Facebook avoided being blacklisted by Roskomnadzor by erasing a suicide blog post

    ≈ A month ago, I mentioned an unpleasant incident with the site KillMePls.Ru , on which Rospotrebnadzor found suicide information that could harm unintentional minors , as a result of which Roskomnadzor blocked the entire site. Now KillMePls, fortunately, is unlocked back; but it was flowers, and now berries: a similar fate threatened a much larger site - the social network Facebook .

    On the website of the TV channel "DO /// D" it is easy to read :yesterday morning (March 28), Roskomnazdor sent an official notice to the Russian representative office of Facebook about the inclusion by Rospotrebnadzor of an entry in this social network into the black list of banned sites. The reason, again, is the suicide information found in some blog post (but is it not specified by a blogger or in some community? ).

    Russian law prescribes to delete an entry that is on this “black list” within three days. (I will allow myself to remind Habrahabr that it was the three-day deadline that was announced in May 2009 in that three-line work by President Medvedev, which in Webplanet was considered to be a likeness of the Japanese trisheche; probably this coincidence is not entirely coincidental.)

    To a question from the TV channel DO /// D about whether blocking the entire facebook.com domain in Russia is possible in case of refusal to delete the blog post, Pikov (head of the press service of Roskomnazdor) said: “ I would not want to think about it. We make every effort to avoid this. ”

    Appendage. Singerofthefall tells me in the comments that Facebook has erased the objectionable record , so there will be no blocking and drama.

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