Biathlon 2014. How to make 1000 dollars on one name

    For the XXII Winter Olympics, I released the toy Biathlon 2014 for iOS .
    With the release of the application, I tried to defend the thesis
    Making money on a mobile game without investing money in advertising can only be speculated by the name of the application

    Short description

    This game uses the method of combining virtual objects (targets) with the surrounding reality. The stage of running from the shooting range to the shooting range is made in the style of flappy bird. Competitions are held between the owner of the device and the 12th best racers of the world at the moment: Fourcade, Shipulin, Svensen, Moravec, Bjerndalin and others.


    The application is paid. Successful programmers can afford 30 35 (inflation) rubles to buy if they want. Students and oligarchs can use the Habra dialog - I will gladly send a promotional code for free download. There are 29 promotional codes left .

    Below is a story of how I released this app and interim financials.


    I spent 15,000 rubles on developing the application .
    10,000 rubles went to the artist Andrei Chesnokov. He worked 2 days.
    5,000 rubles went to the programmer. He worked 1 day.
    Last year’s Biathlon 2013 app code became the basis for the 2014 Biathlon shooting simulator . Virtually nothing new was required to program.

    The skiing phase was in doubt. How to emulate a run?
    I tried dozens of options. The stick repulsion process can be simulated by different events. Tap on the screen. Exhale. Shaking. Scream. Blinking eyes. Slamming the jaws. Waving hands. Running from iPhonearound the office.

    I tried everything. My jaw hurts. Hands were heavy. The rib is broken. Eyes - watery. iPhone - to smithereens.
    Do you know what is the most effective way to control your mouth by pronouncing the word AM ?
    The words YES, HOP, RUN, TIME, FUCKING, JUMP, AP are much worse and slower.

    As a result of research, I came to the conclusion that hands and fingers are our everything. The monkey took a stick in his hands - and became a man. And a fulcrum is needed, Archimedes was three times right. Therefore, I smile ironically while reading about managing the future through leap motion , pupils and other kinectas .
    In short, the control made tap on the screen in the styleflappy bird , in a potential gravity field.
    Acceleration for iPhone is 6000 pixels per second squared. The vertical speed of a skier with tapas is 300 pixels per second.
    These settings correlate well with the settings of the scandalous game flappy bird .

    Apple Store

    I overslept the beginning of the Olympics. The application was made, tested only on Friday, February 7th. On the opening day. Need to do something. I used a special request form on the Apple website , where I begged to check the application quickly. Not in 7-10 days, as they do, but in 24 hours. On Habr someone told me about such opportunity. I sent the request at 15-00. And already at 15-26 on my server (and I am following Apple ) I discovered the application was launched by shop002-04 from Cupertino . Wow! Respect ... Do they work at night? Apple's answer came quickly -
    Dear developer, your letter is very important for us, but we are busy head over heels. So, take a walk Vasya.

    What are they doing ?? who is Vasya? I’m Vadim, in the extreme case Dima. Okay.
    After 8 (this is disgusting, gentlemen) days, a response from the review team came
    Your shooting is too realistic. Change the flag in the Realistic Violence field from None to Frequent / Intense.

    Damn, thank God, the application does not need to be reassembled and re-allocated - there would be another week of delay and goodbye to the Olympics !!!
    Quickly did as they ordered - as a result, the panel lit up The toilet is busy . Or rather
    Due to local laws, this app will not be sold in the following territories: Brazil, Korea

    It looks like ZOI in Korea 2018 I'm flying.
    The application was approved the next day. Uff-fa!

    Loshara i loshare mi cantare

    Immediately, after approval, I ran into the Appstore to buy the app and leave a positive review. I type Biathlon 2014 - there is nothing.
    What? Oh my God! When registering in the application store, I missed the letter i in the name . Bathlon 2014 . My disappointment knew no bounds. The name can be changed in one way. The release of the next version - and this is again 9 days of waiting! Sad, I went to bed. I slept for a long time. Dreamed apples in the snow. Woke up. Entered the game server. Ahahahaha!
    40 people bought it! 40! Germans, norwegians, francs and pasta !!! Russians - 10 people, appeared in the list of participants after yesterday's publication of an article on Habré.

    Reports and money

    Every day a Cup is played among iOS riders. They don’t know about it yet. And I will tell you a secret - here is the current standing . I hope you enter the top 10 of tomorrow's race.
    Now the application is bought on average 1 time in 1 hour.
    Judging by the downloads by the end of February and the World Cup 2014, the application will earn $ 1,000. In a month, if interested, I will publish a report. Unfortunately, released a new version of its site three days ago - and as a result of the magnificent work of the magnificent Indians, it is impossible to see the reports. Safari freezes tightly on all devices, and crashes on iPad after 3-4 minutes of total freezes.

    And these people are checking our apps !! ???

    However, thank you for your attention.

    Yes, I forgot. There is a video. A bit boring, therefore, in the final article and hidden.
    Two minute video rabbit game

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