Learning Artificial Intelligence to play the game
Good day, dear reader!
In this article, we will develop a neural network that will be able to play a game specially created for it at a good level.
Note: this article does not explain the term " neural network " and everything connected with it, nor does it provide basic information about network training using the tracing method . We recommend briefly reading these concepts before reading the article.
The goal is to catch as many circles with a green rim as possible, avoiding circles with red.
After touching the ball disappears, and the player is awarded the appropriate points.
In order for the AI to be able to decide where to move the player, you first need to obtain data about the environment. To do this, we will create special scanners , which are straight lines. The first scanner is located at an angle of 180 degrees with respect to the lower boundary of the field.
There will be 68 of them: the first 32 react to bombs (red circles), the next 32 react to apples (green circles), and the last 4 receive data on the finding of field borders relative to the player. Let's call these 68 scanners the input neurons of the future neural network (receptor layer).
The length of the first 64 scanners is 1000px, the remaining 4 correspond to dividing the field in half by the corresponding face of symmetry
Sector (1/4) of the AI field of view
In the picture: input neurons receiving values from scanners.
Values on scanners are normalized, i.e. is brought to the range [0, 1], and the closer the object crossing the scanner is to the player, the greater the value transmitted to the scanner.
So, for learning the NA it was customary to use the trace algorithm (reference paths).
Note: in order to simplify the learning process, the construction of matrices is omitted.
Let us proceed:
After completing the above algorithm, we get the neural network shown in the figure below.
* But that is not all. It is important to correctly interpret the result, namely (Y is an array of output neurons):
Thus, we created and automatically trained a neural network that underlies the player's AI on the gif at the top of the article.
News code is available (implementation of the game and AI) at the link: Link to githab Ivan753 / Learning
That's all. Thanks for attention!
In this article, we will develop a neural network that will be able to play a game specially created for it at a good level.
Note: this article does not explain the term " neural network " and everything connected with it, nor does it provide basic information about network training using the tracing method . We recommend briefly reading these concepts before reading the article.
Start: game description
The goal is to catch as many circles with a green rim as possible, avoiding circles with red.
- Red circles flies to the field in two times more than green;
- The green circles remain within the field, the red ones fly out of the limits and are eliminated;
- Green and red circles can collide and repel with their own kind;
- Player - yellow ball on the screen, can move within the field.
After touching the ball disappears, and the player is awarded the appropriate points.
Next: design AI
The receptors
In order for the AI to be able to decide where to move the player, you first need to obtain data about the environment. To do this, we will create special scanners , which are straight lines. The first scanner is located at an angle of 180 degrees with respect to the lower boundary of the field.
There will be 68 of them: the first 32 react to bombs (red circles), the next 32 react to apples (green circles), and the last 4 receive data on the finding of field borders relative to the player. Let's call these 68 scanners the input neurons of the future neural network (receptor layer).
The length of the first 64 scanners is 1000px, the remaining 4 correspond to dividing the field in half by the corresponding face of symmetry
Sector (1/4) of the AI field of view
In the picture: input neurons receiving values from scanners.
Values on scanners are normalized, i.e. is brought to the range [0, 1], and the closer the object crossing the scanner is to the player, the greater the value transmitted to the scanner.
Algorithm for data acquisition by scanners and its implementation on JS
So, the scanner is straight. We have the coordinates of one of its points (player's coordinates) and the angle relative to the OX axis; we can get the second point using the trigonometric functions sin and cos.
Отсюда получаем направляющий вектор прямой, а значит можем построить канонический вид уравнения этой прямой.
Чтобы получить значение на сканер, нужно посмотреть, пересекает ли какой-нибудь шар эту прямую, а значит, нужно представить уравнение прямой в параметрическом виде и подставить всё это в уравнения окружности, последовательно для каждой окружности для поля.
Если привести эту подстановку к общему виду, получится параметрической уравнение относительно a, b и с, где эти переменные — коэффициенты квадратного уравнения, начиная с квадрата соответственно.
Предлагаем читателю более подробно ознакомиться с этим алгоритмом самостоятельно, используя простейшие определения линейной алгебры
Ниже представлен код сканеров
Отсюда получаем направляющий вектор прямой, а значит можем построить канонический вид уравнения этой прямой.
