Duplicate Merge in Oracle
- Tutorial
Just a few days ago, I described a set of procedures to help deal with duplicates in a PostgreSQL database. Let me remind you that by duplicates I mean the entries made in the directories again, for example, by mistake. As it turned out, a similar tool for Oracle could also be useful.
To begin with, we will create “reference” tables necessary for debugging and testing our functionality:

... and fill them with data:
Now let's think about what actions need to be performed to “merge” duplicates? We have two entries that we consider “duplicates”. It is required to delete one of them, and change all links to it so that they point to the second. Of course, all this must be done in such a way that this action can be rolled back, if necessary. Thus, it is necessary to record all the information required for rollback in the service tables:

To save the deleted record, we will use a table that repeats the structure of the original. This table will be created automatically during the first merge of duplicates of the corresponding directory. We will form the name by adding the prefix “mg_” to the name of the directory table (for example, if for the first time we need to merge duplicates in the street directory, we must create the mg_street table to save deleted records).
In the mg_table table, the names of the tables of the directories processed in this way will be fixed. In mg_merge we will store the keys of the merged records, and in mg_ref identifiers of records that refer to the old value. It is easy to notice that such a structure of lookup tables allows you to work only with single-column numeric keys. For this reason, the first thing we should do is check if we can work with the selected directory:
With this query, we determine the maximum number of columns in foreign keys that reference the table specified by p_name. It should be noted that compiling such queries in Oracle is very simple. It is not necessary to memorize the names of all Oracle system representations. We can always refresh our memory by running the following simple request:
Further, all the steps to perform the merge are quite obvious, although they require the active use of execute immediate (the full source code of the package is given at the end of the article).
Some comments are required on the rollback procedure. In addition to the ability to roll back the last change, the described package allows you to roll back a single change by specifying its ID. Obviously, not any merge can be rolled back in this way. The ability to rollback changes is checked using the following query:
The meaning of this check is simple - we cannot roll back the merge of records if the record remaining after its execution was subsequently deleted by another merge.
The implementation of the package is as follows:
We can merge dictionary values by executing the following query:
And roll back changes request:
To begin with, we will create “reference” tables necessary for debugging and testing our functionality:

Test tables
create table city (
id number not null,
name varchar2(30) not null
create unique index city_pk on city(id);
alter table city
add constraint city_pk primary key(id);
create table street (
id number not null,
city_id number not null,
name varchar2(30) not null
create unique index street_pk on street(id);
create index street_fk on street(city_id);
alter table street
add constraint street_pk primary key(id);
alter table street add
constraint fk_street foreign key (city_id)
references city(id);
create table address (
id number not null,
street_id number not null,
house varchar2(10) not null,
apartment varchar2(10)
create unique index address_pk on address(id);
create index address_fk on address(street_id);
alter table address
add constraint address_pk primary key(id);
alter table address add
constraint fk_address foreign key (street_id)
references street(id);
... and fill them with data:
Test data
insert into city(id, name) values (1, 'Казань');
insert into street(id, city_id, name) values (1, 1, 'Победы');
insert into street(id, city_id, name) values (2, 1, 'Победы проспект');
insert into address(id, street_id, house, apartment) values (1, 1, '10', '1');
insert into address(id, street_id, house, apartment) values (2, 2, '10', '2');
Now let's think about what actions need to be performed to “merge” duplicates? We have two entries that we consider “duplicates”. It is required to delete one of them, and change all links to it so that they point to the second. Of course, all this must be done in such a way that this action can be rolled back, if necessary. Thus, it is necessary to record all the information required for rollback in the service tables:

Service tables
create table mg_table (
name varchar2(30) not null
create unique index mg_table_pk on mg_table(name);
alter table mg_table
add constraint mg_table_pk primary key(name);
create sequence mg_merge_seq;
create table mg_merge (
id number not null,
table_name varchar2(30) not null,
old_id number not null,
new_id number not null
create unique index mg_merge_pk on mg_merge(id);
create unique index mg_merge_uk on mg_merge(table_name, old_id);
alter table mg_merge
add constraint mg_merge_pk primary key(id);
alter table mg_merge add
constraint fk_mg_merge foreign key (table_name)
references mg_table(name);
create sequence mg_ref_seq;
create table mg_ref (
id number not null,
merge_id number not null,
table_name varchar2(30) not null,
pk_name varchar2(30) not null,
column_name varchar2(30) not null,
object_id number not null
create unique index mg_ref_pk on mg_ref(id);
create index mg_ref_fk on mg_ref(merge_id);
alter table mg_ref
add constraint mg_ref_pk primary key(id);
alter table mg_ref add
constraint fk_mg_ref foreign key (merge_id)
references mg_merge(id);
To save the deleted record, we will use a table that repeats the structure of the original. This table will be created automatically during the first merge of duplicates of the corresponding directory. We will form the name by adding the prefix “mg_” to the name of the directory table (for example, if for the first time we need to merge duplicates in the street directory, we must create the mg_street table to save deleted records).
