Xkcd comic book reverse engineering

    About a week ago, Randall Munroe published the Frequency comic , in which various inscriptions blink with a frequency that roughly corresponds to the frequency of these events in the real world: birth, death, heartbeat, wedding, someone breaks the iPhone screen, a European resident kisses for the first time, etc. d. The beautiful pulsating picture actually consists of 50 animated GIFs.

    One of the lovers of creativity Munroe wondered : how long does the full cycle take for all personnel? To do this, he downloaded GIF files, wrote his own GIF parser - and fixed the cycle of each file. The results are shown in the table below: planned cycle in seconds, planned number of impressions per hour, real cycle in seconds and real number of impressions per hour.

    For 21 images, the planned indicator is different from the real one, because no modern browser supports a frame delay of less than 0.02 s. If this occurs, then the browser simply replaces the delay with 0.1 s.
    birth 0.24 15000.00 * 0.34 10588.24
    death 0.56 6428.57 * 0.66 5454.55
    domain 0.64 5625.00 * 0.74 4864.86
    wikipedia 0.67 5373.13 * 0.77 4675.32
    wedding 0.75 4800.00 * 0.85 4235.29
    shark 0.83 4337.35 * 0.93 3870.97
    heartbeat 0.86 4186.05 * 0.96 3750.00
    turnsignal2 0.90 4000.00 * 1.00 3600.00
    iphone 0.93 3870.97 * 1.03 3495.15
    flight 0.93 3870.97 * 1.03 3495.15
    turnsignal1 0.94 3829.79 * 1.04 3461.54
    car_elsewhere 1.03 3495.15 * 1.13 3185.84
    phoenixshoes 1.08 3333.33 * 1.18 3050.85
    meteor 1.15 3130.43 * 1.25 2880.00
    littleleague 1.23 2926.83 * 1.33 2706.77
    bottles 1.27 2834.65 * 1.37 2627.74
    denverpizza 1.27 2834.65 * 1.37 2627.74
    ndsex 1.38 2608.70 * 1.48 2432.43
    pulsar 1.40 2571.43 * 1.50 2400.00
    cat_mockingbird 1.82 1978.02 * 1.92 1875.00
    car_china 1.89 1904.76 * 1.99 1809.05
    phoenix 2.05 1756.10 2.05 1756.10
    tattoo 2.06 1747.57 2.06 1747.57
    earthquake1 2.43 1481.48 2.43 1481.48
    keys 2.43 1481.48 2.43 1481.48
    eagle 2.69 1338.29 2.69 1338.29
    vibrator 2.99 1204.01 2.99 1204.01
    car_japan 4.01 897.76 4.01 897.76
    facebook 4.32 833.33 4.32 833.33
    recycled 4.64 775.86 4.64 775.86
    bieber 4.73 761.10 4.73 761.10
    kiss 5.53 650.99 5.53 650.99
    car_germany 5.80 620.69 5.80 620.69
    house 6.22 578.78 6.22 578.78
    car_us 6.95 517.99 6.95 517.99
    dogbite 7.01 513.55 7.01 513.55
    amelia 7.79 462.13 7.79 462.13
    parliament_toilet 10.06 357.85 10.06 357.85
    dog 15.60 230.77 15.60 230.77
    us_cancer 18.99 189.57 18.99 189.57
    cat 9.30 p.m. 169.01 9.30 p.m. 169.01
    fire_dept 23.00 156.52 23.00 156.52
    earthquake2 24.26 148.39 24.26 148.39
    bike 24.93 144.40 24.93 144.40
    book_mockingbird 42.05 85.61 42.05 85.61
    us_cancer_death 54.34 66.25 54.34 66.25
    holeinone 180.00 20.00 180.00 20.00
    earthquake3 242.60 14.84 242.60 14.84
    earthquake4 2426.00 1.48 2426.00 1.48
    oldfaithful 5640.00 0.64 5640.00 0.64

    The five most frequent events.

    Five of the rarest events.

    The frequency of each event is presented on a heatmap. The darker the color, the more often the event occurs.

    The rarest events are earthquakes with magnitude 4 and gushing of the Old Faithful geyser (94 minute cycle).

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