I. Disadaptation. Ii. ADHD or lazy moron?

    Warning: This article is not written by a qualified psychiatrist, but by a patient with severe pathology.

    Reminder: ADHD, especially in a pronounced form, exacerbates many cognitive distortions. In patients like me, the Dunning-Kruger effect is prominent. The carelessness that passes all the boundaries compromises the facts and sources of information, and reduced intelligence, with complete disregard for significant details, calls into question the conclusions and generalizations.

    The answer is no! You are not a lazy jerk if you ask yourself such a question. You are a “happy” owner of one or several at once disadaptive mechanisms implemented by your brain, as a result of which some behavioral exits are blocked.

    I will try to answer this question fully enough to those who asked after the last article. And this article, I close the topic ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ ̶ instead of medical self-diagnosis. If in the first article I objectively (as far as possible) presented my portrait, then in the second I wanted to make out specific behavioral examples, so that this would allow us to compare the symptoms as a visual aid. In my opinion, the second article turned out to be bad, and I did not cope with the task.

    But the current one, I hope, will remove questions to itself from those who feed bad suspicions. In this article, I will not focus on characteristic facings, procrastination, and incomplete cases.

    In the next article, I’ll write some general terms and some life hacks, which may allow you to slightly muffle the symptoms and, if your ADHD pathology is moderate or weak, take control of your life.

    I will also allow myself some remarks concerning such a mass phenomenon as disadaptation, which manifest themselves in the widest range. If loss of will, ability to concentrate, desocialization, etc. recognized immediately, many forms of loss of adaptation are taken as a given, part of a character, or simply not identified by “happy” owners.

    “Lazy m *** k”, which burns deadlines, procrastinates, avoids labor, does not fulfill promises and everywhere makes srach, but feels good and happy, not wanting to change anything, we are not interested. He may well be ADHD, but if he doesn’t care, then we’re all the more so. We will just stay away from that.

    Another case: you are not obligatory, violate deadlines, immerse yourself in procrastination and breed piggy in habitats, but you really don't want to do that. However, everything goes by itself, and this is a repeating pattern.

    The reasons for this behavior can be many. Not only ADHD (Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder).

    I. Disadaptation

    The most well-known factors are: anxiety disorder GAD (Generalized anxiety disorder), which continuously loads the fear of failure and, forcing down the focus, prevents to fulfill obligations, to stop procrastinating, to get down to business. A lack of will, chronic fatigue and a sense of the meaninglessness of one’s own actions may indicate a state of learned helplessness with the depressive protocol of the brain’s work - MDD (Major depressive disorder). But disadaptation (hundreds of them, thousands of forms) have a complex or combined set of reasons.

    In Russian culture, appeal to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist is stigmatized. And in all sectors of society. The lumpens profess a cult of brutality, considering the appeal to a specialist of this kind of profile as a weakness: “Here is a shovel, here is manure, here is a field, and there is a sun overhead. And until it has sat down ... ”

    But intellectuals, (especially in the IT environment), prefer to cope with such problems themselves. When experience suggests that high intelligence and high cognitive abilities previously allowed to solve a wide range of tasks from mastering a new programming language to developing heating systems for a country house, false self-confidence arises. Naive comparisons of computer systems with the brain, which IT specialists regularly allow themselves, are especially touching.

    But before trying to reflash your brain, think about this: part of the maladjustments are caused by congenital pathologies, partly by the breakdown of the reward system, partly by the loss of a specific cognitive skill, followed by the reduction of critical neural connections.

    But most often all the factors at once:

    A set of genes provided vulnerability in the psyche → environmental impact provided discomfort → the psyche did not cope and instead of an external response gave an internal → balance in the reward system moved → the limbic system under the action of non-optimal reinforcement with the whip and gingerbread began to develop and consolidate counterproductive cognitive and behavioral responses. Hi, disadaptation! Give the brain some time, it will also rebuild the neural-link architecture for optimal generation of non-optimal responses.

    I hope, habro-community will forgive me causticity. But when you have a hammer in your hands, everything seems to be nails. Probably from here these naive comparisons of the brain with the computer. But, why does it make me laugh:

    (see “Reminder” I paragraph)

    First, because all the power of logical thinking is powerless in the confrontation with the reptile that slid off the coils, which, with its cold clawed legs, stretched out of the most ancient and deep parts of the brain, pulls levers in all the main control centers of the limbic system. And the problem is not that she got out suddenly and broke everything. You have always been a passenger in a taxi, behind the wheel of which sat a lizard.


    Go to the zoo and talk to the Komodo lizard about the benefits of the case in the language of logic, if with the help of logic you are going to persuade the internal lizard to stop sabotage.