In the mg_table table, the names of the tables of the directories processed in this way will be fixed. In mg_merge we will store the keys of the merged records, and in mg_ref identifiers of records that refer to the old value. It is easy to notice that such a structure of lookup tables allows you to work only with single-column numeric keys. For this reason, the first thing we should do is check if we can work with the selected directory:
select max(cn)
from ( select b.constraint_name, count(*) cn
from user_constraints a
inner join user_constraints b on (b.r_constraint_name = a.constraint_name)
inner join user_cons_columns c on (c.constraint_name = b.constraint_name)
where a.table_name = upper(p_name)
group by b.constraint_name );
With this query, we determine the maximum number of columns in foreign keys that reference the table specified by p_name. It should be noted that compiling such queries in Oracle is very simple. It is not necessary to memorize the names of all Oracle system representations. We can always refresh our memory by running the following simple request:
select * from dictionary
Further, all the steps to perform the merge are quite obvious, although they require the active use of execute immediate (the full source code of the package is given at the end of the article).
Some comments are required on the rollback procedure. In addition to the ability to roll back the last change, the described package allows you to roll back a single change by specifying its ID. Obviously, not any merge can be rolled back in this way. The ability to rollback changes is checked using the following query:
select count(*)
from mg_merge where old_id = l_new;
The meaning of this check is simple - we cannot roll back the merge of records if the record remaining after its execution was subsequently deleted by another merge.
The implementation of the package is as follows:
create or replace package mg_merge_pkg as
procedure merge(p_name in varchar2, p_old in number, p_new in number);
procedure undo(p_id in number);
procedure undo;
end mg_merge_pkg;
show errors;
create or replace package body mg_merge_pkg as
e_unsupported_error EXCEPTION;
pragma EXCEPTION_INIT(e_unsupported_error, -20001);
cursor c_col(p_name varchar2, p_pk varchar2) is
select column_name
from user_tab_columns
where table_name = upper(p_name)
and column_name <> p_pk;
procedure merge(p_name in varchar2, p_old in number, p_new in number) as
cursor c_fk is
select b.table_name, c.column_name, e.column_name pk_name
from user_constraints a
inner join user_constraints b on (b.r_constraint_name = a.constraint_name)
inner join user_cons_columns c on (c.constraint_name = b.constraint_name)
inner join user_constraints d on (d.table_name = b.table_name
and d.constraint_type = 'P')
inner join user_cons_columns e on (e.constraint_name = d.constraint_name)
where a.table_name = upper(p_name);
r_fk c_fk%rowtype;
r_col c_col%rowtype;
l_id number default null;
l_cn number default null;
l_pk varchar2(30) default null;
l_sql varchar2(500) default null;
select max(cn) into l_cn
from ( select b.constraint_name, count(*) cn
from user_constraints a
inner join user_constraints b on (b.r_constraint_name = a.constraint_name)
inner join user_cons_columns c on (c.constraint_name = b.constraint_name)
where a.table_name = upper(p_name)
group by b.constraint_name );
if l_cn > 1 then
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'Can''t support multicolumn FK');
end if;
select c.column_name into l_pk
from user_constraints a
inner join user_cons_columns c on (c.constraint_name = a.constraint_name)
where a.table_name = upper(p_name)
and a.constraint_type = 'P';
select count(*) into l_cn
from mg_table where name = upper(p_name);
if l_cn = 0 then
insert into mg_table(name) values (upper(p_name));
execute immediate