Чтобы получить значение на сканер, нужно посмотреть, пересекает ли какой-нибудь шар эту прямую, а значит, нужно представить уравнение прямой в параметрическом виде и подставить всё это в уравнения окружности, последовательно для каждой окружности для поля.
Если привести эту подстановку к общему виду, получится параметрической уравнение относительно a, b и с, где эти переменные — коэффициенты квадратного уравнения, начиная с квадрата соответственно.
Предлагаем читателю более подробно ознакомиться с этим алгоритмом самостоятельно, используя простейшие определения линейной алгебры
Ниже представлен код сканеров
Ball.scaners: { //сканеры
length: 1000,
i: [], //значения на сканерах
get_data: function(){ //Ball.scaners.get_data / Получение данных со сканеровvar angl = 0;
var x0 = Ball.x,
var y0 = Ball.y;
var l = Ball.scaners.length;
for(let k = 0; k < 32; k++){
x1 = l*Math.cos(angl),
y1 = l*Math.sin(angl);
Ball.scaners.i[k] = 0;
for(i = 0; i < bombs.length; i++){
if(((k >= 0) && (k <= 8) && (bombs[i].x < x0) && (bombs[i].y < y0)) || ((k >= 8) && (k <= 16) && (bombs[i].x > x0) && (bombs[i].y < y0)) || ((k >= 16) && (k <= 24) && (bombs[i].x > x0) && (bombs[i].y > y0)) || ((k >= 24) && (k <= 32) && (bombs[i].x < x0) && (bombs[i].y > y0))){ //Проверка областей видимости сканеровvar x2 = bombs[i].x,
y2 = bombs[i].y;
var p = true; //проверка на наличие решенияvar pt = true; //проверка на наличие ДВУХ корнейvar t1, t2;
var a = x1*x1 + y1*y1,
b = 2*(x1*(x0 - x2) + y1*(y0 - y2)),
c = (x0 - x2)*(x0 - x2) + (y0 - y2)*(y0 - y2) - bombs[i].r*bombs[i].r;
//------------------------------Проверка восьми возможных случаевif((a == 0) && (b != 0)){
t = -c/b;
pt = false;
if((a == 0) && (b == 0)){
p = false;
if((a != 0) && (b != 0) && (c == 0)){
t1 = 0;
t2 = b/a;
if((a != 0) && (b == 0) && (c == 0)){
t1 = 0;
pt = false;
if((a != 0) && (b == 0) && (c != 0)){
t1 = Math.sqrt(c/a);
t2 = -Math.sqrt(c/a);
if((a != 0) && (b != 0) && (c != 0)){
var d = b*b - 4*a*c;
if(d > 0){
t1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(d))/(2*a);
t2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(d))/(2*a);
if(d == 0){
t1 = -b/(2*a);
if(d < 0){
p = false;
//-----------------------------------if(p == true){
if(pt == true){
let x = t1*x1 + x0;
let y = t1*y1 + y0;
let l1 = Math.pow((x - Ball.x), 2)+Math.pow((y - Ball.y), 2);
x = t2*x1 + x0;
y = t2*y1 + y0;
let l2 = Math.pow((x - Ball.x), 2)+Math.pow((y - Ball.y), 2);
if(l1 <= l2){
Ball.scaners.i[k] += 1 - l1/(l*l);
Ball.scaners.i[k] += 1 - l2/(l*l);
let x = t1*x1 + x0;
let y = t1*y1 + y0;
Ball.scaners.i[k] += 1 - (Math.pow((x - Ball.x), 2)+Math.pow((y - Ball.y), 2))/(l*l);
Ball.scaners.i[k] += 0;
angl += Math.PI/16;
//!---------------Для зелёныхfor(k = 32; k < 64; k++){
x1 = l*Math.cos(angl),
y1 = l*Math.sin(angl);
Ball.scaners.i[k] = 0;
for(i = 0; i < apples.length; i++){
if(((k >= 32) && (k <= 40) && (apples[i].x < x0) && (apples[i].y < y0)) || ((k >= 40) && (k <= 48) && (apples[i].x > x0) && (apples[i].y < y0)) || ((k >= 48) && (k <= 56) && (apples[i].x > x0) && (apples[i].y > y0)) || ((k >= 56) && (k <= 64) && (apples[i].x < x0) && (apples[i].y > y0))){
var x2 = apples[i].x,
var y2 = apples[i].y;
var p = true; //проверка на наличие решенияvar pt = true; //проверка на наличие ДВУХ корнейvar t1, t2;
var a = x1*x1 + y1*y1,
b = 2*(x1*(x0 - x2) + y1*(y0 - y2)),
c = (x0 - x2)*(x0 - x2) + (y0 - y2)*(y0 - y2) - apples[i].r*apples[i].r;
//------------------------------Проверка восьми возможных случаевif((a == 0) && (b != 0)){
t = -c/b;
pt = false;
if((a == 0) && (b == 0)){