    Secondly, when evaluating the range of possibilities of your intellect, remember two outstanding people. One was the greatest physicist of the twentieth century, changing our understanding of space and time, matter and energy. But until the end of his life, he was not resigned to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, which essentially denied the foundations of quantum mechanics and protested against the probabilistic nature of the microworld. The second was perhaps the most prominent inventor and engineer of the twentieth century. He single-handedly created almost all the electric machines and AC-powered devices that underlie modern power engineering. And yes, radio was also invented by him, and not by Popov and not by Marconi. But I remind you that all your condition, as well as all the time and efforts of the second half of his life, he spent on fruitless attempts to force resonant transformers to transmit electric energy over considerable distances without wires. Now, no decent party can do without man-made lightning, but electric energy still shoots through wires.

    I gave these examples not only so that you kill optimism about your abilities in logic. These examples most clearly demonstrate the overwhelming power of emotions. You are rational only where trained and only as long as it does not affect the limbic system. But if, for some reason, it invades the neocortex’s area of ​​responsibility, it quickly subjugates it, forcing any game to be made, so that it confirms and justifies the “lizard” of the beautiful.

    On a smaller scale, you come across a similar everywhere. Surely you have met with generally competent engineers, stubborn in the mystification of the flight to the moon by the Americans. Normal at first glance, biologists, suddenly sharing the myth of the dangers of GMOs. (I’m not talking about Ermakova, of course, even at first glance, she doesn’t seem normal.) Doctors, who seem to be good specialists in their field, but who are against vaccination. Etc.


    1. If your disadaptation has not yet ruined your financial situation, go to a specialist without delay.

    Do not self-medicate! Otherwise, you will quickly come to point 2.

    In one of the following articles, I wanted to carefully consider the methods of rejecting psychotherapists. But (see “Reminder” I paragraph) I am afraid that this will be a walk on very thin ice. Therefore, I am indecisive.

    Psychiatry is not a science. Science she will become in the near future. Basically, the field of psychology, as well as "small" and "large" psychiatry is richly honest, but sincerely erring alchemists in a wide range of skill and practical skills.
    This means that within any of the psychotherapeutic trends and schools, you can look for a specialist who can help. But in general, of course, pure esoterics.

    Because the revolution in neuroscience, in particular in psychology and psychiatry, is happening right now and not in Russia. A flurry of articles on neuroscience published in English is almost unnoticed by the Russian medical community. Only a few professionals are involved in this process and burden themselves with work on a regular and systematic basis to monitor and read this wide stream of publications. Looking ahead, I will say that more or less acceptable results in the field of evidence-based medicine show only the direction of CPT (Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy). Within the framework of other trends, you will most likely find a worthy specialist who can help with a mild emotional breakdown, but he is unlikely to be able to get rid of the established maladjustment and significant psychological disorders. You can mentally talk with anyone, even with Freud, even with Jung, but with the correction of behavioral reactions to Burres Frederick Skinner. Yes, a conversation with him is not so pleasant, but a banana, a red light bulb and an electric shock - these are the right tools for bringing reptilians to their senses.

    For the same reason, I am skeptical about hypnotherapy. Well, yes, there are people prone to hypnotic suggestions. You will not believe, there are even individuals subject to television suggestions. And this is a feature of their consciousness.

    The subconscious mind, to which hypnotherapists turn with suggestions, looks at them with a cold, unblinking gaze.


    !!! The criterion for the credibility of an assertion is the personal opinion of an enthusiast immersed in the problem = amateur who is not an expert. (see “Reminder” I paragraph)

    Remember! Desocialization, loss of contact with like-minded people, self-isolation, alcoholic loneliness, a feeling of persistent fatigue, loss of ability to concentrate, loss of interests, reduced curiosity, a painful feeling of loss of feelings over time become a habit, a way of life, are perceived as normal. But the most common maladjustment - the inability to make a decision - to change the usual way of life when such a decision is long overdue. (Change jobs, business, country ... in a situation where your daily activities have long been funeral for your ambitions and, in general, weeped off).

    For example: self-isolation is not normal, even if you are Aspi! Yes, hanging out from Friday to Monday is not your norm. But complete isolation requires treatment. As well as the inability to get out of the “comfort zone”, although there is no longer any comfort in it.

    2. If your disadaptation has already affected the financial side, or in Russia there are (almost) no qualified specialists in your problem (for example: ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; BPD - Borderline personality disorder ...), then your way is by mobilizing the rest sthenichnost, by the power of his intellect to grab oneself by the hair and drag it up, as the baron known to all of us did. Where science will be the only external point of support. Not all will cope. I now can not cope.

