Google Street View already works with 50 countries, covering more than 8 million kilometers

    The latest achievement of Street View is the start of work in Hungary and Lesotho (a state in southern Africa, if that). Now the service is already operating in 50 different countries, which, undoubtedly, is a major achievement and merit of the project team. Among other things, the company held the largest one-time update of the system, adding about 560 thousand kilometers of roads in 14 different countries, including France, Italy, Poland, Romania, Russia, Singapore and Thailand.

    In October, the service launched an update, which brought with it 400 thousand kilometers of roads, including such regions as the USA, Great Britain, Italy, Sweden and some other countries. The current update has clearly added several tourist projects of various kinds, including the Pena National Palace in Portugal, the Sha Tin Che Kung Palace in Gokong, and the Kilkenny Castle in Ireland.

    It is worth noting that the service is not so old and old (although sometimes it seems to me that it exists forever). It appeared in 2007, covering just five US cities. After six years, service coverage is already about 8 million kilometers . I don’t even know how long it takes to get around / go around all this, even if purely virtual. Probably, life is not enough. By the way, this service is also used as entertainment - after all, many users try to find something interesting on the streets of their and other cities that can be shared with others (for example, a dead girl on the road , which turned out to be very alive, or there’s a donkey from Botswana ).

    Of course, in the history of the service there were also troubles, such as problems with the violation of the personal lives of citizens of different countries, problems with intercepting data from WiFi networks open to the public and others. Nevertheless, the service is very relevant for many, and for some tourists / travelers it is irreplaceable in general.

    Via theverge

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