Google releases second version of Maps Android API
Today, Google released an update to the Maps Android API . The new API contains vector maps that not only load faster, but also allow users to easily switch between 2D and 3D modes in which maps can be rotated using gestures.
Here is what the company says on its blog:
With the new version of the Google Maps Android API, developers will be able to use Google Maps to the fullest. We have implemented many features often required by developers, such as:
- More dynamic and flexible UI design for large screens of Android devices, such as tablets using Android Fragments .
- More layers of Google Maps for your applications, including satellite, hybrid, traffic jams, as well as a new layer - internal maps for major airports and shopping centers.
- Now you need even less code to create markers and info windows (infowindow).
Some of our favorite apps already use Google Maps, such as Trulia, Expedia Hotels and FlightTrack. Soon, when you upgrade to new versions of these applications, you will try the new API and the maps will look just as good as in the native Google Maps application for Android.
New Trulia Interface
In addition to the news, a video in English with details about the innovations in the new version of the Maps API:
UPD: Thanks to the commentators, the minimum required OS version is Android 2.2.