HackThings - a big hackathon on the Internet of things September 7-9 in Skoltech
A couple of weeks at the Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology (Moscow, Nobel St., 3), together with experts from the institute, as well as representatives of InSpark, Intel, Microsoft and Huawei, we will organize the hackathon in the field of IoT. There are few restrictions, a lot of different equipment, awards from partners and a prize fund of half a million rubles. This is in brief. And the details under the cut.

Participants of the hackathon will develop projects related to one of the applications of the Internet of things:
Additional restrictions in terms of topics will not be. Immediately we give the criteria by which the experts of Sberbank and Skoltech will evaluate the projects:
The restrictions on the size of the team are minor: you need a whole positive number of participants. The source code of the project is not necessary to provide - enough snapshot, and then in case of disputes. During work, mentors will conduct briefs with teams and assist as needed.
Participants will have access to the Skoltech workshop, LoRa base stations and other necessary equipment. You can also bring and use your own.
The meeting of participants is on Friday, September 7, at 17: 00-17: 30 at the Park Pobedy metro station, from where there will be a transfer to Sktech. Presentations and awarding of winners - on Sunday, September 9, at 15:00. After awarding the shuttle will take everyone back to the subway. More information about the hackathon, including the schedule, is on the event website .
You can discuss additional questions with the organizers, look for the team or the missing specialist in the telegram chat . Register - by reference . We will be glad to see you.

Participants of the hackathon will develop projects related to one of the applications of the Internet of things:
- City, transport, life
- Health care
- Finance
- Agriculture
- Data collection and analysis in principle
Additional restrictions in terms of topics will not be. Immediately we give the criteria by which the experts of Sberbank and Skoltech will evaluate the projects:
- Novelty and originality of the idea
- Completeness of the implementation (the presence of the layout, interface, full functionality)
- Utility, potential market demand
- Applicability in practice
- The quality of the preparation of the accompanying materials (volume and content of the presentation, project description, performance)
The restrictions on the size of the team are minor: you need a whole positive number of participants. The source code of the project is not necessary to provide - enough snapshot, and then in case of disputes. During work, mentors will conduct briefs with teams and assist as needed.
Participants will have access to the Skoltech workshop, LoRa base stations and other necessary equipment. You can also bring and use your own.
List of equipment on site
Наименование | Кол-во |
Arduino Micro | 25 |
Bluetooth HC-05 (Troyka-модуль) | 1 |
IMU-сенсор на 10 степеней свободы (Troyka-модуль) | 7 |
Power Bank (Li-Ion, 2000 мА·ч) | 15 |
Raspberry Pi Camera Board v2.1 | 5 |
Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera Board | 5 |
Troyka Cap | 5 |
Troyka Slot Shield | 20 |
WiFi Slot | 20 |
Wi-Fi (Troyka-модуль) | 5 |
Wi-Fi модуль ESP8266 | 5 |
Аудиовход mini-jack (Troyka-модуль) | 3 |
Барометр (Troyka-модуль) | 5 |
Беспроводной передатчик на 433 МГц | 5 |
Беспроводной приёмник на 433 МГц | 5 |
Герметичный датчик температуры DS18B20 | 10 |
Датчик влажности почвы | 10 |
Датчик водорода MQ-8 (Troyka-модуль) | 5 |
Датчик горючих газов MQ-5 (Troyka-модуль) | 7 |
Датчик горючих и угарного газов MQ-9 (Troyka-модуль) | 7 |
Датчик освещённости (Troyka-модуль) | 5 |
Датчик паров спирта MQ-3 (Troyka-модуль) | 7 |
Датчик природного газа MQ-4 (Troyka-модуль) | 5 |
Датчик пульса | 5 |
Датчик сжиженного углеводородного газа MQ-6 (Troyka-модуль) | 5 |
Датчик температуры и влажности SHT1x | 3 |
Датчик тока (Troyka-модуль) | 7 |
Датчик угарного газа MQ-7 (Troyka-модуль) | 5 |
Датчик углекислого газа MQ-135 (Troyka-модуль) | 7 |
Датчик широкого спектра газов MQ-2 (Troyka-модуль) | 7 |
Датчик шума (Troyka-модуль) | 5 |
ИК-приёмник (Troyka-модуль) | 5 |
Инфракрасный дальномер Sharp (20-150 см) | 3 |
Инфракрасный датчик движения | 3 |
Контактные колодки Arduino с дополнительной проставкой | 10 |
Магнетометр/компас (Troyka-модуль) | 5 |
Переменный резистор (потенциометр) | 5 |
Ползунковый потенциометр (Troyka-модуль) | 3 |
Потенциометр (Troyka-модуль) | 3 |
Приёмопередатчик RS-485 (Troyka-модуль) | 10 |
Сенсор вибрации (Troyka-модуль) | 5 |
Сенсорная кнопка (Troyka-модуль) | 5 |
Цифровой датчик температуры и влажности DHT-21 | 3 |
Цифровой датчик температуры и влажности (Troyka-модуль) | 5 |
Штырьковые соединители (1×40) | 30 |
Эталонный монетоприёмник | 3 |
The meeting of participants is on Friday, September 7, at 17: 00-17: 30 at the Park Pobedy metro station, from where there will be a transfer to Sktech. Presentations and awarding of winners - on Sunday, September 9, at 15:00. After awarding the shuttle will take everyone back to the subway. More information about the hackathon, including the schedule, is on the event website .
You can discuss additional questions with the organizers, look for the team or the missing specialist in the telegram chat . Register - by reference . We will be glad to see you.