Ubuntu Phone October Survey

Original author: Joey-Elijah Sneddon
  • Transfer


The first Ubuntu Phone will reportedly be available this October.

Reporting a meeting with Shuttleworth earlier this week, Michael Hickins of the Wall Street Journal writes that the founder of Ubuntu has announced plans to ship the phone to two large geographic markets in October this year.

October is much closer than the “beginning of 2014” - the date that Canonical gave up to this point, a date that many critics consider too late if they want to compete with rivals.

Mozilla will launch the first Firefox OS phone in South America later this year. Other mobile phone manufacturers, including ZTE, and more than 7 major national carriers have also announced plans to ship devices with Firefox OS.

Although this does not confirm one of the two territorial goals, Mark notes that North America is a key market for Ubuntu.
Note translator. original: blogs.wsj.com/cio/2013/02/06/ubuntu-smartphone-shipping-in-october
Shuttleworth said the new mobile operating system would be available in two large geographic markets in October, and although it did not name North America as one of two markets, but he said North America is the key market for Ubuntu. He said that the operating system is of interest to operators, as well as those who want to destroy the hegemony of Apple and Google smartphones in the market. Shuttleworth declined to name the operators and mobile partners.

Details specific to scarce. Mark declined to name any mobile partner or carrier.


UPD1. Since at the same time as my translation, they made another translation , I will leave this one as a questionnaire.
UPD2. Added more polls, if what options are clearly not enough, then write in the comments, if you add something.

Only registered users can participate in the survey. Please come in.

Will the October release suit you? (from the author with options from the translator)

  • 33% Yes 398
  • 14.7% No 178
  • 52.1% Difficult to say so far 629

Will Ubuntu Phone Have a Good Market Place? (from translator)

  • 4.2% Yes, but in the corporate sector 61
  • 8% Yes, but in the user sector 117
  • 9.7% Yes, everywhere 141
  • 28.2% Rather Yes 410
  • 40.7% Rather Not 591
  • 9% No, everywhere 132

The reasons why the phone will be able to take a chorea place in the market

  • 10.3% Interface 117
  • 19.3% Easy porting of existing programs 220
  • 50% Possibility to use the phone as Desktop 568
  • 20.2% Pretty big community 230

Reasons why the phone will NOT be able to take a market place

  • 6.1% Interface 78
  • 40% The absence of such a variety of applications as in Andoid, iOS 505
  • 38.6% Places are already taken 488
  • 15.1% Need an even bigger money bag 191

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