Roadside Assistant - own car service

Roadside Assistant is a repair combine, a life buoy for a car enthusiast. In a set: The
powerful device for starting the battery with an insulated battery for 18 ampere hours “drives” 600 amperes through durable copper cables. This is enough to run even a completely "dead" battery.
In addition, there is an air compressor for 18 atmospheres, with which you can pump up the wheels for some 5-7 minutes (even large ones like 265/70 R17)!
There is also a built-in emergency light in case of late breakdowns.
A dual 12-volt DC power outlet provides hours of portable power - LCD TVs, laptops, mobile phones and camcorders. The dial shows the charge level.
This whole farm is enclosed in a nice rubberized case, weighs about 9 kilograms and has dimensions: 27 cm x 22 cm x 28 cm. The gadget is recharged from the AC mains or while driving from the cigarette lighter (DC cable is included).
Sold here for $ 160.