Ability to use the idea: how new products appear

Original author: Steven Sinofsky
  • Transfer
Ideas are everywhere. Use them. Criticizing them and making fun of them is a kind of “sport” on the net. The very same network, craving for innovation and new approaches, sometimes suddenly enters into a polemic with a stubborn caustic commentator, writing completely out of business. In fact, turning ideas into concrete products is something amazing and magical, this is the very essence of product development.

Products are born from the same publicly available ideas, tools, and even skills. Just a couple of steps separates ordinary products from those that become a breakthrough. To create a breakthrough product, you need to master new paradigms; these paradigms need to be discussed, argued about them, but first of all they need to be used. It takes courage to challenge existing paradigms and put forward new ones.

Discussion paradigm

The respected and often published David Gelertner in his recent article put forward a concept - the possibility of a new metaphor in the computer field. This article is thought-provoking. It seems to me that this is exactly what the author wanted.

In fact, the article cites a new metaphor, proving the importance of metaphors in the evolution of computer science. People interact with computers using metaphors - from two-digit numeric displays to dot-matrix printers, command lines, GUIs, the web, and now in social and mobile ways. In addition, the characteristics of these metaphors are extremely important and deserve discussion and debate.

Unfortunately, as expected, reviews for this post quickly slipped into meaningless, sarcastic comments and all kinds of phrases that were not worth the resources that were spent on their transfer and storage. These comments were even discussed on Twitter. As a result, an article that could provide food for an interesting discussion between the creators of the products turned into a sarcasm championship.

Someone claimed that the idea is not new. That the global info stream is actually broadcast by Google reader. Someone claimed that with Facebook and Twitter we are already in the info stream every day. Someone said that the idea would not work.

I believe that this article is about a metaphor, not a specification, and moreover not an application that can be tested and commented on. The desktop itself, on which I write this, was described in an article in 1945, “How can we think” ( http://www.uic.unn.ru/pustyn/lib/vbush.ru.html - approx. Per.) Its author is Vanivar Bush, who then headed the Bureau of Scientific Research and Development (Office of Scientific Research). And it is worth remembering that the network itself began with an article by Ted Nelson in 1965 on the metaphor of hyperlinks ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertext - approx. Per.) 1993, looking at how to count.

Would these articles become the subject of such mockery? Perhaps, at one time they began to, but history rightly forgot the cries of spiteful critics. We must understand that such publications are what can change computer science.

Read them. Participate in the discussion. Ignore them if you want. Not every one of them is ingenious, and not even every one is worth reading. But there is no sense in scribbling meaningless comments on them or discussing them as if they were specifications for planned specific products.

Product Discussion

Grasping the discussion around a paradigm shift and turning it into a product is real magic. Few, in principle, can do this, and few do. It is very difficult.

The product of the new paradigm will, by definition, turn out to be different, but not all characteristics will radically differ from the original. The most interesting thing about a paradigm-shifting product is how much you have to process the original product.

When creating each new product and each new paradigm, we take ingredients from all over the world and add them to the “primary broth” of development. The output is a product. It will never be the same as the one that was taken as the basis.

What distinguishes a new but essentially old product from one that can fundamentally change our view of technology is a set of solutions, the differences between which can be microscopic. What is the difference between Facebook and Myspace or Fridendster (or heaps of other sites)? Were touch phones up to the iPhone? MS-DOS was one of many command line program loaders.

To take an idea and turn it into a product is a great pleasure and at the same time a challenge. To collect ideas and create a product from them, you need great courage and, often, strong faith in the result.

Articles that challenge the status quo and make us look at the world differently are the source for the outstanding achievements that we all crave.

The use of such a dialogue is the beginning of the development of paradigm-changing products.

Great sunday

Today is a great football game . In the movie "Every Sunday," the hero of Al Pacino, Tony D'Amato, makes one of the most brilliant motivating speeches in history:

“At some point, you realize that in life a game goes by inches - just like in football. Since in any game - even in life, even in football - there is very little room for error. In the sense that if you are late or rush by half a step, you lose. A second earlier, a second later - and did not catch. And these crucial inches are everywhere. In every round of the game, in every minute, in every second. And our team and I are fighting for these inches. We do not spare ourselves or others to win this inch. We peel our fingers in the blood for that one inch. Because we know that together all these inches are the fucking difference between victory and defeat. Between life and death! ”

Ideas are everywhere. Components for new products are everywhere. Only inches separate ordinary products from those that change the world. Be sure - when creating products, you should always clutch at ideas, no matter where they come from.

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