How “decoding of the digital world” exploded the hall: top 10 reports DotNext 2018 Piter

    Hi, Habr! We have posted videos of reports from the conference DotNext 2018 Piter. The result was a playlist of 26 videos! In our selection under the cut will be ten, but only the best, received the highest ratings from the audience. If you have the strength to watch all the reports from the playlist - we are only happy.
    Traditionally, the lower the report on the list, the higher its rating. But it is very important to understand: all reports have approximately the same marks, about 4.36-4.49 points, and the location can easily change, it is worth a little to change the calculation method. For example, the report, which took second place with a rating of 4.48, has several times more reviews than the best report with a rating of 4.49. In general, you need to watch everything.

    Under the cut all videos are broken with a table of contents by post content, presentations and short descriptions.

    HTTP / 2 microservice communication

    Speaker: Evgeny Zhirov
    Place: 10
    Rating: 4.36 ± 0.06
    Presentation of the report

    The report of Evgeny Zhirov opens our top detective story about performance. You will have a short and understandable insight into the creation and development of HTTP and HTTP / 2, the opening of the fatal flaws of HTTP and the heroic solution of the problems associated with attempting to switch to HTTP / 2 in a new service.

    Marrying tells a fascinating Fail story about unmanaged memory leaks, magic constants, surprise “101 queries”, repair CoreFX and other interesting problems. Any developer of microservices for .NET and colleagues who work with HTTP testing services may experience any problems with them.

    Of course, besides the emails, Eugene found HTTP / 2 and some serious advantages: speeding up page loading and optimizing the interaction of microservices in a distributed system.

    Expression trees in enterprise development

    Speaker: Maxim Arshinov
    Location: 9
    Rating: 4.37 ± 0.05
    Presentation of the report

    The story of one refactoring. Often we do not understand how the technology works "under the hood." Most developers use expression trees only for lambda expressions in LINQ. But the work on the project with a large information environment forced Maxim to climb into the code and figure out how expression trees help to live happily and optimize processes.

    In the report, Maxim demonstrates advanced techniques for working with expression trees: eliminates code duplication in LINQ, deals with metaprogramming, code generation, and transfiguration, and automates testing with the expression tree. The story clearly shows that expression trees can and should be used, and the pitfalls encountered can be easily circumvented.

    And yes, if you don’t like to write a lot of code, the expression tree is your choice.

    Reactive Extensions (Rx) 101

    Speaker: Tamir Dresher
    Location: 8
    Rating: 4.38 ± 0.12
    Presentation of the report

    Reactive applications are designed to handle asynchronous events. They improve the responsiveness, resiliency and elasticity of the code. Reactive Extensions (Rx) is a library that abstracts the sources of events and provides tools for processing them through Reactive.

    The Tamir report demonstrates simple code examples that will help us enter the Rx field, understand the main features and approaches. After listening to the report, you will be able to use Reactive Extensions effectively enough to experiment and start up production.

    With Rx, filtering events, composing event sources and transforming them becomes easier than using conventional paradigms and tools. But this requires a change in thinking: you need to think of your application as a message hub, and the application must understand how to respond to these messages. Tamir explains and shows everything. Watch and experiment!

    How containers work

    Speaker: Sasha Goldshtein
    Location: 7
    Rating: 4.39 ± 0.06
    Presentation of the report

    Among modern HYIP trends, containers stand on a par with machine learning and blockchain. But few people understand them well enough to easily and visually tell you what to do with containers.

    And in this report, the containers are shown as they really are: the usual processes with some isolation, a quota for resources, picking at sandboxing security.

    This is an interesting and useful thing that you need to understand if you want to continue to work and be relevant in your field in the next few years. Containers are your friend and comrade, and Sasha will be your guide to this world.

    He talks about how neimspaces isolate containers from each other, how to share resources between them, what is throttling, and how all of the above can be related to .NET runtime. In the report, Sasha will share the secret of how to write a small application on .NET Core that will not carry half a gigabyte of user-space libraries and other utilities from Ubuntu.

    Xamarin is not only harmful, but also useful

    Speaker: Dmitry Moiseev
    Location: 6
    Rating: 4.40 ± 0.14
    Presentation of the report

    Two years ago, Xamarin was a problematic product: a broken IDE, slow speed, problems with cross-platform code and binding to native platform capabilities. Programmers especially remember Xamarin.Forms (and they still remember, if they still write under Windows Phone).

    What has changed in two years? This is the report of Dmitry, who took sixth place in our rating. Dmitry on the example of the mobile application Kontur. Elba talks about how to use Xamarin now, so that, firstly, it was not painfully painful, and secondly, that releases on Android and iOS could be released simultaneously, regardless of the complexity of the application.

    The report is simple, does not require serious knowledge of languages ​​and is suitable for both beginners who are just starting to develop mobile platforms (they can make life easier for Xamarin), and for professionals who want to use a common code and deploy quickly.

    Dmitry rightly notes that under the two platforms you need to do everything literally - interfaces, feature implementations, repair bugs, test. And Xamarin is a great time saver. It is possible that someone already needs to rewrite the application under Xamarin right now, and he will not know about it without listening to the report. Do not miss!

    Scratched metal

    Speaker: Federico Lois
    Location: 5
    Rating: 4.41 ± 0.10
    Presentation of the report

    “If someone tells you that you can’t write fast C # code, you know the answer.” Very strong, very stylish and rather hardcore report for engineers on micro-optimizations in high-performance applications, which took fifth place.

