Windows Phone Statistics Based on Lomogram

    On the Internet, you can rarely find the latest statistics on the use of mobile applications, especially on Windows Phone. I want to fix this situation a bit by sharing the statistics collected on the basis of the Lomogram application for Windows Phone and the Flurry service. Let me remind you that Lomogram became the finalist of the international competition Windows Phone Next App Star, losing only to the winner - Wikipedia, and is also one of the top applications in the photo category.

    On 05/12/2013 at Lomogram:

    • sessions (total): 27 918 229;
    • Sessions (per day): 180,000 - 200,000;
    • average time of use: 44.2 s;
    • users: 5,146,884;
    • average number of active users: 452,621;
    • downloads: 1 817 131.

    Now let's go through the main parameters.

    Download dynamics:

    Number of sessions:

    How often do they launch the application?

    Frequency of all-time launches:

    Retained users (users who have used the application at least once in the last 7 days):

    The same, only in percent:

    Here, the dash-dot line shows the current data, which are calculated approximately, so the actual situation may differ.

    Geography of users:

    It is very clear that the main activity falls on Europe, which correlates with the statistics of sales of Windows Phone devices.

    What languages ​​to translate the application into?

    It is English, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Italian, French, German.

    Devices and OS versions:

    Here we see that the most popular models are Nokia Lumia of different models: 710, 800, 610, 900, 920. HTC and other manufacturers are not represented in the list of the most popular models.

    If we talk about OS versions, it is clear that the application was launched on Windows Phone 8 phones in 10.6% of cases. This does not mean that the share of Windows Phone 8 is exactly 10.6%, because Sessions are taken into account for the entire period, including the period when the Windows Phone 8 platform has not yet been launched.

    Some more recent statistics can be found here and here . You can follow Lomogram on fb , twitter .

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