Friday webinars from Skillbox: development and developers
It's Friday again today, and we are publishing another selection of free webinars. Theme - development: a review of programming languages, the path of the programmer, the basics of JavaScript. If you're interested, go ahead!
We remind: for all readers of Habr - a discount of 10,000 rubles when writing to any Skillbox course on the promotional code "Habr"
JavaScript basics
The course is designed for beginners. Badoo’s lead software engineer, Mikhail Ovchinnikov, talks about things like reaction to events (scripting), changing the page, making requests to the server, and updating data without reloading the page.
Practical online JavaScript course from scratch
JQuery and Google Maps Libraries
This is a continuation of the previous webinar. Topics covered include creating Google maps, listening to a Click event, creating a list of bullets, and adding messages to them.
Online course Frontend-developer
How to develop a JavaScript application
The third and last part of a series of webinars with Mikhail Ovchinnikov. This time - developing an application in JavaScript. During the webinar, you can test and apply all the knowledge from previous releases.
JavaScript course from scratch
Overview of programming languages
And here it is told about why to become a programmer at all, what it can give you as an individual and professional. In addition, features of various programming languages are disclosed, including their syntax, logic, and practical application.
Practical online course Web developer
How to become a Java developer
If you like Java, then you should listen to the webinar of Daniil Pilipenko, director of the SymbioWay center. He introduces the syntax of the language and tells how to develop a program in Java, and also examines the path of the developer - from beginner to professional.
Java developer online course
In general, programming is a lifetime. To find your own path, first you need to choose the direction of motion. Skillbox webinars from today's collection will help to do this.