p = false;
if((a != 0) && (b != 0) && (c == 0)){
t1 = 0;
t2 = b/a;
if((a != 0) && (b == 0) && (c == 0)){
t1 = 0;
pt = false;
if((a != 0) && (b == 0) && (c != 0)){
t1 = Math.sqrt(c/a);
t2 = -Math.sqrt(c/a);
if((a != 0) && (b != 0) && (c != 0)){
var d = b*b - 4*a*c;
if(d > 0){
t1 = (-b + Math.sqrt(d))/(2*a);
t2 = (-b - Math.sqrt(d))/(2*a);
if(d == 0){
t1 = -b/(2*a);
if(d < 0){
p = false;
//-----------------------------------if(p == true){
if(pt == true){
let x = t1*x1 + x0;
let y = t1*y1 + y0;
let l1 = Math.pow((x - Ball.x), 2)+Math.pow((y - Ball.y), 2);
x = t2*x1 + x0;
y = t2*y1 + y0;
let l2 = Math.pow((x - Ball.x), 2)+Math.pow((y - Ball.y), 2);
if(l1 <= l2){
Ball.scaners.i[k] += 1 - l1/(l*l);
Ball.scaners.i[k] += 1 - l2/(l*l);
let x = t1*x1 + x0;
let y = t1*y1 + y0;
Ball.scaners.i[k] += 1 - (Math.pow((x - Ball.x), 2)+Math.pow((y - Ball.y), 2))/(l*l);
Ball.scaners.i[k] += 0;
angl += Math.PI/16;
Ball.scaners.i[64] = (1000 - Ball.x) / 1000; //левая граница
Ball.scaners.i[65] = Ball.x / 1000; //правая граница
Ball.scaners.i[66] = (500 - Ball.y) / 500; //верхняя граница
Ball.scaners.i[67] = Ball.y / 500; //нижняя граница
Neural Network Design
So, for learning the NA it was customary to use the trace algorithm (reference paths).
Note: in order to simplify the learning process, the construction of matrices is omitted.
Let us proceed:
- At the output of the network, we represent 8 neurons responsible for directions: the first is left, the second is left + up, the third is up, the fourth is up + right, the fifth is right, and so on;
- Let a positive value on a neuron mean that you should move in the direction that is assigned to it, and the negative one is the opposite;
- It is important for us to somehow combine the values from scanners that are at one angle relative to the lower edge of the field. Since if the output is negative, the AI will repel from this direction, we introduce an additional layer (hidden between the input and output), which will add the values of neurons reflecting the corresponding scanners in pairs, and we will take the values from the red neurons with a "-";
- Obviously, the movement to the left is mainly influenced by the information to the left of the player (not only, but this will be taken into account later (*)) - it means that we connect 8 hidden neurons on the left with the neuron responsible for the movement to the left. We establish connections in the following way: a neuron corresponding to a scanner located parallel to the field boundary is assigned a weight of 1, then a neighboring two neurons are assigned a weight of 0.95, adjacent via a single weight of 0.9, and finally an extreme weight of 0.8 in this sector;
- Border neurons are also taken into account: we draw connections to those border neurons to the outputs, the boundaries of which can influence movement.
- It does the same with the remaining seven neurons of the output layer.
After completing the above algorithm, we get the neural network shown in the figure below.
* But that is not all. It is important to correctly interpret the result, namely (Y is an array of output neurons):
Ball.v.x = -(Y[0] - Y[4]) + (-(Y[1] - Y[5]) + (Y[3] - Y[6]))*0.5;
Ball.v.y = -(Y[2] - Y[6]) + (-(Y[3] - Y[7]) + (Y[5] - Y[1]))*0.5;
Thus, we created and automatically trained a neural network that underlies the player's AI on the gif at the top of the article.
News code is available (implementation of the game and AI) at the link: Link to githab Ivan753 / Learning
That's all. Thanks for attention!