Splitting a string by separator. A little about CONNECT BY
I work as a PL / SQL developer. There is a task to collect some data for metrics in order to track the loading of systems. There is some function that is called with a parameter consisting of a list of IDs.
The task is as follows. It is necessary to break such a string into elements and write them into an integer collection.
Let's get started
First you need the data to work. We write a function that generates a string with numbers separated by a comma. We will pass an integer argument N to the function - the number of numbers in the sequence.
We will not be wise, the sequence will be done with the type VARCHAR2, not CLOB. Further I will explain why VARCHAR2.
Function code for sequence generation:
Let's return to our task.
The first thing that comes to mind is to loop through the line, with a decrease in the length of the line at each iteration. Since, by the condition of the problem, the result needs to be placed in the collection, we will create the corresponding collection.
Result: The createNumber () function takes the argument v_N = 1000. In the createNumber () function, you can see the handling of the v_str variable overflow. By a simple calculation one can find out that 4000 bytes is enough for 1021 numbers. Our 1000 easily fit into this size. As you can see, the result is the one that was needed. The string is divided. Even if there is no built-in split () function in Oracle, such as in Java or Python, this option does not suit me, since I think that too much code is written for such a simple task as breaking up a string. At this stage, I wondered, is it possible to break a string only with SQL? I mean not classical SQL, but that SQL which is offered by Oracle. I remembered the construct for constructing hierarchical CONNECT BY queries.

The optional START WITH statement tells Oracle where to start the loop, i.e. which line will be the root. The condition can be almost anything. The condition after CONNECT BY must be specified. Here you need to tell Oracle how long to continue the cycle.
It can be seen that the only important condition for building a hierarchical query is the CONNECT BY operator, the rest is “strung” as needed.
Also, this construct has a pseudo-column level, which returns the nesting level at the current iteration.
At first glance it may seem that this construction is not suitable for splitting a line. This is not quite true. If the condition is correctly set, the recursive traversal can be turned into a cyclic one, as in a while or for loop.
Before writing a query, let's think about a string traversal algorithm. It is necessary, starting from the beginning of the line, to cut off a certain number of characters, to the delimiter character. Above, I wrote about the pseudo-column level. We will use it as the current iteration number.
It turns out something like this:
But if you look closely, you can see that this algorithm does not work at the very first iteration, since the third argument of the INSTR () function cannot equal 0.
Therefore, we add a small condition using the DECODE () function.
Now the very first iteration will work correctly.
It's time to apply the CONNECT BY construct. Plus we will take our line to the top.
I already wrote that with the right condition, the CONNECT BY construct can behave like a loop. The condition is fulfilled as long as the INSTR () function can find the nth position of the delimiter character, where n is the number of the current iteration, and as we remember the iteration number is the pseudo-column level.
It seems that the problem is solved? Not.
The code may work, but its readability is zero. I was already thinking about going back to the cycle option, but I figured out how to improve the CONNECT BY version.
Oracle has such a powerful tool as regular expressions. Specifically, the regexp_instr () and regexp_substr () functions.
Rewrite the query using regular expressions:
The code reads much better than in the previous example. This option suits me.
In the end, it would be logical to give a comparison of the time to parse the line for the three options. Above, I promised to explain why instead of the CLOB type, we will use the VARCHAR2 type. This is needed just to compare the execution time. Because Oracle processes the CLOB type differently than VARCHAR2, which can skew the results.
The results are summarized in the table:
Honestly, the result is unexpected for me. I assumed that the third option would be the fastest. Well, it will be a lesson.
Thanks for reading!
List of sources used:
1. Hierarchical (recursive) queries
I work as a PL / SQL developer. There is a task to collect some data for metrics in order to track the loading of systems. There is some function that is called with a parameter consisting of a list of IDs.
The task is as follows. It is necessary to break such a string into elements and write them into an integer collection.
Let's get started
First you need the data to work. We write a function that generates a string with numbers separated by a comma. We will pass an integer argument N to the function - the number of numbers in the sequence.
We will not be wise, the sequence will be done with the type VARCHAR2, not CLOB. Further I will explain why VARCHAR2.
Function code for sequence generation:
v_str VARCHAR2(4000) := '0';
too_small EXCEPTION;
PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(too_small, -6502);
v_str := v_str || ',' || TO_CHAR(i);
WHEN too_small
RETURN v_str || ',';
Let's return to our task.
The first thing that comes to mind is to loop through the line, with a decrease in the length of the line at each iteration. Since, by the condition of the problem, the result needs to be placed in the collection, we will create the corresponding collection.
v_N PLS_INTEGER := 1000;
v_str VARCHAR2(4000) := createNumbers(v_N => v_N);
TYPE tab_number IS TABLE OF NUMBER(5);
t_str tab_number := tab_number();
t_str(t_str.COUNT) := SUBSTR(v_str, 1, INSTR(v_str, ',', 1) - 1);
v_str := SUBSTR(v_str, INSTR(v_str, ',', 1) + 1);
FOR i IN t_str.FIRST..t_str.LAST
Result: The createNumber () function takes the argument v_N = 1000. In the createNumber () function, you can see the handling of the v_str variable overflow. By a simple calculation one can find out that 4000 bytes is enough for 1021 numbers. Our 1000 easily fit into this size. As you can see, the result is the one that was needed. The string is divided. Even if there is no built-in split () function in Oracle, such as in Java or Python, this option does not suit me, since I think that too much code is written for such a simple task as breaking up a string. At this stage, I wondered, is it possible to break a string only with SQL? I mean not classical SQL, but that SQL which is offered by Oracle. I remembered the construct for constructing hierarchical CONNECT BY queries.

The optional START WITH statement tells Oracle where to start the loop, i.e. which line will be the root. The condition can be almost anything. The condition after CONNECT BY must be specified. Here you need to tell Oracle how long to continue the cycle.
It can be seen that the only important condition for building a hierarchical query is the CONNECT BY operator, the rest is “strung” as needed.
Also, this construct has a pseudo-column level, which returns the nesting level at the current iteration.
At first glance it may seem that this construction is not suitable for splitting a line. This is not quite true. If the condition is correctly set, the recursive traversal can be turned into a cyclic one, as in a while or for loop.
Before writing a query, let's think about a string traversal algorithm. It is necessary, starting from the beginning of the line, to cut off a certain number of characters, to the delimiter character. Above, I wrote about the pseudo-column level. We will use it as the current iteration number.
It turns out something like this:
INSTR(str, ',', 1, level - 1) + 1,
INSTR(str, ',', 1, level) - INSTR(str, ',', 1, level - 1) + 1))
But if you look closely, you can see that this algorithm does not work at the very first iteration, since the third argument of the INSTR () function cannot equal 0.
Therefore, we add a small condition using the DECODE () function.
DECODE(level, 1, 1, INSTR(str, ',', 1, level - 1) + 1),
INSTR(str, ',', 1, level)
- DECODE(level, 1, 1, INSTR(str, ',', 1, level - 1) + 1))
Now the very first iteration will work correctly.
It's time to apply the CONNECT BY construct. Plus we will take our line to the top.
TMain AS (SELECT'100,200,300,400,500' || ','ASstrFROM DUAL)
DECODE(level, 1, 1, INSTR(str, ',', 1, level - 1) + 1),
INSTR(str, ',', 1, level)
- DECODE(level, 1, 1, INSTR(str, ',', 1, level - 1) + 1))
CONNECTBY NVL(INSTR(str, ',', 1, level), 0) <> 0;
I already wrote that with the right condition, the CONNECT BY construct can behave like a loop. The condition is fulfilled as long as the INSTR () function can find the nth position of the delimiter character, where n is the number of the current iteration, and as we remember the iteration number is the pseudo-column level.
It seems that the problem is solved? Not.
The code may work, but its readability is zero. I was already thinking about going back to the cycle option, but I figured out how to improve the CONNECT BY version.
Oracle has such a powerful tool as regular expressions. Specifically, the regexp_instr () and regexp_substr () functions.
regexp_instr(исходная_строка, шаблон[, начальная_позиция [, вхождение ] ])
- the function returns the position of the character at the beginning or end of the match for the template, as well as its counterpart INSTR (). regexp_substr(исходная_строка, шаблон[, позиция [, вхождение ]])
- the function returns a substring that matches the pattern.Rewrite the query using regular expressions:
TMain AS (SELECT'100,200,300,400,500' || ','ASstrFROM DUAL)
SELECT regexp_substr(str, '[^,]+', 1, level)
CONNECTBY NVL(regexp_instr(str, '[^,]+', 1, level), 0) <> 0;
The code reads much better than in the previous example. This option suits me.
In the end, it would be logical to give a comparison of the time to parse the line for the three options. Above, I promised to explain why instead of the CLOB type, we will use the VARCHAR2 type. This is needed just to compare the execution time. Because Oracle processes the CLOB type differently than VARCHAR2, which can skew the results.
The code for evaluating the three options:
v_N PLS_INTEGER := 1000;
v_str VARCHAR2(32767);
v_startTime TIMESTAMP(9);
v_endTime TIMESTAMP(9);
TYPE tab_number IS TABLE OF NUMBER(5);
t_str tab_number := tab_number();
v_str := createNumbers(v_N => v_N);
v_startTime := SYSTIMESTAMP;
t_str(t_str.COUNT) := SUBSTR(v_str, 1, INSTR(v_str, ',', 1) - 1);
v_str := SUBSTR(v_str, INSTR(v_str, ',', 1) + 1);
v_endTime := SYSTIMESTAMP;
dbms_output.put_line(v_endTime - v_startTime);
v_str := createNumbers(v_N => v_N);
v_startTime := SYSTIMESTAMP;
DECODE(level, 1, 1, INSTR(v_str, ',', 1, level - 1) + 1),
INSTR(v_str, ',', 1, level)
- DECODE(level, 1, 1, INSTR(v_str, ',', 1, level - 1) + 1)))
CONNECTBY NVL(INSTR(v_str, ',', 1, level), 0) <> 0;
v_endTime := SYSTIMESTAMP;
dbms_output.put_line(v_endTime - v_startTime);
v_str := createNumbers(v_N => v_N);
v_startTime := SYSTIMESTAMP;
SELECT TO_NUMBER(regexp_substr(v_str, '[^,]+', 1, level))
CONNECTBY NVL(regexp_instr(v_str, '[^,]+', 1, level), 0) <> 0;
v_endTime := SYSTIMESTAMP;
dbms_output.put_line(v_endTime - v_startTime);
The results are summarized in the table:
Splitting option / Number of numbers | ten | 100 | 1000 |
Cycle | 0.05ms | 0.15ms | 1.52ms |
CONNECT BY | 0.18ms | 0.68ms | 18.1ms |
CONNECT BY + regular expressions | 0.25ms | 12.1ms | 1s 137ms |
Honestly, the result is unexpected for me. I assumed that the third option would be the fastest. Well, it will be a lesson.
Thanks for reading!
List of sources used:
1. Hierarchical (recursive) queries