Digg reader beta

This morning, Digg was pleased with the opportunity to try their alternative to the closing Google Reader, Digg Reader .

I’ll start right away with the transferred convenience from Google Reader:
  • The same key combinations
  • Advanced view and list modes

Additionally added (not to mention the migration of feeds and folders from Google Reader):
  • Integration with Pocket, Readability, Instapaper, Facebook, Twitter
  • The ability to share your favorite posts with a feed

From mobile applications, there is so far only an option for iOS.

They promise in the coming months:
  • Search;
  • Android application (until the end of July);
  • Additional options like “view only unread” and “mark unread”;
  • Convenient ways of ranking and sorting posts (for example, by popularity on social networks, relevant to you, by the size of the article);
  • Tags
  • More sharing options (for example, in LinkedIn, Google+, WordPress, Tumblr, Squarespace, Evernote, Dropbox, Buffer), as well as the integration of IFTTT functions;
  • Ability to import / export;
  • Browser extensions and / or bookmarklet .

a source

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