The night online broadcast of The Lean Startup Conference 2012

    Agile42, JetBrains, and e-Legion are inviting you to the unusual nightly online broadcast of The Lean Startup Conference 2012 , which will be held in San Francisco on December 3-4.

    Find out what modern methods and techniques can help you build profitable products from the best experts in Silicon Valley and representatives of world famous brands. The broadcast will take place on the night of December 3rd to 4th , from 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. in the office of JetBrains. Admission is free, limited seats. To participate, you must register . The conference will be held in English, without translation. During the evening, guests will be offered snacks and drinks.


    Also, the broadcast will take place in Moscow , Samara and Yekaterinburg .

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