iOS Developer: Newbie Book Review
Some time ago, I decided to re-profile as a developer for iOS, and decided to systematize the material. So to speak, compose your roadmap. The result is a review that I would like to share with you.
This review does not purport to be complete, infallible, or ultimate truth.
So, you have purchased an iPhone or iPad. Wonderful devices, isn't it? Some time later, the thought came “would I not create a program for him that will conquer the world?”. I will tell you where to start.
The first thing you need is a computer running Mac OS X. At least a Mac Mini (cost from 20,000 rubles). In another way. In extreme cases, you can install a virtualization system under Windows or Linux (VMWare, VirtualBox, etc.), and already install Mac OS X there (I won’t describe the process itself - we’ve already discussed it many times on the hub).
Second - you need knowledge of the English language. At least in the framework of the “translate with the dictionary” - after the first 2-3 books you will also pull up English (which will never hurt at all) to the level of “free reading of technical literature”. Translation books come out with a giant delay - at least six months to a year. And most do not go out in Russian at all. Yes, and most of the translated programmer’s literature is impossible to read - people who are far from this topic are translating.
Get ready to buy the nth number of e-books (you can also use paper, but a: it will take a long time to transport; b: it will be more expensive). They cost about 25-80 dollars. Yes, expensive, but worth it.
You will mostly program on iOS using Objective-C. Objective-C is an OOP (Object Oriented Programming) add-on for C. So you must know C. The necessary knowledge can be found in
David Mark, James Bucanek. Learn C on the Mac 2nd Edition
Next, you need knowledge of the Objective-C programming language. Great language, relatively easy to learn.
So, the basics of the language can be learned from the books:
Scott Knaster, Waqar Malik, Mark Dalrymple. Learn Objective-C on the Mac 2nd Edition
Aaron Hillegass. Objective-C Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
The next book is, rather, an appendix to previous
Matthew Campbell. Objective-C Recipes
The next thing you need to know for a complete OOP is design patterns. Ideally, it is highly advisable to read the book of the Gang of Four. Design Patterns. Next, a book on patterns for Objective-C:
Carlo Chung. Pro Objective-C Design Patterns for iOS
iOS SDK is a development kit for iPhone, iPad and iPod. Nowhere without his excellent knowledge.
iOS UI - user interface. Simply put, these are buttons, sliders, labels, etc., etc. - all that you see on the screen of your device. Naturally, and this must be known as "our father".
For starters, read this book by
David Mark, Jack Nutting, Jeff LaMarche, Fredrik Olsson. Beginning iOS 6 Development
Further, its continuation:
David Mark, Alex Horovitz, Kevin Kim, Jeff LaMarche. More iOS 6 Development
And to top it off, you can scroll through the application to the two previous books
Hans-Eric Gronlund, Colin Francis, Shawn Grimes. iOS 6 Recipes
The next book is very good - it draws to the title "complete development guide for iOS." Unfortunately, the book is somewhat outdated, but this does not detract from its merits.
Joe Conway, Aaron Hillegass. IOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 3rd Edition
The next two books, so to speak, are for improvement. Each of them is a collection of lessons and explanations of the intricacies of the iOS SDK. All these materials can be found in separate form on these your Internet, but in these books it is collected, weeded out and sorted with special love.
iOS 5 By Tutorials, Second Edition
iOS 6 By Tutorials
The previous books will be enough for you to write simple applications for your mobile device. You will write complex ones after a huge amount of practice. At some point you will want to write a game, and this knowledge is simply not enough for you. To write games you will need many times more knowledge: a mathematical basis, excellent knowledge of geometry up to three-dimensional, a physical basis, the basics of designing AI and much, much, much more ... But you will do it yourself. I’ll just list a set of books that it is advisable to read for a developer of games for iOS.
Lucas Jordan. Beginning iOS 5 Games Development
Kyle Richter. Beginning iOS Game Center and Game Kit
Steffen Itterheim, Andreas Low. Learn cocos2d Game Development with iOS 5
Jayant Varma. Learn Lua for iOS Game Development
Mike Smithwick. Pro OpenGL ES for iOS
Sue Blackman. Beginning 3D Game Development with Unity
Philip Chu. Learn Unity 4 for iOS Game Development
Robert Chin. Beginning iOS 3D Unreal Games Development
Do you think that having read all these books, you will become Senior iOS Developer? No, no, no and no!
Once, Steve Ballmer, becoming the CEO of Microsoft Corporation, told who brings success to operating systems and platforms: “Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! ”
I will change his words: what makes a developer a master? Practice! Practice! Practice! Practice!
No knowledge will outweigh practice. Personally, my advice: after reading in my review all the books from the first to Beginning iOS 6 Development, inclusive, get a job in any company as a junior developer. On any conditions. For any salary. This experience is priceless - you won’t get it from books.
Good luck
Update: the review is intended for complete beginners and does not pretend to be complete, infallible and the ultimate truth.
