OK Instant Games Cup. Competition for developers of HTML5 games

    For eight years, more than 150 thousand people around the world took part in the championships for IT specialists organized by Mail.Ru Group. Every year the company holds more than 15 competitions in various industries. The experience and achievements gained in the IT championships are highly valued in the market - many participants of the competition aroused the interest of employers and investors after the publication of their projects and articles on various specialized resources.

    Recently, the number of players on various platforms, especially mobile, including in social networks, is actively growing. And we are pleased to announce that the management of IT-championships together with the social network Odnoklassniki and the investment division of Mail.Ru Games Ventures invites game developers to take part in a new competition for developing HTML5 mobile games. Welcome toOK Instant Games Cup !

    Brief description of major events
    1. Russian Code Cup — один из крупнейших в России чемпионатов по спортивному программированию для самых быстрых умов, на котором можно проверить свои алгоритмические навыки в состязании с сильнейшими соперниками. Более 7000 участников ежегодно. В этом году соревнование еще не запускалось, анонс будет в ближайшее время.
    2. Russian AI Cup — международное соревнование по программированию искусственного интеллекта. Широкая география, не менее 2000 участников ежегодно.
    3. Mini Ai Cups — площадка с мини-конкурсами по искусственному интеллекту, связанными с написанием ботов для игр. Совместно с Russian AI Cup, участники ежегодно присылают более 5000 решений. На данный момент регистрация уже открыта. Подробнее на Хабре.
    4. ML Boot Camp — площадка для решения задач по машинному обучению и анализу данных. Более 9000 активных пользователей. Следующее соревнование пройдет в октябре.
    5. HighLoad Cup — первое соревнование для разработчиков высоконагруженных систем. В прошлом чемпионате приняло участие более 300 человек. В этом году планируется на ноябрь, берите отпуска. Подробнее про чемпионат здесь.
    6. Технокубок — олимпиада по программированию для школьников, победители и призеры получают льготы при поступлении в МГТУ им. Н. Э. Баумана, МФТИ и другие высшие учебные заведения по всей России. Каждый год в олимпиаде принимают участие 8000 школьников.
    7. Russian Design Cup — чемпионат как для опытных, так и для начинающих дизайнеров и проектировщиков интерфейсов. Проводится с 2013 года. Подробнее.

    Why choose HTML5?

    HTML5 has become very popular in recent years. This technology has many advantages. For example, applications built on it do not need to be installed on devices. A user simply needs to install one application, say, a social network in which he can communicate, view the news feed and play mobile games written in all the same HTML5.

    Most of the development teams for such games face the key problem of developing their products - marketing, since the competition on gaming platforms that support HTML5 is quite high. Classmates try to support game developers, allowing them to promote applications on their gaming platform for free. Since the beginning of 2018, mobile game developers on social networks have earned more than 100 million rubles, and over the past year the number of game launches on Odnoklassniki mobile platform has doubled to 350 million per day.


    You can take part in the championship in two categories: Pro and New Star.

    Pro Nomination is designed for experienced developers and studios. They can port their own games from other platforms to Odnoklassniki. The three best games will get free traffic to a certain number of game installations on the social network:

    1. the winner will receive 1 million installations;
    2. second place - 500,000 installations;
    3. third place - 250,000 installations.

    In the nomination of New Star will participate new game development and teams that have not yet published their games on social networks. Three winners will receive cash prizes:

    1. 300 000 rubles for the first place;
    2. 200 000 rubles - for the second;
    3. 100 000 rubles - for the third.

    In addition, the winners will be able to consult the team of the investment division of Mail.Ru Games Ventures on the further development of the game project, and the authors of the best games will have a unique opportunity to present their project and attract investments from Mail.Ru Games Ventures.

    The mechanics of the competition and the condition of participation

    You can participate in the competition both individually and in teams. Mobile HTML5 games that were not previously published on the Odnoklassniki gaming platform are allowed to participate.

    To participate in the championship, you need to register on the OK Instant Games Cup portal , add your game and provide key information on it. Add a link to the downloaded game in the application on the tournament website before the deadline for receiving applications.

    We will award the authors of the top 10 games of the championship according to the results of the jury, representatives of the gaming industry and venture investors of Mail.Ru Games Ventures in the office of Mail.Ru Group.


    1. From September 3 to October 21 - accepting applications on the competition website;
    2. October 23 - announcement of the winners and prize-winners;
    3. October 26 - rewarding at the Mail.Ru Group office.

    Useful materials

    If you are just starting to create a game or are preparing it for publication on the Odnoklassniki gaming platform, then these links will definitely be useful to you:

    1. Sample HTML application .
    2. What is the application, its parameters and download methods?

    In addition, we recommend watching the video posted on the competition website.


    Any questions? We will be happy to answer them. Join the chat and group competition.

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