    3. If disadaptation destroyed the financial basis of your life and severely impressed intelligence and / or sthenichnost (will), and there is no close person who can help and fight for you, then this is the saddest option. Try extraordinary measures. For example, buy a bus ticket to Tallinn, and, getting off there, go to London on foot, alone. (put the psyche before the surviving challenge)

    II Do you suspect you have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD)?


    Below I will give a set of signs, in my own opinion, that are characteristic of ADHD. With the DSM-IV / V criteria my list will have nothing to do.

    I intentionally do not duplicate the list of criteria from the DSM-V! (Otherwise, what is the meaning of this scribbling?)

    The list below should be taken as an identikit of the suspect. This is a general portrait as a whole. Details may not be identical or be mild.

    I do not specify the required points and the number of points you must score. Simply, if you generally recognize yourself in the descriptions - this is a reason to look for a specialist. (If, of course, the negative sides of ADHD poison your life, and you are not satisfied with your own efficiency. If you don’t suffer, cope with procrastination, drown in chaos, then it doesn’t matter whether you have ADHD or not. You can only envy).

    I completely agree with the opinion of Orcus13, expressed to the last article, that we can not say for sure: it is a question of a single pathology with a wide range of symptoms, or we are dealing with a variable set of pathologies / dysfunctions. Or maybe this is the extreme value on the normal distribution curve. In fact, only a strong pathology is accompanied by serious maladaptation processes.

    Remember, only a qualified psychiatrist makes a diagnosis! (skilled now deficit in "this country").

    ADHD is put only after the exclusion of all other reasons, when it alone best describes the clinical picture.

    Important: ADHD can not get sick in adulthood.

    ADHD is with us since birth, although the first signs up to 3-5 years old are problematic. All of the following should manifest itself throughout life from childhood.

    Barcode number 1. Since childhood you have never felt awkward. On the contrary, they showed dexterity and reaction not lower than their peers. And in adulthood, when you master new skills that require coordination and dexterity (skate, surf, rollers, monowheel, etc.), you demonstrate good performance. However, since childhood in everyday life, you regularly spilled paint, scattered rice, overturned a sideboard . And still often wake up sugar, salt, and at a party you can roll a floor lamp.

    Barcode number 2. Sugar.If you have never consciously worked out your diet, then most likely you do not measure it with teaspoons, but pour it into the cup “by eye” with a slight excess of the amount necessary for maximum saturation of the sweet receptors on the tongue. With further addition of sugar, tea does not become sweeter, it becomes thicker .

    Barcode number 3. The state of trance (including hypnotic trance) is difficult for you to reach, or not at all. This paragraph is arguably worded, and below I will reformulate it differently, but I added it. Let me explain why:

    In the comments to the previous article, several users expressed their opinion on the effectiveness of the treatment of ADHD by Erickson hypnosis. Before that, I had never investigated the question of what hypnosis is, especially Erickson. Quick googling immediately gives a lot of articles of “real” hypnotists (ok, okay, hypnotherapists) that Erickson hypnosis is a method of immersing a person in a light trance by means of modulated chatter. In short, something akin to "gypsy hypnosis." Classical hypnotherapists have noted the problem of confirming and sustaining the trance induced by such a technique.

    And I would like to ask a question fenix8 . You claim that in your practice you actively apply Ericksonian hypnosis, including with ADHD children. Question: How do you determine that the child is in a trance?

    This picture seems to me as follows: When you are in an unfamiliar environment (at a psychologist’s reception), the characteristic motor and motor activity of the hyperactive can almost completely be turned off. Then the consciousness ceases to scan a new place in search of what would be interesting to grab, twist, turn, disassemble and break and completely flies into the inner world of swarming thoughts and fantasies. How do you understand that the patient is in a trance, and hears your exquisite Ericksonian metaphors, and does not rush about between supernova explosions at a distance of several parsecs from you? I admit that I may be wrong. And since this happens to me often, I apologize to you in advance, and appeal to paragraph 1 of “Reminder”

    Now to hypnosis. To be honest, we all are subject to cognitive distortion “generalization of our own experience.” And I just did not think about what trance is. The most common description of hypnotic trance tells us that this is a deeper and more persistent phenomenon of our everyday states of auto-off consciousness. For example, you sit in the corridor of the polyclinic and wait until the X-ray results are displayed. Or in the evening, tired, you go home by car and arrive at the machine, completely unaware of how we arrived, until we woke up in the courtyard. And here I received a lightning strike.I have never experienced such states! Never, in my whole life, for a single minute! Have you ever come home on the machine? Yes. Have I ever discovered that I was moving to the far right, although I had moved to the far left before, not remembering how I crossed a continuous stream of cars? Yes. It happened, and often, that in a slowly crawling traffic jam, I found my car in the rear bumper in front of a moving vehicle. But I can say for sure where my “conscious” was in this time interval. It didn’t turn off at all, it was competing with Mask in rocket production at that moment, or imagined that the next script was finished and the film turned out to be just an “explosion” (although the script will not be added a year later, and there will be no film, but the bumper will have to be changed ). Neither waiting for a diagnosis, nor trance music,
    Yes, my case of ADHD is resistant strong.

