Mikrosha PC is one of the clones of Radio 86RK

    It so happened that in childhood, before meeting with the IBM PC, I had a Mikrosha PC at my place - a clone of the amateur computer Radio-86RK. I bring to your attention a small review of this Soviet computer.

    The documentation contains the following equipment:
    • system unit;
    • Power Supply;
    • modulator;
    • software cassette;
    • manual;
    • spare insert fusible;
    • description.

    Only the manual and description were missing, everything else was preserved in a completely working condition. Using the modulator, the PC could be connected to the TV, but in my family I had a b / w monitor, incl. it was possible, without disturbing anyone, playing games or programming. Although it was quite difficult to type programs on Mikrosh, because the keys constantly jammed and it was very annoying! The lack of a graphical mode also upset - you could draw only in pseudographics.

    PC serial number:

    PC specifications:
    • capacity: 8 bits
    • RAM: 32 Kb
    • Image format: 64x25 characters or 128x50 pseudo-graphic dots
    • Microprocessor Frequency: 1.8 MHz
    • Register-to-register or arithmetic type operation time: 3 μs

    Let's take a look at how this miracle of computer technology looks (for lovers of large photos - the pictures are clickable): General view. Connectors Power Supply. Armed with a screwdriver, let's see what is inside: For the most curious, the scheme downloaded and then glued from 4 pieces: Now it's time to try turning it on! Then I was disappointed. Due to the lack of TVs within reach, I connected it to a TV tuner and I couldn’t get a picture of acceptable quality: I tried to change / shorten the cable - to no avail! :-( In this regard, there will be no review of programs. But, all lovers of antiquity can get an unforgettable experience using the emulator of Radio-86RK and other PCs: emu80.org

    There is also a completely wonderful online emulator: radio86.googlecode.com , which completely satisfied my nostalgic feelings.

    Because I planned to upload programs to Mikrosha from a computer, I saved the programs from the cassette from the kit to mp3: Mikrosha_programs_mp3.zip incl. programs, if desired, can be downloaded, for example, from the phone.

    To download programs directly from your computer, there is an even more convenient way, the description of which I found on the site home.onego.ru/~bav9/9.html : You
    must use the WriteRKWin console utility from the emu80.org emulator kit . Programs in RKM format can be downloaded there.
    I took the liberty and put together the programs for Mikroshy from this beautiful site into one archive: Mikrosha_programs_RKM.zip (WriteRKWin is also included in it).

    To download the program, you need to run WriteRKWin (under wine, by the way, it works) as follows:

    WRKWIN32.exe <file.RKM>

    Write constant for Mikroshi: 24 .
    Then on “Mikrosh” we introduce the “I” directive, press Enter on the computer, and then on the “VK” beep on “Mikrosh”.

    Useful links given above:
    1. The page dedicated to "Mikrosh" with a description, documentation, diagrams and programs: home.onego.ru/~bav9/9.html
    2. Emulator: emu80.org
    3. Online emulator of Radio 86RK: radio86.googlecode.com
    4. The manual, downloaded from the site No. 1, is simply assembled in one archive.
    5. Programs for Mikroshi in the RKM format of site No. 2
    6. Program from cassette to mp3.

    1. Roman SysCat in the comments noted that this behavior of the computer is caused by the lack of capacitors. They were bitten by one bad person 15 years ago, I don’t know how I didn’t notice it when I took it apart. :-(
    2. Mikrosha moves to Dima Newbilius . I hope he takes care of him. :-)

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