For example, a house as part of the word “domain” or a house as a historical definition of “home page” sites, and a folder as a key graphic element that denotes a group storage of digital information. At the same time, the angle of inclination decreased, which gave the element greater stability.

    The REG inscription migrated to the main element of the logo, laying a new foundation for brand perception. REG is a basic element, which is supplemented by the designation of a regional domain zone until the logo is completely drawn.

    The typeface also acquired simpler forms, having lost small details and excesses. The inscription “Domains-Hosting-Mail” migrated from the mandatory part of the logo to the additional one and will now be used if necessary, depending on the context.

    As a result, the REG.RU logo has acquired higher readability, and the modern style has expanded the possibilities for its wider use.

    How our corporate identity has changed

    Thanks to the efforts of our developers and designers, the visual component of the REG.RU brand is a reflection of the company's position in the market and our corporate values. REG.RU is simple, convenient, intuitive and effective.

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