We distribute servers: voting

    So the first stage of accepting applications has ended. There are more than 40 of them. The queue for the second stage is that among the applications selected by us, the Habr community will select the most interesting and enlightened ones by democratic methods.

    I want to apologize to those who sent interesting applications, but did not get to vote. In terms of applications, not a word is indicated about the current state of the project, or the project is still in its infancy. We will try to everyone who is not listed in this vote to report the reasons so that you can better prepare for the next time.

    When selecting applications, we tried to filter them as little as possible so that there remains a field for democracy and freedom of expression. We did not even change the sequence of applications and publish them in the order of receipt (with a single remark - first the applications that arrived on the hub, then - applications from the mailbox). True, in some cases they allowed themselves to slightly reduce the size of applications (some reached 2 pages).

    We want to thank in advance everyone who will not remain indifferent and give their votes. Each application is posted in a separate commentary on this post. You can freely support any number of applications by putting a plus to the corresponding comments. Please do not put cons if you did not like the idea. If you want to scold the author of the project - think that you can advise him. Another convincing request is not to create meaningless comments like “support”, “cool”, “stupid idea”, etc. However, if you have practical recommendations regarding the idea presented in the application, we and the authors of the project will be grateful to you if you share it.

    Separately, we want to note that several applications, the scale of which do not require the provision of a server, will receive hosting out of competition. They do not vote and will be announced at the tabulation on November 26th.

    And let the most worthy win.

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