Top 5 Web Trends of 2009: No. 4 Mobile Internet and Augmented Reality
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Apple dominates the mobile Internet market, but Android's share is growing.

We named the Apple Best Bigco of 2008 , primarily because of the success of the iPhone and the App Store. In most of the statistics cited, Apple occupies a leading position on the mobile Internet and the gap between the pursuers is very large. At the beginning of the year, we published statistics from AdMob (the leading platform for selling ads on mobile phones), it showed that Apple has 48% of mobile Internet traffic in the United States. This is not only about the iPhone, but also about the iPod Touch.
By June 2009, Apple's share in mobile traffic rose to 64%in the US, but more importantly, the global share has grown to 47%. This is very important because smartphones were more common in the world than in the US, before the iPhone.
Still, Apple cannot afford to rest on its laurels. The operating system from Google, OS Android is developing quite rapidly. According to statistics from AdMob for July 2009, the number of requests from Android OS increased by 53% compared to the previous month and the share of Android among mobile operating systems is 7%. The share of iPhone OS in the world fell to 45% and to 60% in the United States.

Bigco initiatives and trending startups.
All Internet companies have their own technologies for working on the mobile Internet. We discussed Apple and Google.
Yahoo continues to advance its technologyfor the mobile Internet, which now exist under the OneConnect brand .

Microsoft has announced several new technologies for its Windows Mobile, including the mobile version of Microsoft Office and the MySpace platform connection .
Earlier this month, Facebook announced a mobile version of Facebook Connect . Facebook Connect for mobile Internet enables developers to incorporate this technology into their phone apps, making them more social.
But most likely startups for mobile Internet are of most interest. We've been watching Brightkite startup for some time, but the most talked about startup is probablyFoursquare . This is an iPhone app, a kind of social network that uses data about your location. Unfortunately, it is available only in some countries.

Augmented Reality.
Augmented reality, this is an additional layer for the world in your mobile phone, this is one of the main trends of 2009. As we already noticed in August , it is everywhere from mobile applications to toys for children. Many people think that PP will soon be discussed just as we discussed social media and Web 2.0 before they were established, wait and see. But this does not mean that now nothing is happening in this area, no, now there is a lot of interesting things here.
As we wrote at the end of August, applications for PP began to appear for Android (was the leader in the beginning) and iPhone. We wrote that the Paris Metro app was probably the first PP app approved by iTunes. Then there was a new PP application from Yelp that turned on when you shook your 3Gs. Following the Paris Metro app , Presittle created the London Bus app .
Undoubtedly, a mobile device is becoming an increasingly important means of accessing the Internet. Many of our readers have smartphones, the catalyst for this was the promotion of iPhone and Android (our statistics prove this). And there is no shortage of the number of mobile Internet applications coming to the App Store and Android Marketplace, do not forget Nokia and other promising phone manufacturers.
Most encouraging, though, is the brand new apps we've seen. Augmented reality is the most obvious example. It was a great year for the mobile industry, but the most interesting is yet to come.
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We named the Apple Best Bigco of 2008 , primarily because of the success of the iPhone and the App Store. In most of the statistics cited, Apple occupies a leading position on the mobile Internet and the gap between the pursuers is very large. At the beginning of the year, we published statistics from AdMob (the leading platform for selling ads on mobile phones), it showed that Apple has 48% of mobile Internet traffic in the United States. This is not only about the iPhone, but also about the iPod Touch.
By June 2009, Apple's share in mobile traffic rose to 64%in the US, but more importantly, the global share has grown to 47%. This is very important because smartphones were more common in the world than in the US, before the iPhone.
Still, Apple cannot afford to rest on its laurels. The operating system from Google, OS Android is developing quite rapidly. According to statistics from AdMob for July 2009, the number of requests from Android OS increased by 53% compared to the previous month and the share of Android among mobile operating systems is 7%. The share of iPhone OS in the world fell to 45% and to 60% in the United States.

Bigco initiatives and trending startups.
All Internet companies have their own technologies for working on the mobile Internet. We discussed Apple and Google.
Yahoo continues to advance its technologyfor the mobile Internet, which now exist under the OneConnect brand .

Microsoft has announced several new technologies for its Windows Mobile, including the mobile version of Microsoft Office and the MySpace platform connection .
Earlier this month, Facebook announced a mobile version of Facebook Connect . Facebook Connect for mobile Internet enables developers to incorporate this technology into their phone apps, making them more social.
But most likely startups for mobile Internet are of most interest. We've been watching Brightkite startup for some time, but the most talked about startup is probablyFoursquare . This is an iPhone app, a kind of social network that uses data about your location. Unfortunately, it is available only in some countries.

Augmented Reality.
Augmented reality, this is an additional layer for the world in your mobile phone, this is one of the main trends of 2009. As we already noticed in August , it is everywhere from mobile applications to toys for children. Many people think that PP will soon be discussed just as we discussed social media and Web 2.0 before they were established, wait and see. But this does not mean that now nothing is happening in this area, no, now there is a lot of interesting things here.
As we wrote at the end of August, applications for PP began to appear for Android (was the leader in the beginning) and iPhone. We wrote that the Paris Metro app was probably the first PP app approved by iTunes. Then there was a new PP application from Yelp that turned on when you shook your 3Gs. Following the Paris Metro app , Presittle created the London Bus app .
Undoubtedly, a mobile device is becoming an increasingly important means of accessing the Internet. Many of our readers have smartphones, the catalyst for this was the promotion of iPhone and Android (our statistics prove this). And there is no shortage of the number of mobile Internet applications coming to the App Store and Android Marketplace, do not forget Nokia and other promising phone manufacturers.
Most encouraging, though, is the brand new apps we've seen. Augmented reality is the most obvious example. It was a great year for the mobile industry, but the most interesting is yet to come.
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