How to get on PHDays IV CTF? Participate in CTF Quals

    PHDays IV is getting closer: ticket sales have begun , in the midst of Call For Papers and accepting work for the Young School competition of young scientists. But that is not all! CTF Quals will start very soon, the qualifying stage of the PHDays CTF international data protection competition, the finals of which will be held on May 21 and 22, 2014 at the Digital October Moscow technology center during the Positive Hack Days forum.


    Qualifying competitions PHDays CTF Quals will be held for two days on January 25 and 26. According to their results, the best teams will reach the final part of the tournament. During the CTF Quals, participants will face many interesting tasks: to solve them, you will need at the same time deep theoretical knowledge of modern technologies and developed practical skills.

    First of all, game mechanics are completely aimed at making participation in CTF even more interesting. The balance of the game is calculated in such a way that the highest number of points (more than 90%) is awarded precisely for completing tasks. That is, in the fight for victory, hacking skills are still most important.

    In addition, to complete the gaming experience, we added a quest. When completing the quest, participants will need to find some information on the Internet and provide it to the jury system, answering a number of questions. The legend of the quest continues the storyline of the final PHDays III CTF competitions. Participants will investigate an incident involving the spread of the Detcelfer worm as part of the Golem task force.

    The quest does not directly affect the position in the CTF ranking. However, the participants in any case will have to go through at least a few quest tasks, and that's why. The quest consists of a series of questions that need to be answered. For each answer found, the participant receives a certain number of key points that allow you to open new tasks for your team. The tasks are similar to ordinary CTF tasks, which, of course, are familiar to the participants firsthand. The number of key points required to open a task depends on the complexity of a specific task. The number of key points accrued for each question answered will allow you to open approximately a couple of tasks.

    The solution of the task is rewarded with the accrual of actual points: their number depends on the complexity of the task and directly affects the position of the team in the ranking.



    Last year 493 teams from more than 30 countries of the world clashed in qualifying competitions (at least one task was completed by 154 of them), and this year the battle promises to be no less hot. Finalists are expected to compete with the best hackers from around the world, a unique infrastructure, an exciting legend, extremely difficult and unusual tasks, as well as a sea of ​​drive and unforgettable impressions.

    And this is how the participants' card looks this time (more than 330 teams are registered):


    To plunge into the world of hacker battles you only need to form a team, register and take part in CTF Quals - so go ahead!

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