Gingerbread Man

    I read a fairy tale about Kolobok to children and began to clarify managerial positions for myself on the examples of this hero. We proceed immediately to the climax - to the Fox. Since all the managerial fights of Kolobok with the Hare, Wolf, and Bear are monotonous and are not of interest.


    So, Kolobok sings a song saying that he left everyone - what does he show by this? His superiority and pride from victories, which leads him to defeat. What does the fox do? Holds a workshop stratagem. Let's look at the purity of the fox's moves.

    The first thing she does: adapts to the picture of the world Kolobok. What is value to him? Song. She cares about the enemy and thinks about what is important and valuable to him. What does she say?“What a nice song! - said the Fox. “But I, Kolobok, became old, I hear hard; sit on my face and drink it a little louder again. ” The gingerbread man jumped up on Fox's face and sang the same song. “Thank you, Kolobok! Nice song, I would still listen! Sit on my tongue and sing for the last time. ” She did not tell him that she wanted to eat it. In my opinion, the Fox realized the strategy “To hide a knife in a smile”. Moreover, the capture was the words: “I became old” - the specious reason for the act is on display.

    Before us is a beautiful and, most importantly, edible package of a fox's act - to lure Kolobok closer. Further, “changes give way to change”, Kolobok comes closer: “Thank you, Kolobok! Nice song, I would still listen! Sit on my tongue and sing for the last time. ”. What does the fox do? First: thanks to Kolobok for the song. The fox is in no hurry, she knows that Kolobok is her - the capture is fixed. Second: praise - again an acceptable packaging for the next act - requests to sing again.

    Third: The fox does not lie anywhere. Is the song good? She’s good, she’s still good, because she, Lisa, this song promises such a prize, she asks to sing the song for the last time - this is also true, but only Lisa knows that this will really be the last time in Kolobok’s life, and Kolobok thinks that the last time - this is for the fox. On the face is not the adequacy of the picture of the world Kolobok - what did he lean on? What turned out to be empty - to someone else's picture of the world. What was pleasant to him? - boast, what did he want? Singing a song - his needs were met.

    Digression: now that I am being praised, or I really want to be praised, you can remember how the fairy tale about Kolobok ended. Why did Kolobok get to such a picture of the world? Because every victory gave him self-confidence and pride, he violated the main commandment of the manager: in misfortune seek benefits, in victory - misfortunes. Those. in victory, consider possible misfortunes from victory - then, and only then can you see them, and, accordingly, avoid them.

    Conclusion: when you force someone to praise you, or wait for praise, do not be surprised that you yourself are pushing someone to the role of the Fox, and yourself to the role of Kolobok. An example of the thoughts of the leader whom the employee pushes to the role of Lisa, expecting praise: “if he (the employee) expects to be praised, then he is conceited, that means he will ask for a higher salary, or he will wait for a better offer, even from competitors. So, he needs to be fired without spending extra money and effort on him to increase his salary, training, etc. ”

    The fox withstood all the moves: every step Kolobok was no worse than the previous one, but on the whole they led to defeat. And Kolobok, after all, was very strong - he was such a fast runner - he left everyone! But he was pulled, unnoticed by him, across the ice.

    The highest managerial skill of the fox was manifested in the fact that Kolobok did not even notice that he had lost.


    Now let's imagine that if Kolobok was smarter, how would he behave?

    What was he supposed to do? Do not leave grandparents? but still would have to leave. Suppose gone, what's next? It is edible, everyone wants to eat it - there are predators all around. Living conditions are not the best, but you need to live. First: disguise - pretend to be an inedible Kolobok. To say that: "I am rotten, moldy" is a war where moral deception is moral, otherwise you will be eaten. How did he achieve all his previous victories? Distraction. His song distracted his enemies. They did not think that Kolobok had enough “dough in his head” to run away. There is an underestimation of the enemy by the first oncoming Kolobok. But, all these successes were not steps to the top, but a ladder into the fox’s stomach. All his successes in avoiding light opponents were to train his endurance. What for? In order not to sing songs to the first comer.

    Suppose he comes across a serious opponent - the Fox. What should have alerted him? The fact that the Fox did not say that she wants to eat it, but said: “Hello, Gingerbread Man! How pretty you are. ". (This, by the way, is the first step at the beginning of losing Kolobok - capture capture). Kolobok ignored this danger signal because he was in love with himself and his song. What should Kolobok put on alert? “I’m a delicious Kolobok, everyone wants to eat me, Lisa doesn’t say that she wants to eat me, that means she’s up to something, she’s not behaving like everyone else, so, most likely, she hides her intentions.” How to find out Fox’s intentions? - task Kolobok number 1. How can I do that? It will come closer to a deer (because if you are a bad archer, come closer, you will not miss). But you need to get closer so that the enemy does not suspect what you want to find out. You can’t leave, you need to distract. The gingerbread man was to find out: What is important for the fox? To do this, you need to probe the soil: "And you Fox, do you really want to eat?" - Kolobok could ask. Fox answer: no, I don't want I want to listen to your song - this is a sign to run. Put the Fox answered: yes, I want to eat. The second answer would have set Fox to consider his picture of the world, which, as you know, does not endure fuss, and Kolobok would at least buy time and his chances of running away would increase significantly.

    I hope my reading of Kolobok will help to better understand the importance of knowledge of the principles of managerial struggle, because management is not only in business and in life, but even in the fairy tale sphere - that’s what usefulness of fairy tales is not even in childhood

    UPD: I was inspired by this topic seminars and books by Vladimir Tarasov, in particular, his analysis of managerial fights, and his analysis of the Machiavelli Directorate served as a model of analysis.

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