A few rules for creating outstanding products

In a post I will try to reveal some secrets of creating outstanding products. The article has nothing to do with Jim Collins' Good to Great. Although I advise everyone to read it.

On some site I saw a picture revealing the process of creating products. It can be expressed in words like this: prototype creation - testing - adjustments - product release - feedback - improvements.

In reality, on the Russian market, everything looks something like this: product release - op b% i - adjustments - product release - well e% ti - adjustments - product release.

Even the ideal, in the view of the source, product creation process has significant shortcomings:

1. Before creating a prototypeyou need to answer the question “Why?” That is, what need will our product satisfy. And here, friends, lies the first and most important secret of success. By thinking about customer needs before creating a product, you significantly reduce the risk of failure. Why? Because you know for sure that this product will be in demand: there is either explicit or implicit demand. So the number of “blind spots of failure” is significantly reduced.

For example, now many are creating online stores. And even more are taught this. As a result, 99.99% of these online stores will close, meeting with real competition. Why? Because many people believe (because they are taught this) that an online store is a sales channel. So, it is dedicated to everyone who thinks so: an online store is a separate project with its positioning and marketing strategy, and not just a showcase. And it should also cover a specific need, and not just sell China.

2. The second question arising from the first (although it is often the opposite, and it’s even good) Who is this product for? That is, who will consume it (buy)?

For example, when creating products for children under 6 years old, you must understand that the real consumers are parents. And you will have to consider their wishes when creating your product. By the way, it is advisable to know your consumer personally, in person and as best as possible. This will significantly increase your chances of creating a truly useful product, as well as open up new opportunities and needs for the target audience.

3. If you are going to create an outstanding product, then before proceeding to points 1 and 2, you need to answer the question “Why should I create any products at all?” That is, you should have an idea that you invest in your business .
What's the point? Most people make decisions intuitively, emotionally. And if you convey your idea to them, then there is some chance that they will penetrate it. And, attention, now they will buy not because you have a quality product, but because "You are the same as them." Someone from our team said: "Outstanding products do not become on production conveyors, but in the minds of consumers." Remember this. By the way, heads are very easy to influence if you know how.

For example, Apple. It is proved that when iphone owners are asked about their brand, they have activated the brain regions responsible for religion. (Roger Dooley "Neuromarketing"). This can be achieved with your product, but you have to put in an “idea”. In marketing, there is a tool that tells how - the mission of the company.

Many technical experts argue with me that the quality of the product is above all. Friends, not at all. Above all, human expectations regarding product quality. (note aut. “But God forbid you create kaku!”)

4. Do you have an idea why it costs to become your customers? You have achieved a clear understanding of the needs that your product will satisfy, and you also have a complete picture of who will buy. Bravo! According to my own estimates, this is 90% success. The point is small - to create a product. After which it will be necessary to open new 100% :)

PS By the way, from my colleagues from IT I constantly hear this comment: “Agile! We must first create a prototype, and then test it and modify it already: speed is most important. ” I specifically asked about the reasons for the failure of IT startups. The third reason was “lack of demand [I would say they could not sell]”.

In short, as required. By the way, on the first - “not the professionalism of the team”, on the second - “burned out”.

I would be glad if you express your thoughts on how to create outstanding products, including in the IT market.

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