New Cyrillic Domain Zones (gTLDs) this year

    There are great chances to see the beginning of registrations in new Cyrillic domain zones this year. Meet the new domains in the zones:

    So why this might turn out to be true.

    Background number one.

    On December 18, 2012, a lottery took place, which played a priority among applications submitted to ICANN for registration of new top-level domain zones. The priority will determine the processing of applications submitted to ICANN. This means that applications with lower numbers are more likely to go through the registration process earlier.

    But ICANN decided to pervert a little, and help, according to them, the development of the Internet in Asia, by highlighting the first hundred priority numbers for domain zones with a name in national languages. Well, of course, domain zones with a Cyrillic name also got there.

    Premise number two.

    In a recent interview , ICANN spokesman Fadi Chehadé spoke not only about the application processing process, the attitude to the development of the Internet in Asia, but also mentioned the date when ICANN expects to issue registration for the first application - April 23 .

    List of applications for Cyrillic domain zones.

    A list of all applications is available on the ICANN website .

    Номер/имя	Организация	Местоположение	Контакное лицо
    6	онлайн	CORE Association	CH	Mr. Werner Staub
    9	сайт	CORE Association	CH	Mr. Werner Staub
    56	рус	Rusnames Limited	RU	Ms. Alexei Sozonov
    61	ком	VeriSign Sarl	CH	Ms. Sarah Elizabeth Langstone
    67	дети	The Foundation for Network Initiatives “The Smart Internet”	RU	Ms. Olga Bocharova
    69	москва	Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development (FAITID)	RU	Ms. Liz Williams
    96	католик	Pontificium Consilium de Comunicationibus Socialibus (PCCS) (Pontifical Council for Social Communication)	VA	Ms. Eloisa Romani
    108	орг	Public Interest Registry	US	-	-	Mr. Brian Andrew Cute

    Is it ready to runet?

    A quick survey of acquaintances showed that the vast majority are not ready to perceive such addresses not by ear, nor visually. I’m probably not going to try to predict the reaction of the community, and I will leave this for your comments.

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