Arduino compatible OLIMEXINO-85S microSD card size

Original author: olimex
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Several small Arduino boards were developed this year, including Microduino (25.40 x 27.94mm) and OLIMEXINO-NANO (30 x 30 mm). But Olimex took another step towards reducing the form factor with the OLIMEXINO-85S motherboard. The size of the board is only 16.9 x 12.7 mm, which is not much more than a microSD card (15x11 mm). At the moment, OLIMEXINO-85S can claim the title of the smallest board in the Arduino family.

  • Microcontroller - Atmel ATTiny85 @ 20MHz with 8 KB Flash, and 512B RAM
  • I / O - all 6 I / O contacts (I2C, SPI, 4 ADC), as well as a power connector
  • Misc: two LEDs, one programmable and one power
  • Power: via microUSB or lithium polymer battery

Application development is done using the Digispark Arduino IDE build.
The LIMEXINO-85S will be available at the beginning of January 2014 and will cost 4 Euros.
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