'create table mg_' || p_name || ' as select * from ' || upper(p_name) || ' ' ||
'where rownum = 0';
execute immediate
'create unique index mg_' || p_name || '_pk on mg_' || p_name || '(' || l_pk || ')';
end if;
insert into mg_merge(id, table_name, old_id, new_id)
values (mg_merge_seq.nextval, upper(p_name), p_old, p_new)
returning id into l_id;
open c_fk;
fetch c_fk into r_fk;
exit when c_fk%notfound;
execute immediate
'insert into mg_ref(id, merge_id, table_name, pk_name, column_name, object_id) ' ||
'select mg_ref_seq.nextval, :merge_id, :tab_name, :pk_name, :col_name, ' || r_fk.pk_name || ' ' ||
'from ' || r_fk.table_name || ' where ' || r_fk.column_name || ' = :old_id'
using l_id, r_fk.table_name, r_fk.pk_name, r_fk.column_name, p_old;
execute immediate
'update ' || r_fk.table_name || ' set ' || r_fk.column_name || ' = :new_id ' ||
'where ' || r_fk.column_name || ' = :old_id' using p_new, p_old;
end loop;
close c_fk;
l_sql := 'insert into mg_' || p_name || '(' || l_pk;
open c_col(p_name, l_pk);
fetch c_col into r_col;
exit when c_col%notfound;
l_sql := l_sql || ',' || r_col.column_name;
end loop;
close c_col;
l_sql := l_sql || ') select '|| l_pk;
open c_col(p_name, l_pk);
fetch c_col into r_col;
exit when c_col%notfound;
l_sql := l_sql || ',' || r_col.column_name;
end loop;
close c_col;
l_sql := l_sql || ' from ' || p_name || ' where ' || l_pk || ' = :old_id';
execute immediate l_sql using p_old;
execute immediate
'delete from ' || p_name || ' where ' || l_pk || ' = :id' using p_old;
when others then
if c_fk%isopen then close c_fk; end if;
if c_col%isopen then close c_col; end if;
procedure undo(p_id in number) as
cursor c_fk is
select table_name, pk_name, column_name
from mg_ref
where merge_id = p_id
group by table_name, pk_name, column_name;
r_fk c_fk%rowtype;
r_col c_col%rowtype;
l_name varchar2(30) default null;
l_old number default null;
l_new number default null;
l_cn number default null;
l_pk varchar2(30) default null;
l_sql varchar2(500) default null;
select table_name, old_id, new_id into l_name, l_old, l_new
from mg_merge where id = p_id;
select count(*) into l_cn
from mg_merge where old_id = l_new;
if l_cn > 0 then
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, 'Can''t undo');
end if;
select c.column_name into l_pk
from user_constraints a
inner join user_cons_columns c on (c.constraint_name = a.constraint_name)
where a.table_name = upper(l_name)
and a.constraint_type = 'P';
l_sql := 'insert into ' || l_name || '(' || l_pk;
open c_col(l_name, l_pk);
fetch c_col into r_col;
exit when c_col%notfound;
l_sql := l_sql || ',' || r_col.column_name;
end loop;
close c_col;
l_sql := l_sql || ') select '|| l_pk;
open c_col(l_name, l_pk);
fetch c_col into r_col;
exit when c_col%notfound;
l_sql := l_sql || ',' || r_col.column_name;
end loop;
close c_col;
l_sql := l_sql || ' from mg_' || l_name || ' where ' || l_pk || ' = :old_id';
execute immediate l_sql using l_old;
open c_fk;
fetch c_fk into r_fk;
exit when c_fk%notfound;
execute immediate
'merge into ' || r_fk.table_name || ' d using mg_ref s '||
'on (s.object_id = d.' || r_fk.pk_name || ' and s.merge_id = :id and s.table_name = :tab_name and s.column_name = :col_name) ' ||
'when matched then ' ||
'update set d.' || r_fk.column_name || ' = :old_id' using p_id, r_fk.table_name, r_fk.column_name, l_old;
end loop;
close c_fk;
execute immediate
'delete from mg_' || l_name || ' where ' || l_pk || ' = :id' using l_old;
delete from mg_ref where merge_id = p_id;
delete from mg_merge where id = p_id;
when others then
if c_fk%isopen then close c_fk; end if;
if c_col%isopen then close c_col; end if;
procedure undo as
l_id number default null;
select max(id) into l_id from mg_merge;
end mg_merge_pkg;
show errors;
We can merge dictionary values by executing the following query:
mg_merge_pkg.merge('street', 2, 1);
And roll back changes request: