We make Lytro style photos ourselves

    Of course, one of the disappointments of 2012 was the Lytro camera . Great concept turned out not so comfortable in life. Many owners of this unique camera complain that it’s quite difficult to get spectacular photos. If you don’t know what the feature of this camera is, you can take a look at these two reviews . In short, you can select the desired sharpness for certain areas in the photo. Thanks to the efforts of the guys from The Chaos Collective, now anyone can take Lytro-style photos!

    The principle of operation is quite simple. It is necessary to shoot a video and change the sharpness. Then we upload the video to the site, and the algorithm processes your video and gives a finished result.

    1) Take a camera that has manual focus for shooting video.
    2) Choose the correct position so that everything fits into the frame.
    3) Use a tripod or try not to shake the camera.
    4) For the best effect, set the minimum aperture F value.
    5) Unscrew the focus completely and start recording.
    6) Slowly change focus while recording.
    7) Stop recording and upload it to the computer.

    The video must be in a format that supports HTML5. I just uploaded the video from the camera to Youtube, and then downloaded it through kissyoutube.
    That's what happened with me, though the lighting is bad.

    And here is the processed picture, click on the part of the photo that you want to get in focus.

    dof.chaoscollective.org/dof/1uf8rc4af4ghg (failed to embed)

    You can read a little more details and try to make your own picture on the dof.chaoscollective.org page. I
    suggest sharing the result in the comments.

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