Selection of useful materials on Azure. Part 1 - Books

    Hi, Habr! We have prepared for you a selection of useful materials on our cloud platform Azure, which will consist of several parts. In the first part, we collected books on our cloud and a few instructional videos. By the way, all materials are free and available for download!

    The second part of

    Cloud Application Architecture Guide

    Use a structured approach to developing cloud applications. This 300-page e-book on cloud computing architecture discusses architecture, development, and deployment recommendations that apply regardless of the cloud platform you choose. This guide includes steps to:

    • Choosing the right style of cloud application architecture for your application or solution;
    • selection of appropriate computing and data storage technologies;
    • implementation of 10 development principles for creating a scalable, fault-tolerant and managed application;
    • following the five principles of creating high-quality software that guarantees the success of your cloud application;
    • using constructive patterns designed for the problem you are trying to solve.


    Azure Strategy and Usage Guide

    This guide is designed to help your IT team more effectively implement and integrate cloud technologies. You will learn about cloud concepts, as well as Azure tips and tricks:

    • General tips on architecture, identification and cloud design;
    • DevOps and how it combines with cloud technologies;
    • Integration, planning and management of cloud resources;
    • Microsoft Azure Management.


    Stories about working with the cloud

    Learn how colleagues coped with the task of transferring local databases to the cloud. Some viscera:

    • Stories about how companies have upgraded their environment and increased their productivity, scalability, accessibility, and security, have kept their competitiveness and reduced costs;
    • Success stories of companies that have switched to Microsoft Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Data Warehouse;
    • Learning to create easy-to-maintain cloud solutions that play an important role in business development using familiar Microsoft SQL tools.


    Deploying Red Hat in Microsoft Azure

    71% of cloud users use hybrid cloud technologies to promote their business. Compatibility is key to Microsoft, so Red Hat Linux works great with Azure.

    This free guide will help you quickly deploy and maintain Red Hat on Azure. It contains detailed instructions covering several deployment scenarios. → Download

    How to Containerize Your Go Code

    Build cloud apps with Go, and then use Docker containers to deploy to the cloud. In this free e-book, you will find key concepts, step-by-step instructions, and examples of deploying your services to Go in Docker containers. → Download

    Azure Developer Guide

    From this update to the Azure Developer’s Guide, you’ll find out how a complete set of services for the Azure software platform fits your needs. Here you will find information about architectural approaches and the most common situations that arise when creating cloud applications. → Download

    Hybrid Cloud Transformation Management

    Information technology is changing to support business development. The hybrid cloud is crucial for this transformation when data is stored both locally and in the cloud.

    Read this e-book to learn how to manage the transformation of IT environments, including:

    • choose the right tools for a hybrid cloud environment;
    • monitor and restore any platforms, cloud systems and workloads;
    • identify hidden defects and quickly eliminate them;
    • create innovative business solutions using management tools;
    • improve security systems.


    Microsoft Azure Basics

    This book provides insight into important information about Azure key services for developers and IT professionals who are not familiar with cloud computing. Step-by-step demos are included to help the reader understand how to get started with each of the key services. Each chapter is independent, no practical demonstrations from previous chapters are required to understand a particular chapter.

    This book covers the following topics:

    • Get started with Azure;
    • Azure App Service and Web Apps;
    • Virtual machines;
    • Storage service;
    • Database;
    • Additional Azure services.


    We start containers in Azure

    How to quickly start using Azure

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