This review does not purport to be complete, infallible, or ultimate truth.
So, you have purchased an iPhone or iPad. Wonderful devices, isn't it? Some time later, the thought came “would I not create a program for him that will conquer the world?”. I will tell you where to start.
The first thing you need is a computer running Mac OS X. At least a Mac Mini (cost from 20,000 rubles). In another way. In extreme cases, you can install a virtualization system under Windows or Linux (VMWare, VirtualBox, etc.), and already install Mac OS X there (I won’t describe the process itself - we’ve already discussed it many times on the hub).
Second - you need knowledge of the English language. At least in the framework of the “translate with the dictionary” - after the first 2-3 books you will also pull up English (which will never hurt at all) to the level of “free reading of technical literature”. Translation books come out with a giant delay - at least six months to a year. And most do not go out in Russian at all. Yes, and most of the translated programmer’s literature is impossible to read - people who are far from this topic are translating.
Get ready to buy the nth number of e-books (you can also use paper, but a: it will take a long time to transport; b: it will be more expensive). They cost about 25-80 dollars. Yes, expensive, but worth it.
Step 0: Required Basis
You will mostly program on iOS using Objective-C. Objective-C is an OOP (Object Oriented Programming) add-on for C. So you must know C. The necessary knowledge can be found in
David Mark, James Bucanek. Learn C on the Mac 2nd Edition
Step 1: Objective-C
Next, you need knowledge of the Objective-C programming language. Great language, relatively easy to learn.
So, the basics of the language can be learned from the books:
Scott Knaster, Waqar Malik, Mark Dalrymple. Learn Objective-C on the Mac 2nd Edition
Aaron Hillegass. Objective-C Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
The next book is, rather, an appendix to previous
Matthew Campbell. Objective-C Recipes
The next thing you need to know for a complete OOP is design patterns. Ideally, it is highly advisable to read the book of the Gang of Four. Design Patterns. Next, a book on patterns for Objective-C:
Carlo Chung. Pro Objective-C Design Patterns for iOS
Step 2: iOS SDK and iOS UI
iOS SDK is a development kit for iPhone, iPad and iPod. Nowhere without his excellent knowledge.
iOS UI - user interface. Simply put, these are buttons, sliders, labels, etc., etc. - all that you see on the screen of your device. Naturally, and this must be known as "our father".
For starters, read this book by
David Mark, Jack Nutting, Jeff LaMarche, Fredrik Olsson. Beginning iOS 6 Development
Further, its continuation:
David Mark, Alex Horovitz, Kevin Kim, Jeff LaMarche. More iOS 6 Development
And to top it off, you can scroll through the application to the two previous books
Hans-Eric Gronlund, Colin Francis, Shawn Grimes. iOS 6 Recipes
The next book is very good - it draws to the title "complete development guide for iOS." Unfortunately, the book is somewhat outdated, but this does not detract from its merits.
Joe Conway, Aaron Hillegass. IOS Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide, 3rd Edition
The next two books, so to speak, are for improvement. Each of them is a collection of lessons and explanations of the intricacies of the iOS SDK. All these materials can be found in separate form on these your Internet, but in these books it is collected, weeded out and sorted with special love.
iOS 5 By Tutorials, Second Edition
iOS 6 By Tutorials
Application: Games
The previous books will be enough for you to write simple applications for your mobile device. You will write complex ones after a huge amount of practice. At some point you will want to write a game, and this knowledge is simply not enough for you. To write games you will need many times more knowledge: a mathematical basis, excellent knowledge of geometry up to three-dimensional, a physical basis, the basics of designing AI and much, much, much more ... But you will do it yourself. I’ll just list a set of books that it is advisable to read for a developer of games for iOS.
Lucas Jordan. Beginning iOS 5 Games Development
Kyle Richter. Beginning iOS Game Center and Game Kit
Steffen Itterheim, Andreas Low. Learn cocos2d Game Development with iOS 5
Jayant Varma. Learn Lua for iOS Game Development
Mike Smithwick. Pro OpenGL ES for iOS
Sue Blackman. Beginning 3D Game Development with Unity
Philip Chu. Learn Unity 4 for iOS Game Development
Robert Chin. Beginning iOS 3D Unreal Games Development
Do you think that having read all these books, you will become Senior iOS Developer? No, no, no and no!
Once, Steve Ballmer, becoming the CEO of Microsoft Corporation, told who brings success to operating systems and platforms: “Developers! Developers! Developers! Developers! ”
I will change his words: what makes a developer a master? Practice! Practice! Practice! Practice!
No knowledge will outweigh practice. Personally, my advice: after reading in my review all the books from the first to Beginning iOS 6 Development, inclusive, get a job in any company as a junior developer. On any conditions. For any salary. This experience is priceless - you won’t get it from books.
Good luck
Update: the review is intended for complete beginners and does not pretend to be complete, infallible and the ultimate truth.