Opera Software employee sues Mozilla for production secrets

    Someone Trond Werner Hansen , who positioned himself as a designer and musician, was caught transferring a series of production secrets to the Mozilla Foundation. Apparently, Hansen was far from the last person in the Norwegian company (he worked there from 1999 to 2010) - he is called responsible for the appearance of such solutions in the browser as tabs, mouse gestures, integrated search and speed dial panel (Speed ​​Dial ), many of which later migrated to competitors and became, in fact, the industry standard.

    This video will prove in the lawsuit., where Hansen discusses the Mozilla project, codenamed Junior (browser for iPad), on which he worked at the foundation at the time as a designer and programmer. It should be understood that Junior refers to features that Opera has been working on for a long time with the participation of the person involved in the lawsuit - Hansen himself - who later joined the Mozilla Foundation.

    The amount of the lawsuit is rather large and amounts to NOK 20 million, or approximately $ 3.4 million. The Next Web observers managed to contact Hansen and he confirmed that a lawsuit had been filed against him, and he had to return from America back to Norway (it’s interesting that in the USA, Henson, Apparently, he does what he wants to enjoy - he plans to release a music album and, possibly, open an art gallery)

    As often happens in such cases, Henson refused to comment on his problematic situation with Opera, but said that he did not commit anything illegal. Opera lawyers, in turn, spoke out in the sense that Hansen, after leaving Opera Software, acted contrary to contractual obligations to the company and violated statutory confidentiality obligations.

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