Simple security check on your servers


    I propose to do a simple security check on your servers.

    The essence of the check is very simple. We switch to the user from which services, such as a web server or database, are launched, and look at what files in the system he can read and write. It is necessary to run from under all users, from under which the services looking into the world work. If you have never done it before, abysses may open, but do not panic and correct everything quickly.

    I note that for example the Apachev user should not have rights to change and delete Apachev logs.

    Happy New Year!


    Read check

    su -l www-data
    find / -type d \( -wholename '/dev/*' -o -wholename '/sys/*' -o -wholename '/proc/*' \) -prune -o -exec test -r {} \; -exec echo {} is readable \; 2>/dev/null

    Write check

    su -l www-data
    find / -type d \( -wholename '/dev/*' -o -wholename '/sys/*' -o -wholename '/proc/*' \) -prune -o -exec test -w {} \; -exec echo {} is writable \; 2>/dev/null


    Read check

    su -m www -c /usr/local/bin/bash
    find / -type d \( -name dev \) -prune -o -exec test -r {} \; -exec echo {} is readable \; 2>/dev/null

    Write check

    su -m www -c /usr/local/bin/bash
    find / -type d \( -name dev \) -prune -o -exec test -w {} \; -exec echo {} is writable \; 2>/dev/null

    The output of these commands can be redirected to a file and then watch it with convenient means, for example
    cut -d'/' -f1,2,3 < write.out | sort -u

    timukas suggested that newer versions of gnu find can be checked even easier:
    su -l user 
    find / ! -writable
    find / -writable

    Also popular now: