Pure URL - automatically remove utm_source and other garbage from the URL
At a time when web developers are wasting time implementing URLs that people understand, the guys at Google Analytics came up with an insidious plan to destroy beautiful URLs on the web. Here and there we find links that are generously diluted with utm_ * parameters that Google Analytics uses to collect various user statistics. How much can you endure this?

That was the last straw. Meet the Pure URL! The extension works under Firefox 19+ , Chrome 18+ and Opera 16+ . It processes requests even before they are sent to the server, removing all garbage from addresses on the fly. Even if you open a link with spyware parameters in your IM, the Pure URL will kindly make the server not even guess about their existence. From a long and terrible link in the picture you get a concise http://bigpicture.ru/?p=431513 - it’s much more pleasant to deal with such a URL.

At the moment, the list of filtered parameters can only be edited in Firefox. Also now this list is global for all sites. Pure URL copes with its main task, but there is room for further development. If the idea finds support from the community, as soon as free time appears, it is planned to add, in addition to the global list of garbage parameters, individual lists for each site.

That was the last straw. Meet the Pure URL! The extension works under Firefox 19+ , Chrome 18+ and Opera 16+ . It processes requests even before they are sent to the server, removing all garbage from addresses on the fly. Even if you open a link with spyware parameters in your IM, the Pure URL will kindly make the server not even guess about their existence. From a long and terrible link in the picture you get a concise http://bigpicture.ru/?p=431513 - it’s much more pleasant to deal with such a URL.

At the moment, the list of filtered parameters can only be edited in Firefox. Also now this list is global for all sites. Pure URL copes with its main task, but there is room for further development. If the idea finds support from the community, as soon as free time appears, it is planned to add, in addition to the global list of garbage parameters, individual lists for each site.