    ADHD is characterized by a continuous stream of thoughts and fantasies that cannot be turned off!

    And this is probably the only common symptom for almost the entire set of types of this hyperkinetic disorder : from a kid who, with a wild aurora, chases the eighth hour around the yard of his tired, barely living Doberman, to a quiet, dreamy girl sitting near the window with a look beyond the horizon. Just sit at the table, smoke a cigarette, look out the window and not think about anything is very difficult or impossible. At best, a swarm of thoughts can be driven away, replacing one, but never passing: “How not to think about anything”!

    Barcode number 4. Above, I have already noted increased and poorly controlled activity of the forelimbs. That my family was called “naughty hands” . Frequent symptom, but not at all mandatory.

    Stroke number 5. At any point in time for the execution you have several equally cool projects or ideas., and this is in addition to the work, the deadline for which was already charred. You seem to be able to rank the tasks with intellect, but emotionally those three are equally important. Super important, maybe even grandiose. Requiring immediate and one-time execution. Neocortex prioritizes, highlighting the working task as the main ones for the momentary performance, and sends a signal to begin to act somewhere in the limbic system. There, this vigorous signal of emotional strength seems to be compared with the strength of the three tasks on which all further development of civilization depends, at least in the Orion arm. The thalamus, receiving a request to activate the maximum of the reward system and reinforcement of all four tasks, sends all four to f **. And the reticular formation dictates a way out: while the brain areas are arguing among themselves, turn on porn or download Battlefield.(Just in case: I do not know where and how the failure occurs, and about the Talamus and f ** y I made it all up.)

    Barcode # 6,7 . There are studies about tests with a black and white card or two sticks of different lengths. The authority and part of the decoy confidently assert, they say, the white card is darker than the black one, and the long stick is shorter than the short one, and this makes all the subjects agree too and accept the point of view of the majority / authority.

    I am taken aback by these results. How so? I do not understand it at all. In fact, lack of respect for authority, coupled with impulsiveness and lack of restraint, often played a disservice to me. Not understanding the question or missing important details, I started to argue and tried to deny authority when right was on their side. And sat in a puddle. But it happened in another way: when I was in the eighth grade, the director brought us a video of the team (someone remembers what it is?) To a biology class with an important look. And together with a biology teacher, he showed us a film about the horrors of telegony. After the film, it was assumed that we as a whole would have to discuss what we saw and express our impressions. Actually, the director took the floor first to summarize the main thing. But I was impatient to speak about from the second minute of a twenty minute film, which I could barely see through. Forces remained silent for another forty-five seconds, but the principal seemed to have just begun his speech, so, jumping up, I finished in an elevated tone for him, for the biology teacher and for the whole class. I did it just before the call. The fact is that before the eighth grade I studied in another school, and there the teacher of biology was of the level of God. My last remark was a recommendation to the director to return to the main specialty - physical education, if he finished all administrative matters, and he has nothing to do. and there the biology teacher was of the level of God. My last remark was a recommendation to the director to return to the main specialty - physical education, if he finished all administrative matters, and he has nothing to do. and there the biology teacher was of the level of God. My last remark was a recommendation to the director to return to the main specialty - physical education, if he finished all administrative matters, and he has nothing to do.

    Therefore, bar number 6 - the neglect of authorities, including the authority of the crowd , and bar number 7 - affective ignoring the consequences of their actions .
    However, at that time there were no consequences.