    Federico will show you how to work with the hardware intrinsics added in CoreCLR 2.1, and what to do if you need to reach 50 thousand requests per second to write to a member server - micro-optimizations in the RavenDB vNext storage engine will become a lifeline.
    The report focuses on real-world examples of the most difficult bottlenecks in critical situations and how to make the code work quickly and not decrease in reliability.

    Do you dare to plunge into the hardcore jungle of processor architecture and find out their effect on caches? Ready to listen about poyzoning and prefetching and it does not scare you? Rather, open the report, pour something hot and find out that nobody has told you yet.

    Building microservices with .NET Core and Docker

    Speaker: Edwin van Wijk
    Location: 4
    Rating: 4.45 ± 0.08
    Presentation of the report

    A short introduction to the theoretical base from Edwin van Wijk about microservices and forward to the code and programming wilderness, because in the report 20% of slides and 80% of the code!

    In fact, everything is not so scary. Edwin talks about a new way to build .NET applications that works well with clouds and containers - .NET Core. A large part of the report is devoted to using .NET Core to build applications based on containerized services.

    Edwin - Microsoft MVP in the category of Visual Studio and Development Technologies and about microservices and subtleties of their use hardly anyone can tell more fully and objectively: with examples, interaction with different containers and a pile of literature at the end of the report. All .NET developers need to see.

    Keynout: Advanced Space Technology

    Speaker: Vitaly Egorov
    Location: 3
    Rating: 4.45 ± 0.07

    The triple of winners opens with a very unusual report. One would assume that in third place is some terrible hardcore, from which the blood runs cold in his veins.

    But in fact, it’s not about .NET, but about space! The report is read not by anyone, but by the world famous Zelenyikot . At the time of publication of this article, his karma is 1379.2, the number of subscribers is 1750.

    The closing keyout, that is, the last report of the conference is a very specific thing. On the one hand, some of the participants are already starting to fall asleep from the information overload. On the other hand, for all the others this report will be remembered better than others, it will sit in the brain and will not be forgotten until the next conference. In the closing keyout it is useful to sum up some ideological outcomes of the conference and to plan the way for the future.

    So, meet the closing keynote from Vitaly Egorov about technologies in astronautics that are developing right now, how they help to explore space and what kind of romantic (and maybe not so) future awaits us all in the coming decade.

    Vitaly explains what engines exist, why Musk chose methane-based technology and what benefits no one except Ilona Mask says.

    In the report, Vitaly touched upon the topic of ultra-small satellites who dance around the Earth and take pictures of it, despite the fact that there are many ways to commercialize photos, on the one hand, and on the other, no one has used them yet.

    Vitaly talks about the cost of a liter of water on the ISS, the production of satellites and whether it will be possible to connect to the “space” Internet as easily as to a WiFi point. And satellites can serve other satellites. Can you imagine what will begin when tens of thousands of such devices are released into orbit?

    The report is mandatory for viewing to anyone who is at least a little interested in space or wants to have a basic understanding of what is happening in this industry. And there is a lot of things there!

    Special exceptions in .NET

    Speaker: Evgeny Peshkov
    Location: 2
    Rating: 4.48 ± 0.07
    Presentation of the report

    If we take into account the number of viewers, then the report of Eugene will become the leader of our collection - this report contains 150 more reviews than the winner’s. This automatically means that the report should be viewed by everyone without exception.

    Exceptions, by the way, and the report is devoted. When developing .NET applications, you may encounter strange, special exceptions that are significantly different from the usual .NET developers.

    And in each version of the framework, in each operating system, these errors may be different! Eugene in the report considers the features of each type of exception, for example, StackOverflowException, ThreadAbortException, AccessViolationException, OutOfMemoryException, which occur with errors at the operating system level or runtime.

    Such errors can lead to the fall of the whole process. What to do with it? Understand, delve into the guts of the .NET platform, understand the difference between versions and implementations of the platform, as well as change the standard behavior of runtime at a low level. Of course, exceptions are not as simple as they seem, and not all are treated equally. Each requires a special approach, and at different levels of abstraction.

    It may sound scary, but in reality everything is quite simple - it is possible and necessary to intervene in the process of exception handling. The level of "entry" in the report is low, listen to it and find for yourself something useful can any developer.

    Pitfalls of high-level cryptography

    Speaker: Stan Drapkin
    Location: 1
    Rating: 4.49 ± 0.11
    Presentation of the report

    “High-Level Cryptography Pitfalls” by Stan Drapkin is the pearl of DotNext 2018 and the best conference report. This is a logical continuation of reports on cryptography from past DotNext conferences, where they talked about low-level cryptography problems.

    Now Stan has prepared the simplest and equally important report that in high-level cryptography of pitfalls, difficulties and problems are no less than in low-level ones.

    From the report you will learn how to look like a high-level library working with cryptography, how to use a high-level API and not fall into traps that are not as simple as they seem at first glance.

    The advanced part of the discussion concerns .NET public key cryptography and the right approach to using various cryptography methods: where and what is best to use.
    And if it seems to you that this can be boring - Stan proves that even complex security topics can be revealed quickly, simply and accessible to all. The report is recommended to look even to those who are far from cryptography, but want to learn a little about security.

    If these reports are of interest, please note: this fall DotNext 2018 Moscow will take place on November 22-23 . This time Jeffrey Richter and Greg Young speak at the conference . The most up-to-date information about the program can always be seen on the site, there you can also buy tickets - and their price is gradually increasing, so it’s worth considering now.

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