    Barcode number 8. Almost all studies of ADHD patients mention the instability of social connections between carriers of pathology. Some researchers (I am sure of this firmly) mistakenly explain the volatility of the social circle and the inability to maintain long-term friendships by disrupting the mechanism of empathy, due to the inattention of ADHD students and their inability to understand the emotions of the environment. This is complete rubbish. On the contrary, according to subjective observations, we have increased empathy. Simply, if we change our sphere of interests, we have nothing to talk about with the old environment.But! I did not find the phenomenon described below in any reference book and I did not find any mention of this deviation in any research article. Accordingly, I ask you to treat this point with caution.Yes, the sample is small, but more than twenty surveyed by me confidently confirmed the phenomenon: Autonomy and immunity to collective emotions. I only once in my childhood was at a football stadium. Football does not interest me at all. But a wave of united collective euphoria of the covering tribune during the heads hit the memory. I have not experienced anything. Later I had a service in the army, participation in rallies, open airs with a large crowd of people. I always felt my autonomy, at a time when around the crowd was a single organism enveloped by a single collective emotion. Five of the people interviewed by me for ADHGshnikov confirmed that they are football fans and regularly attend the stadium. At the same time, everyone noted that although they, like all other fans, jump up and react to the goal of a supported team, but they clearly feel their autonomy and inability to merge with the masses in collective joy. The same was confirmed by seven of those surveyed who regularly attend musical concerts - the inability to share collective emotions. And all of the twenty-two available to me for the survey, confidently expressed thatdid not experience collective emotions during public celebrations. The sample is small, but there was not a single exception. Therefore, I have included this item.

    Barcode number 9. In companies and at parties, you are either absent , flying away into the world of your own thoughts and fantasies, or you are too many , and you occupy the entire available space with your emotional speech.

    Barcode number 10. (Frequent, but not mandatory item) Strange and irrelevant ideas live in your head.So personally in my head live thoughts about the low efficiency of electrojet engines. Ionization of the working fluid by electricity requires tremendous energy, and the thrust is calculated in tenths, hundredths of Newton with the kilowatts spent. From time to time I hang out in reflections, on why there are no designs of electric propulsion, where all the electricity would go to accelerate the ions, and the ionization was carried out by the active zone of the reactor, a tubular form. I will never work at LJE, and I already missed my chance to become an engineer, having left the faculty of robotics after the fourth year. Moreover, I obviously will never encounter the design of anything with fissile materials. And yet, for some reason, this strange idea lives on in my head.

    I do not describe the impatience, hatred of the queues, incontinence, all that you already find on the link in the directory.

    Let me remind you that the above is a conditional identikit of the criminal according to the victim, although he personally interviewed another two dozen victims and rummaged in the archive with the statements of other victims.

    Remember that the symptoms of ADHD are very variable and not discrete yes / no.
    I hope that even if you have identified all of the above, then you, my brothers, are becoming softer and more gentle.

    Self-checking against the directory DSM-V makes sense.

    Remember that all aspects of ADHD must be traced from childhood.

    In adulthood, more than half of all cases of ADHD pathology are added.generalized anxiety disorder . But do not dwell on it. We mow, and therefore worried. Although alarming, we mow twice as intensively. Anyway, you should first deal with ADHD.

    Also remember that self-diagnosis is bad, just sometimes there is no way out.
    And then you need to show maximum rationality and emotional restraint. Attempting to pull the owl on the globe, pulling the symptoms by the ears, will only be a deception of himself. Assigning yourself a false, you miss the real.

    In addition, ADHD cannot be cured.

    You can learn to live with it and control the negative manifestations. This, by the way, is a point by which one can mercilessly reject charlatans and incompetent idiots. ADHD cannot be cured in either a child or an adult.Another question is what is possible with moderate severity even without medication: diet, sports and training skills almost completely compensate for it. But in case of a severe case, without preparative reinforcement, it will not be possible to move far.

    If you feel maladjustment, loss of efficiency, reduced interest in life, weakness (asthenia) - this does not mean that you are weaker and worse than Vasya from district 9, which already goes for the third time to the zone, and nothing disturbs it, nothing grieves .

    Again, in Russian society, mental disorders are highly stigmatized. And people prefer to cope / not cope on their own free will, vodka and salted cucumber.

    Most acquired mental disorders are eliminated by CBT, and maladaptation is transformed into adaptability.

    If you can easily make a date with a girlfriend or boyfriend, but do not want to, then this is one thing. But if you can not arrange a date with a girlfriend or boyfriend and therefore do not want, then this is a completely different turn.

    A date with a girlfriend or boyfriend is just an example. Changing jobs, maybe even a country, learning a new language, growing professionally, and establishing contacts with like-minded people all over the world is what makes a person free.

    Drill or not drill - you decide. But the drill must be and must be in good order. However, once you try and start drilling, most likely you will not stop and will not let such a wonderful tool as a drill, forgive, adaptability, break.

    I promised an article about ADHD children following an interview with children from the 4th Department of Child Psychiatry at the Bekhterev Institute. But they, apparently, leave-gardens. A neurologist sensitively refused to talk. It's a pity. He was interesting to me.

    To be continued ... or should not ...


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